2007 Preacher Selection Process
- Resume received from prospective preacher.
- Resume sent to entire committee via email for review.
- Each committee member sends their rating of the candidate’s resume back to the committee chair for compilation. Rating sent only to the chairmen so that each committee member is not swayed by the other member’s ratings. Rating system uses a rating from 1 to 5 (0-not interested to 5-must see)
- Each prospect will be discussed at the next meeting by the whole committee and the candidate will either be elevated to the next level (second level) of review or will be sent a letter thanking them for their interest but that they are no longer under consideration.
- Second level candidates will be sent a request for sermon CDs/Tapes and to complete a questionnaire.
- When the information from the candidate is received each committee member is sent a link to access the sermons on the internet (secured media storage website) or emailed the audio sermons based on the file size. The completed questionnaires are also emailed for evaluation.
- Each committee member will evaluate the sermons using the sermon evaluation form and will review the candidate’s answers to the questionnaire. Each committee member will provide a second rating based upon all the new information that has been gathered. The rating will be recorded at the Preacher Selection Committee meeting by secret ballot and then they will be tabulated
- On highly rated second level candidates, committee member(s) maybe asked to visit the candidate’s congregation to listen and observe a sermon being delivered by the candidate. Highly rated second level candidates will be elevated to the third level based on consensus of the committee. Lower rated second level candidates will be sent a letter informing them that they are no longer being considered.
- Third level candidate information will be forwarded by the Search Committee to the Elders for consideration of a possible Church tryout. Elders will determine if the candidate will be extended an invitation to try out in front of the congregation. The tryout weekend usually involves preaching both Sunday morning sermons and teaching a combined adult class. The weekend also includes multiple fellowship activities both Saturday and Sunday.
Note: Votes and ratings required a quorum of members (75% or 12 committee members)
2007 Preacher Help Wanted Posting
Sent ads to LCU, OCU, Harding, Freed Hardeman, Lipscomb, Update ACU website, Sunset, Austin Theological Seminary, WHCOC Website
Additional Possible Online Ministry Postings:
Abilene Christian UniversityChristian Chronicle
Churches of Christ Links Warehouse
Harding Graduate School of Religion
Harding University
Heritage Christian University / Internet School of Preaching (ISOP)
Libscomb University
Lubbock Christian University
Ohio Valley College
Pepperdine University
Sunset International Bible Institute
The following is the Help Wanted Ad for the 2007 preaching position:
Wanted: Pulpit Minister
Western Hills Church of Christ
C/O Larry Fahrlender
8800 Chapin Road
Fort Worth, TX 76116
Phone: 817-551-1248
Congregation Size:700-800
Car Expense Paid
Preferred Marital Status: Married
Salary: Negotiable
Western Hills seeks an experienced, full-time pulpit minister to replace our retiring minister. We are an established mainstream church of Christ serving the Lord faithfully on the western edge of Fort Worth, TX with approximately 400 loving families. Our new minister must have strong Biblical knowledge and life application skills, be an excellent communicator, and relate well to people of all ages and backgrounds. Additional qualifications include:
- A minimum of 5 years of full-time preaching experience, imparting God’s word with sensitivity to the congregation while showing compassion for the lost
- Engaging speaker with appeal to a wide variety of audiences
- Well-rounded general ministry and organizational skills
- Effective Bible teaching skills for Sunday and Wednesday classes
- Demonstrated results in evangelism
- Ideal age 35-45, with consideration for talent and experience
- Supportive wife and children involved in his ministry
- Good personal Bible study and prayer habits
- Competent in using information technology and presentation development tools
We praise God for His blessings in the ministry efforts at Western Hills involving members across all age groups under the oversight of our elders and served faithfully by our deacons. These include:
- A new education building
- Recent audio/visual and worship facility upgrades
- Several capable substitute preachers
- Strong adult and children’s Bible education program
- Vibrant youth program led by an energetic youth minister
- Active ladies ministries
- Long-standing emphasis on mission work
- Laotian group with a dedicated minister
- Food bank and rehabilitation ministries
- Boy Scout Troop 880
In the near term, we recognize opportunities for local outreach in the expanding west Fort Worth area. We seek a spiritually motivated man who can edify and encourage the congregation toward this goal. If qualified, please submit an electronic resume to .
