Moderation by Mr Roberto Confalonieri, Member of the TEN Section of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and President of the Study Group on the mid-term review of the White Paper on Transport

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided between English, French, Italian, Swedish and Polish.


08:30Registration and welcome coffee

09:00Setting the scene (7' per speaker)

Stéphane Buffetaut, President of EESC's TEN Section – welcome address

Raymond Hencks, EESC Member and rapporteur of EESC's opinion on the mid-term review of the White Paper

Bert Van Wee, Professor in Transport Policy and Head of the Section "Transport and Logistics", Delft University of Technology

Rolf Diemer, HeadofUnit "Economic Analysis and Impact Assessment", DG Move, European Commission

Debate(15' total; one round of questions and answers; max. 2' per speaker)

09:45Views on the main transport domains(6' per speaker)

Martin Böhm, Head of Business Unit Mobility Systems & ITS Deployment, AustriaTech – smart and emobility

Christopher Irwin, Vice-Chair, European Passengers' Federation (EPF) – passengers' views

Kallistratos Dionelis, Secretary General, European Association with Tolled Motorways, Bridges and Tunnels (ASECAP) – level playing field between transport modes and costinternalization

Fuensanta Martinez Sans, Transport Policy Director, European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) – automobile sector's views

Roberto Parrillo, President of the ETF Road Transport Section, CSC-ACV-Transcom – social dumping

Lucia Mejia-Dorantes,Research Associate,Fraunhofer-Institut – prospects and financing of the TENT network

Marc Huybrechts, President of the European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services (CLECAT) – intermodality and freight

Philippe Citroën, Director General, European Rail Industry (UNIFE) – railway sector

Kathrin Obst, Director, European Federation of Inland Ports – inland navigation

Debate(60' total; up to three rounds of questions and answers; max. 2' per speaker)

11:45Next steps: areas that need to be prioritized(6' per speaker)

François Ballestero, Political Secretary for Civil Aviation and Tourism, European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF)

Jacques Dirand, Head of Passengers and Freight Affairs, Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)

Siegfried Rupprecht, Executive Director, Rupprecht Consult – TRANSFORuM project

Jocelyn Fajardo,Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Violeta Bulc

Debate(30' total; one round of questions and answers; max. 2' per speaker)


Stefan Back, Chairman of EESC's permanent study group "Implementing the White Paper on Transport" and co-rapporteur of EESC's opinion on the mid-term review of the White Paper

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