of the
NEPCO HOA General Membership Meeting
January 10, 2009
The bimonthly NEPCO general membership meeting was held Saturday, 10 January 2009, at the Family of Christ Lutheran Church on Baptist Road from 10:00 to 11:45 AM.
Attendance: The following homeowner association’s representatives from NEPCO members were present:
Bent Tree Homeowners Association, John Heiser
Copper Ridge Homeowners Association, Bobbi Gordon
Gleneagle Civic Association, Dave Powell and Bob Swedenburg
Gleneagle 3 Homeowners Association, Don Moller
Gleneagle Homeowners Association, Beverly Carlson
High Meadow at Fox Run HOA, Louise Link
Kings Deer Homeowners Association, Jim Hazuka
Kingswood Property Owners Association, Theresa Mizer & Lewis Farmer
Paradise Villas, Ray & Carolyn Hazlip
Ridge at Fox Run Homeowners Association, Dave Patton
Summer Glen Estates, Peter Pasquale, Ralph Nussbaum, Lisa Heastan, Myrna Whitfield and Dick LaRue
Sun Hills Association, Ginny Markl
Sun Mesa Townhome Owners Association, Dick Ove
Sunrise Townhome Association, Priscilla Eagye
Woodmoor Improvement Association, Hans Post Uiterweer & Steve Kearney
The following NEPCO member HOAs were absent:
Arrowwood Improvement Association
Chaparral Hills Residential Area
Donala Club Villa HOA
Eagle Villas Owners Association
Gleneagle North HOA
Heights Property Owners Association
Higby Estates HOA
Nichlas HOA
Pastimes Owners Association
Red Rocks Ranch HOA
Timberview Property Owners Association
Timberview 2 Property Owners Association
NEPCO Board members present were Han Post Uiterweer (President), Steve Kearney (Vice President and LUC Chairman), Bob Swedenburg (Secretary), Ginny Markl (Treasurer), and Louise Link (Program Facilitator). A quorum was present.
NEPCO’s guests were Mr. Bob Torres and Mr. Gary Heckman from Jacobs corporation.
Opening: Hans Post Uiterweer, President, opened the NEPCO meeting at 10:00 AM. Hans welcomed all attendees and our guest speakers, Bob Torres and Gary Heckman.
Minutes Approval: Hans then briefly reviewed the minutes from the last general NEPCO meeting of 11 Oct 2008 and asked for a motion to approve. The motion was made, seconded, and the vote of approval was unanimous.
Introductions and Section 8.02 Waiver: Hans then introduced the newly elected NEPCO Board members and stated how pleased he was to be working with such talented and dedicated board members. Hans then read the NEPCO Bylaws section 8.02 that has required a recent waiver vote by the Board since two Board members are from the same HOA.
Treasurer’s Report:
Financial Status: Ginny Markl provided a summary of financial transactions since the last NEPCO meeting. She stated that all financial transactions are maintained by the Treasurer, and this information is available to any NEPCO member requesting it. She reported the current balance is $2505.83.
Secretary’s Report:
Membership Status: Bob stated that NEPCO now consists of 26 HOAs which has 6802 homes or lots in northern El Paso County.
Registration and Invoices: Bob mentioned that completed registration and dues for the NEPCO fiscal year Oct 2008 to Oct 2009 have been received from all prior registered HOAs except three. Bob will contact these three HOAs again.
Land Use Committee Report: Steve Kearney, introduced himself as the new Land Use Committee Chair. He stated that no new requests for comments on land use proposals from the county or the Town of Monument have been received since the last NEPCO meeting.
Program Facilitator Report: Louise Link introduced herself as the new NEPCO Program Facilitator. She provided an overview of the draft program for the six general NEPCO meetings scheduled in 2009. The NEPCO 2009 draft program addresses transportation, environment, public safety, education, HOA common issues and county issues. The schedule is the following:
10 Jan 09 Plan for I-25 & Baptist Rd Interchange Bob Torres, Jacob Co
14 Mar 09 Environmental Report on Drilling & FRERC Chairman &
FireWise Communities and Forestry Amy Smith (Woodmoor)
9 May 09 Impact of 1A loss, Citizen’s Patrol, and CERT Sheriff Maketa
11 Jul 09 School Districts and Property Values D38 & D20 Superintendents
12 Sep 09 President’s Roundtable on HOA Topics Lenard Rioth
14 Nov 09 County Issues Wayne Williams, BOCC
Old Business: The three HOAs who have yet to re-register with their dues for 2009 will be contacted by the Secretary.
