October, 2014 IEEE 802.15-14-0617-01-0010

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / TG10 Conference Call Minutes for Sept. – Nov. 2014
Date Submitted / October 23rd, 2014
Source / [Clint Powell]
[ ] / E-mail: [
Phone: [+1 480 586-8457]
Abstract / TG10 Conference Call Minutes
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

IEEE Project 802

IEEE 802.15 TG10 Conference Call

Meeting Minutes: October 23, 2014

Chair: Clint Powell

Acting Secretary: none

Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 PST


Clint Powell

Soo-Young Chang

Kiyoshi Fukui

Jaewhan Kim

Noriyuki Sato

Call for Secretary

Chair asked for someone to take the minutes. No one volunteered; Chair to take minutes.


1.  Call for Secretary

2.  Roll Call

3.  Reminder of IEEE Policies and Procedures
(please review http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt BEFORE the call)

4.  Review Agenda

5.  Status Update on Merging Activities

6.  Driving to a Baseline Proposal

7.  AOB

·  Nov. Agenda (doc. # 15-14-0598-01)

Reminder of IEEE Policies and Procedures

Chair reminded everyone of their responsibility to inform of any essential patents. Made a call for potential or essential patent claims - no response was heard.

Review Agenda

Chair reviewed the items of the agenda with the group, and then asked if there were any items to be added to the agenda - none were raised.

Status Update on Merging Activities

Proposers working on merging efforts indicated that progress continues to be made. Many of the major items have been addressed but many of the details are still being worked on. They estimate that they have completed ~80% of the list of items they began looking at during the Sept. mtg.

Driving to a Baseline Proposal

The Chair reviewed with the group that the goal is to have a baseline proposal in place by the end of the Nov. Mtg., so that spec. text can begin being drafted and an internal review held prior to the Jan. Mtg. The major milestone is to go out for an initial letter ballot after the Jan. Mtg.


·  The Nov. Agenda (doc. # 15-14-0598-01) was reviewed and several modifications will be made and posted in r2.


The call was adjourned at 7:35 PST

Action Summary


IEEE Project 802

IEEE 802.15 TG10 Conference Call

Meeting Minutes: October 8, 2014

Chair: Clint Powell

Acting Secretary: none

Chair called the meeting to order at 11:05 PST


Clint Powell

Soo-Young Chang

Kiyoshi Fukui

Seong-Soon Joo

Jaewhan Kim

Verotiana Rabarijaona

Noriyuki Sato

Call for Secretary

Chair asked for someone to take the minutes. No one volunteered; Chair to take minutes.


1.  Call for Secretary

2.  Roll Call

3.  Reminder of IEEE Policies and Procedures
(please review http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt BEFORE the call)

4.  Review Agenda

5.  Framing/Messaging Explanation / Q&A for (Proposal #4) – Seong-Soon Joo, et. al (doc. # 15-14-0604-01)

6.  Status Update on Merging Activities

7.  AOB

Reminder of IEEE Policies and Procedures

Chair reminded everyone of their responsibility to inform of any essential patents. Made a call for potential or essential patent claims - no response was heard.

Review Agenda

Chair reviewed the items of the agenda with the group, and then asked if there were any items to be added to the agenda - none were raised.

Framing/Messaging Explanation / Q&A for (Proposal #4)

Seong-Soon gave an explanation of the framing and messaging required as part of Proposal #4. A few additional questions were asked and answered.

Status Update on Merging Activities

Proposers indicated that merging points are being discussed and merging activities continue to be productive.




The call was adjourned at 7:45 PST

Action Summary


IEEE Project 802

IEEE 802.15 TG10 Conference Call

Meeting Minutes: October 2, 2014

Chair: Clint Powell

Acting Secretary: none

Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 PST


Clint Powell

Soo-Young Chang

Kiyoshi Fukui

Kojima Fumihide

Seong-Soon Joo

Jaewhan Kim

Verotiana Rabarijaona

Noriyuki Sato

Call for Secretary

Chair asked for someone to take the minutes. No one volunteered; Chair to take minutes.


2.  Call for Secretary

3.  Roll Call

4.  Reminder of IEEE Policies and Procedures
(please review http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt BEFORE the call)

5.  Review Agenda

6.  Final Data and Performance Metrics (Proposal #4) – Seong-Soon Joo, et. al

·  Presentation

·  Q&A

7.  AOB

Reminder of IEEE Policies and Procedures

Chair reminded everyone of their responsibility to inform of any essential patents. Made a call for potential or essential patent claims - no response was heard.

Review Agenda

Chair reviewed the items of the agenda with the group, and then asked if there were any items to be added to the agenda - none were raised.

Final Data and Performance Metrics (Proposal #4)

Seong-Soon presented the final data and performance metrics for the 4th proposal. Several questions were asked and answered. Answers to a question regarding explaining the Framing/Messaging will be prepared for and presented on the next call.




The call was adjourned at 8:00 PST

Action Summary


Submission Page XXX Clint Powell (PWC LLC)