Candidate Rating Matrix towards the end of the 2007 (names have been removed)
Name / Received / Average Resume Rating / 1/21/2007 / 1/28/2007Candidate 1 / 01/18/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 2 / 01/19/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 3 / 01/18/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 4 / 01/16/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 5 / 01/16/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 6 / 01/24/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 7 / 01/16/07 / 3 / 1st Letter / Withdrawn
Candidate 8 / 01/18/07 / 4 / 1st Letter
Candidate 9 / 01/19/07 / 3 / 1st Letter
Candidate 10 / 01/18/07 / 4 / 1st Letter
Candidate 11 / 01/25/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 12 / 01/24/07 / 3.2 / 1st Letter
Candidate 13 / 01/24/07 / 3 / 1st Letter
Candidate 14 / 01/24/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 15 / 01/24/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 16 / 01/24/07 / 3.8 / 1st Letter
Candidate 17 / 01/24/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 18 / 01/23/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 19 / 01/23/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 20 / 01/23/07 / 3.3 / 1st Letter
Candidate 21 / 01/21/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 22 / 01/26/07 / 0 / Eliminated
Candidate 23 / 01/29/07 / 3.7
Candidate 24 / 01/29/07 / 2.8
Candidate 25 / 01/29/07 / 0
Candidate 26 / 01/30/07 / 0.2
Candidate 27 / 01/30/07 / 3.2
Candidate 28 / 01/30/07 / 1.2
Candidate 29 / 02/01/07 / 0.1
Candidate 30 / 02/01/07 / 2.3
Candidate 31 / 02/01/07 / 3.7
Candidate 32 / 02/02/07 / 1.4
Request for information
Resume received
Note: once candidate was eliminated the avg. rating went to 0
Congregational Profile 1-23-07
2007 WHCOC Congregation Profile (Finalized)
- Strengths
- Approximately 700 (400 families) on the roll with an attendance on Sunday morning of 450 to 500 (two worship services)
i.Welcoming and loving people
ii.Diversified membership that includes a large portion of mature, stable Christians
iii.Great attitude of harmony and unity within the congregation
iv.Well established mainstream congregation that is doctrinally sound
- Congregation active in many ministries
i.Strong, long standing mission program that utilizes a large portion of the budget
1.ActiveWorldBibleSchool program
2.Laotian group housed in facility with their own minister
ii.Strong youth group with a part-time youth minister
1.Involved in mission effort during summer months
2.Bible Bowls
3.Strong support in Leadership Training for Christ
iii.Established food bank program
iv.Strong ladies’ program that involve a large number of women
2.Ladies’ Bible Class
3.Care for sick and needy
v.Charter Boy Scout Troop
- Strong, dedicated leadership
i.Elders and Deacons involved in congregational life
ii.Large group of song leaders
iii.Several capable men for fill-in preaching when needed
- Regular church services
i.Utilize a large number of members
ii.Active singing with old and new songs
iii.Ability to utilize audio/video presentations
- Active education ministry
i.Large number of teachers in all age groups
ii.New education building for additional classroom space
iii.Excellent library
- Good reputation in the area
- Auditorium refurbishment underway
- No congregational debt
- Weaknesses
- Maturing congregation (large percentage 50 plus)
- Low percentage of “active” members
- Shrinking number of younger families
- Often, a weak worship service
i.Weak song service
ii.Not inspiring
- Small attendance at Sunday PM and Wednesday PM services
- No effective local evangelistic outreach program
- Opportunities
- Potential to become a large mainstream congregation in West Fort Worth
- Expanding growth market in the congregational area
- Functional building in a good location that is easily accessible
- Potential area for local outreach has large apartment/condo population
- Outreach to local school programs
i.LargeHigh School within a few blocks
ii.Elementary and secondary schools within a few blocks
- Open to increased fellowship programs
- Threats
- Modernism/Liberalism movements in the area that have the appearance of good, but are actually divisive
- Large employer in area is defense industry and subject to employment fluctuations
- Not being able to discern the difference between true scriptural commandments and things that are simply traditions
- Tendency to reach out to the masses without regard to scriptural soundness
- Apathy among members/causing burnout of core workers
2007 Sermon Evaluation
Instructions: In order to give some continuity to our sermon evaluation please rank the following on a scale of 0 to 5 (0= do not like at all to 5=excellent).
Date: ______
Name of the Preacher: ______
Name of the Listener: ______
Sermon Title: ______
Scripture Text: ______
- The sermon had a clear central idea or theme that I understood. _____
- I followed the organization or flow of the sermon. _____
- The speaker caught my attention by appealing to images, illustrations, and metaphors. _____
- The speaker held my attention. ____
- The preacher convinced me to respond to the appeal of the sermon. _____
- The preacher properly explained and applied the biblical message. _____
- I knew what was expected of me through the sermon. ____
- The preacher’s pulpit presence was pleasing and inviting. ____
- Today I heard a message of good news that addressed human need. _____
- Did the opening remarks capture your attention? _____
- Did the conclusion move you to action? ____
- Was the message timely and appropriate? _____
- Was the sermon scripturally based? _____
- Was the preacher passionate or just filling a duty? _____
- Was a visual presentation used? _____
- If so, was it effective and helpful to understanding the lesson? _____
- Would you have a problem inviting your friends to come and hear this man? _____
Other notes or comments: ______
2007 Questions for Prospective Ministers
Professional Section:
1. What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses?
2. How do you envision the leadership of the pulpit minister in relationship with the Elders and Deacons?
3. List the teachers, writers or church leaders who have most influenced your theology. Why?
4. Do you think baptism is essential for salvation? To be a Christian?
5. What is your belief on the role of women in the Church?
6. What do you think the greatest challenges are for the Church in the next 5 to 10 years?
7. What is your belief on the subject of music in the worship service?
8. What are your beliefs (theology) on the following:
- Small groups in the place of centralized worship assemblies?
- Praise teams in the worship service?
- The name Church of Christ?
- Marriage, divorce and re-marriage?
- Homosexuality?
- Abortion?
- Instrumental music?
- Modernism (and what is your definition?)?
9. Sermon Preparation:
- How do you prepare sermons and class lessons?
- What is your style of preaching/teaching?
- Do you use technology such as visual presentations, etc?
10. Do you think the Restoration movement is still active and viable?
11. Are “Mainstream” churches effective in our present society?
- What would you preach on for the first 6 months of your ministry at Western Hills?
Personal Information:
1. How will your family support you in this ministry?
2. Why do you want to preach?
3. What hobbies or other interests do you have for leisure time?
4. Do you have personal study time or development outside of lesson preparation time?
5. Are your personal finances in good order? Would you submit to a background/credit check?