[Add name of SPH degree program here]
[Add program description here]
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○ [List course titles and credits here]○ Remove bullet points to add a text section instead of a list of courses○ Adjust font size as needed○ To adjust the location of the bullet points in relation to the text, make sure Show Ruler is selected from the View menu and then adjust the First Line Indent and Left Indent while your text is selected○ When formatting a list, First Line Indent controls the location of the bullet point and can be moved independently from other ruler elements○ When formatting a list, Left Indent controls the location of the text relative to the bullet point. Moving Left Indent also causes First Line Indent to move.[Header style 2]
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[subheading]○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item /
[Header style 4], continued
[subheading]○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item[Header style 4]
[subheading]○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item[subheading]○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item○ List item /[Header style 1: Contact Info]
[Header style 5: Major Coordinator]
[Name of contact][Email: add email, automatic link will be blue. then change link color to dark gray]
[Example URL:]
[Header style 5: Office of Admissions & Student Resources]
[Toll Free:]