Thursday, December 7, 2017
- Family and Community Engagement Report
- We had great turn out at two events in the past few weeks. A big thank you to all that attended Foro Latino at South Division High School or the Breakfast with Santa Resource Fair at Audubon High School!
- The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction recently released district and school state report cards from the 2016-17 school year. As a district, MPS has increased its overall score slightly as compared to the 2015-16 report card. We now have more schools in the “Significantly Exceeds” or “Exceeds Expectations” categories than the previous year. For more information, or to look up your school’s report card go to:
- As we will talk about in tonight’s meeting, we are approaching budget planning season in MPS. Please be sure to engage in the various surveys, School Engagement Council meetings, and school board meetings throughout December, January and February to help provide input to both the district’s budget priorities, as well as your school’s budget. We need your voice!
- DAC Committee Reports
- Family Action and Training Committee – 8 representatives attended this meeting. The meeting was an initial conversation potential direction the committee would take during the school year. The committee will plan to Family Interest Survey Data for the district, potential training opportunities, and current training curriculums to decide which training and support DAC members and families in general will need this year.
- Human Trafficking Ad Hoc Committee - First committee meeting was introductory with six members in attendance. We discussed briefly our own awareness levels about prostitution/human trafficking and some great talk points were shared like using restorative justice practices as a means of preventing trafficking, investigating untapped grants, and utilizing Twilight Centers within the school district to implement awareness programs and offer resources. Because the topic is so extensive in detail, we felt it would work best for us to have one mission or goal to rally around and accomplish.
The goal of the committee is to plant seeds of knowledge that will grow a generation of aware, active young citizens who will change public policy and legislate to properly fund programs that end human trafficking.
- Review November meeting minutes
- Please take a moment to review the attached the meeting minutes from October.
District Advisory Council (DAC) Meeting Minutes – (November 2, 2017)
District Advisory Council Executive Committee
Chairperson………………………..Larry McAdoo, present
Vice Chairperson…………………Maria Ortiz, present
Recording Secretary……………Carmen Mills, unexcused
Communications Secretary….Demetria Anderson, Present
Parliamentarian…………………..Terry Longo, present
Sergeant at Arms…………………Wendy Baker, present
Member at Large………………..Valerie Lambrecht, present
Member at Large………………..Carrieanna Johnson, excused
Member at Large…………………Robin Cianciola, excused
DAC Welcome & Executive Committee Introductions
Welcome and introduction of the executive committee was led Larry McAdoo the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.
Consent Agenda
Wendy Baker presented the consent agenda at the meeting though it was emailed out to members ahead of time. It was quickly reviewed by the members. The consent agenda included the family and Community engagement report, election and bylaw committee report, and the minutes from October. A motion to accept the consent agenda was made by Maria Ortiz and seconded by Valerie Lambrecht. Voice vote was taken 0 against one abstention there for the motion passed
Executive Officer Elections
Maria Ortiz explained the ballot and how to vote. All members were given a ballot when they signed in for their school if they are the official representative. Each member was allowed one vote per action item on the ballot. Ballots were cast by the members and collected and immediately counted. The results of the election are as follows action item one chairperson Decosa Hobson 21 votes Larry McAdoo 47 votes. Larry McAdoo is the new chairman. Action item 2, recording secretary Jenny Hofschulte 65 votes with no alternative candidate. Jenny Hofschulte, is the new recording secretary. Action item number 3: Sergeant at Arms. Tracy Dent 65 votes with no alternative, Tracy Dent is the new Sergeant at Arms. Action item four, member-at-large position. Diana Veloz 66 votes with no alternative Diana Veloz is the new member at Large. Action item five, member-at-large position: no candidates nominated and the position remains vacant.
New Standing/Ad Hoc Committee Format
Demetria explained the new ad hoc committee format and when and where they would be meeting following the regular DAC meetings every month.
Unfinished Business: Bell and Bus Schedule Small Group Discussion
Danielle reviewed group rules for the breakout session. Members broke out into small groups to discuss the Bell and Bus schedule information gathered from schools and provide input and feedback. Each of the 5 break out sessions were asked to come up with a list of the top considerations the district should consider.
Group 1 – Top Considerations
- Consensus that the group does not support altering the bell and bus schedule
- Families might leave the district if start times were altered
- The changes would cause too much disruption and stress to families and routines
- The changes might cause financial disruption/burden
- Can we use city buses to save money instead?
- How would this impact attendance and tardiness?
- Latter start times doesn’t necessarily mean more sleep for children.
- Is 8:30 or 9:30 too long to wait for breakfast? Would students who are late miss breakfast?
Group 2 – Top Considerations
- Families indicated they would pull out of MPS if start time was 7:10 AM – Very strong response from families – “Hot button issue”
- No one wants to be early start
- Does it save money – where will savings go? Will the savings be needed to cover extra costs in before/aftercare for staffing and nutrition
- High school: How will this impact extracurricular activities, homework, work schedules if the start times were pushed back?
- Does MPS pay for busses for voucher/charter schools? Could money be saved there?
- Kids will be on bus all day – no time for work, homework, etc
- This would increase parents stress – Time to get ready, travel time, etc
- Multiple routes for one bus drive would cause domino effect if the driver is running late
- Does it affect number of days for instruction?
- Impact on attendance and tardiness
- Early start times are harder for parents who work 2nd/3rd shifts
- Start times should be same for schools that feed into each other. Would be stressful if there were multiple start times.
- Consider safety for little children in early AM
Group 3 - Top Considerations
- Does this impact the early start calendar?
- Is it actually worth the savings?
- Parents will have to pay for more camp time
- K-12 schools will have a hard time with varied schedules
- Weather issues with multiple routes
- Different school start times for driving/walking will make that really hard if students have very different start times
- Camp start times would have to start earlier and require more staff and cost more
- Kids picked up at 5:00 PM will have been in camp for many hours
- More clarit on why this is being proposed
- Where would savings going to go?
Group 4 – Top Considerations
- Child care schedules and expenses
- Family time
- Impact on afterschool activities/club/ jobs
- Considerations for k-12 campuses
- Lunch and nap schedule for k3/k4
- Bus availability for field trips/athletics
- Impact on sleep schedules
- Truancy/attendance issues for HS Students.
Group 5 – Top Considerations
- Bus times and consistency
- Before and after school care costs
- Family schedules and being able to be home to receive students
- Opening the buildings earlier for camp/care
- After school tutoring
- Impact/lack on family time
- Partnership and service learning hours.
New Business – Long Range Facilities Master Plan
Long-range facilities master plan was explained by Danielle Costello. The members were asked to seek feedback on the following questions: What are the most important physical aspects for child's school and why? Are there programs that are missing or inadequate in the schools? Are there safety issues? What should there be for priorities for MPS when Planning and Building classroom improvements? When you think about long-range future plans of MPS within the next 5 to 10 years what do you see in regards to our facilities, buildings, and classrooms?
DAC Meeting Topic: Evaluation & Adjourn – Larry McAdoo
Larry ask members to please fill out evaluation forms and turn them in before they leave. He also direct member to go to any of the committee meetings they are interested in. Meetings are optional but do need members to help out. Human trafficking ad hoc Committee in room 103. Bullying ad hoc Committee in room 206/208 and the family action and training standing committee in room 210 and 211. All members are welcome to join any of these committee meetings immediately following the regular DAC meeting.
Minutes submitted by:
Wendy Baker, Sargent at Arms