New Business:
Membership Drive: Hans requested all HOAs in attendance to help the Board with its membership drive. If any member knows someone in an HOA that is not a NEPCO member, Hans asked that the person please contact anyone on the Board who will then contact the HOA.
Survey: Hans asked for input regarding what the NEPCO Board has done well in the past and what it should do more or less in the future. Inputs were that the following speakers and activities were very good and should be continued: Lenard Rioth, HOA Attorney; the County Commissioner speaking on issues; our speaker last year on HOA insurance programs; and the Land Use Committee reports.
Website Improvements: Hans mentioned that the NEPCO website needs to be reviewed for further improvements. He also stated that NEPCO was looking for a new webmaster. Comments from the members were suggestions that a local Boy Scout or Girl Scout may make a good webmaster as a scout project, or that a high school student working part-time might be an option. Hans stated that the Board will pursue these ideas.
Ham Radio Covenants: Hans stated that a NEPCO member is seeking experience from other HOAs on ham radio covenants or Rules & Regulations. No one in attendance had any input, so Hans asked that if anyone happens across anything related to ham radios to please contact him.
Meeting Cancellation Notification: In response to a question, Hans stated that if a NEPCO meeting is cancelled due to inclement weather or other reasons the cancellation notice will be sent to all via an email broadcast prior to the meeting.
Guest Speaker – Bob Torres, Professional Engineer, Jacobs Corp.: Louise introduced the guest speaker for the meeting. Mr. Bob Torres is a professional engineer and senior project manager for Jacobs Corporation who is managing the construction of the new I-25 and Baptist Road interchange. Mr. Torres previously worked 28 years for CDOT and was the Regional Director for the Southeast Region. He has been with Jacobs for 2 years. Accompanying Mr. Torres was Gary Heckman, a senior engineer for program and construction management with Jacobs Corp. The notes below provide the outline and a few points that Mr Torres and Mr. Heckman provided during their slide presentation on the status of the I-25 and Baptist Road Interchange construction project.
§ Project History
§ Project Overview
o Standard Diamond Interchange configuration
o Joint activity with BRRTA, CDOT, El Paso County, and the Town of Monument
§ Scope of Project
o 8-lane bridge over I-25
o Baptist Road will be 4 lanes to I-25
o New I-25 ramps and signals
§ Financial
o BRRTA provided $21.5 Million bond issue with 1% sales tax
o CDOT provided $2.0 Million
o Total construction cost is budgeted at $15.7 Million
§ Organizations
o Lawrence Construction Company is the main builder
o Project management conducted by Jacobs (requirements and some engineering)
o PBS&J did design in 2006 via CDOT
o Five alternatives were considered in the design
§ Construction Schedule
o Authority to Proceed given to Lawrence Construction Co on October 28, 2008
o Estimated completion is late Jan 2010 or “spring of 2010”
o 450 calendar days in the schedule
o General work hours are 7-5 Monday-Friday with some exceptions for night work
o There are Preeble’s Mouse working restrictions from Nov 1 to Apr 30 on Jackson Creek
§ Construction Phasing
o Phase 1 is shift I-25 alignment
o Phase 2 is ramp construction
o Phase 3 is southern half of I-25 overpass & southern half of Baptist Road
o Phase 4 is final ramp construction, signs, lighting, landscaping
Upon completion of the presentation, Mr Torres answered additional questions for about 25 minutes. Hans asked for a copy of the presentation to be put on the NEPCO website, and Louise asked for a round of applause for the speaker which was vigorously provided.
Closing: Hans thanked the HOA representatives for their attendance and participation. Hans again thanked Mr. Torres and Mr. Heckman for describing and discussing the new interchange construction for I-25 and Baptist Road. Hans called for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made, a second was provided, and a vote to adjourn was received at 11:45 AM.
Next NEPCO Meeting: The next NEPCO General Membership meeting will be the second Saturday in March 2009, which is Saturday, March 14, 2009, from 10:00 AM to noon, at the Family of Christ Lutheran Church on Baptist Road. The program topic is scheduled to be an Environmental Report on Drilling from the FRERC Chairman and a presentation on FireWise Communities and Forestry by Amy Smith. The Secretary will send an announcement to all NEPCO members prior to the next meeting.
//approved// //approved//
Bob Swedenburg Han Post Uiterweer
Secretary, NEPCO President, NEPCO