Applying for Indian visa – Irish passport holders

Please complete this carefully with your parents – it will be sent back with even a minor omission.

1.  Go to and click on HERE on third line.

2.  Click on Online Application Link.

3.  Click on the drop down menu beside ‘Indian mission’ and select Ireland – Dublin

-  Fill in all spaces – with NA if you have no information to add e.g. Citizenship No. NA.

-  Educational qualification – Higher secondary; Occupation: student

-  Answer NO to have you another passport – even if you have a British one!

-  Select TOURIST VISA 6 months (NOT student or any other option).

-  Entry – single

-  Port of arrival/exit – Delhi

-  Purpose of visit - tourism

-  For name/details of referee in Ireland – your school principal

-  For referee in India give hotel details - Inderlok Hotel,Rajpur Road, Dehradun. Phone no. 0091 1352658113

-  Places to be visited in India – Delhi, Dehradun.

-  To upload Photo click "PHOTO UPLOAD"– must be same height and width. OR Click "Continue to Next Page" to proceed without photo upload

4.  Once you have completed your application form, click ‘verify and continue’ and note the Web Reference Number. You will need to complete the entire application form at one time; if the application is left incomplete, your information will not be saved and the entire activity will need to be repeated from start when you on log again. (If you complete it to the end you should be able to access it again using your Web Reference No.)

5.  After you have completed the Online Application Form click 'Print Form' - and form will also appear to print off.

6.  When you have printed your application form make sure you sign both pages. There may be gaps in the form – this is NOT a problem.

7.  Ask your parents to check that everything is correct – it will be sent back with even a minor omission.

8.  If you have NOT uploaded a photo you will need to include one photo that must be SPECIAL 5cm by 5cm and on a light background. One photograph must be attached to the completed visa application form and the other included in the envelope. (eg Dundela Pharmacy 17 Belmont Road BT4 2AA)

9.  Post the following to Consular Wing, Embassy of India, 6, Leeson Park, Dublin 6 by registered post from a Post Office.

•  Passport valid for a minimum of 180 days with at least two blank pages.

•  One recent photograph 5cm x 5cm – if you have not uploaded a photo online

•  Printed off application form – signed on both pages

•  Payment – 52 Euro PLUS 6 Euro to cover return postage (Pay by bank draft in Euros made payable to Embassy of India, Dublin. Credit cards, Euro cheques or cash are not acceptable.)

•  Self-addressed envelope for return of passport (no stamp needed). Post it note saying postage paid.

Check everything is correct – it will be sent back with even a minor omission.