Chapter 27

The Global Crisis, 19211941

Chapter Summary

After World War I, the United States avoided international commitments but not international contact. Relations with Latin America improved, but, in Asia and Europe, crises were brewing. The initial American reaction to the aggressive moves of Italy, Germany, and Japan was one of isolationism. Anxious to avoid involvement in another world war, the United States passed a series of Neutrality Acts, but, as the Axis aggressors became bolder, Roosevelt eased the nation closer and closer to war. The attack on Pearl Harbor blew away all isolationist remnants and the nation entered World War II, determined and unified.


A thorough study of Chapter 27 should enable the student to understand

1.The new directions of American foreign policy in the 1920s.

2.The effects of the Great Depression on foreign relations.

3.The pattern of Japanese, Italian, and German aggression that eventually led to World War II.

4.The factors that led to the passage of neutrality legislation in the 1930s.

  1. The sequence of events that brought the United States into the war.

Main Themes

1.In the 1920s, the United States tried to increase its role in world affairs, especially economically, while avoiding commitments.

2.How America, in the face of growing world crises in the 1930s turned increasingly toward isolationism and legislated neutrality.

3.How war in Europe and Asia gradually drew the United States closer and closer to war until the attack on Pearl Harbor finally sparked American entry into World War II.

Points for Discussion

1.How isolationist was the United States in the 1920s? Was the dual policy of economic penetration and arms limitation an effective approach? (See document in the Study Guide.)

2.Explain and evaluate the objectives, means, and results of American diplomacy during the 1920s. How and why did the early years of the Great Depression alter international affairs and relations?

3.Compare and contrast the American reactions to World Wars I and II. Explain the relationship between attitudes toward World War I and the isolationist sentiment and neutrality legislation of the 1930s. (See document in the Study Guide.)

4.Describe and explain the process by which American public opinion gradually shifted from a policy of neutrality in 1935 to one of interventionism in 1941.

5.Many of the broad strategy and social decisions of World War II are still debated. Describe the key issues involved in the Germany-first decision, the second-front debate, the Japanese-American internment, and the dropping of the atomic bombs. Were the right decisions made?

6.How and why did disaster strike for the United States at Pearl Harbor? With what consequences?

7. Explain the debate among historians over whether or not the Roosevelt administration knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor.

8.Describe the popular reaction to Orson Welles’ radio broadcast of "The War of the Worlds," and explain what that response revealed about America at that time.

Interpretive Questions Based on Maps and Text

1.What did the Japanese hope to accomplish by their attack on Pearl Harbor? Why did it seem crucial to their plans?

2.How isolationist was the United States in the 1920s? Was the dual policy of economic penetration and arms limitation an effective approach?

  1. Compare and contrast the American reactions to World Wars I and II. Explain the relationship between attitudes toward World War I and the isolationist sentiment and neutrality legislation of the 1930s.

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