Notes of Meeting held on Monday 25 March 2013
Warren Farm Barns
David Wright (Chairman)
PC Mark Trezise, Surrey Police
PC Dominic Loraine, Surrey Police
Mike Wheaton, TRF
Graham Butler, Surrey Countryside Access Forum
Gail Brownrigg, Horse Drawn Carriage Driver
Graham Manning, Surrey Wildlife Trust
Stuart McLachlan, Capel Parish Council
Mark Richards, National Trust
Paul Redsell, National Trust
Jane Garrett, PR, Surrey Hills AONB Unit
Pennie King, Surrey Hills AONB Unit (Administrator)
Item / / Action1 /
Introductions and apologies
1.1 / Apologies were received from Bruce Auchterlonie; George Chapman; Hannah Gutteridge; John Hockley; Steve Mitchell1.2 / Phil Powell, Four Wheel Drive Club, has resigned from the group due to business commitments. Since the meeting Geoff Caswell of the Four Wheel Drive Club has offered to join the group in Phil’s place and DW has accepted his kind offer. /
2 / Notes of meeting held on 1 October 2012
These were agreed and will be posted on the Surrey Hills website. /
3. / Illegal activity/off road motorcycle project3.1 / Motorcycle Project Update (MT)
· Guildford have not progressed the motorcycle project. Matt Taylor is being replaced by Ryan Stevens as Rural Affairs Officer. Once RS is in post MT and RS will tour the area together.
· Quotes have been received for putting blue lights on the off road motorbikes. Having blue lights means the Police are able to stop riders. They are unable to have sirens fitted to their bikes.
· Solo off road patrols are now allowed (with requirement to set up check calls, ensure their radio is tracking and leave details of their proposed route)
· Motorcycle project is no longer a trial but part of Mole Valley’s permanent policing establishment.
· More funding will be required eventually when the bikes need replacing
· If a third bike is required funding could be sought from the Surrey Hills Sustainable Development Fund. However the biggest issues would be getting training for another Policeman
· A number of daytime operations had been carried out plus one night operation. People who were stopped were handed the SCC leaflet “Drive Smart”. In November 2012 DL caught a couple of young bikers in Newdigate whose bikes were seized and crushed as they had no insurance and no driving licence. The parents had been supportive of the Police action
· MT confirmed that the majority of people he stops are not from Surrey but from Kent, Sussex, Essex, Hampshire and Wiltshire where there are no extensive byways networks.
3.2 /
Off Road activity
There has been sustained activity on the second byway on Drove Road. The lock had been forced using a winch. The National Trust could put a CCTV camera by the gate where the lock has been broken and where it is a fly-tipping area. When CCTV cameras are installed on private land it is not necessary to put up warning signs but the Crown Prosecution Service recommends that you do, especially if the cameras are on land where members of the public are allowed legitimately. Once RS is in post, joint patrols will be held over weekends. It is important that every incident is logged to give evidence to justify the Police being there at weekends. Ideally there need to be 3 Officers – one Land Rover and two off road motorbikes. The majority of people who report deviation from the byway are employees from SWT, NT and FC. Once the public call 101 they should get a reply within a minute or two and will then be directed to the relevant officer.3.3 / MT reported that the worst problem users in Mole Valley have been warned by the Police and are now aware of the consequences. However the situation is not so good at the Guildford end. DW to write to the Police Commissioner outlining how successful the project has been in Mole Valley and asking him to consider extending it to the west of the MV area. Ideally a Rural Community Officer is needed in each Borough. MT to send an email to PK (to pass on to DW) giving the Police stats for the last 6 months, to show that there has been a general drop off of incidents.
The Rural Officers from Tandridge, Waverley, Guildford and Reigate to be sent copies of the minutes of the Working Group. MT to pass contact details on to PK. / DW
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Warning Signs
300 warning signs are currently being produced. MT and MW will sit down with a map and decide where to put them. MW will put them up on the byways if someone else will do the footpaths and bridleways. JG will arrange for signs to be delivered to Warren Farm Barns. / MT/MWJG
5 /Survey Work/Traffic Counters
Hannah Gutteridge was unable to attend the meeting but sent an update which was tabled. The group felt it was extremely important that either Hannah or Steve Mitchell attend Off Road Working Group meetings. PK to email SM and ask him for an update on the survey work and copy his reply to group. PK to email HG and ask for an update on TROs and copy her reply to the group. DW confirmed that a decision has been taken to put a 6 month closure of the BOAT between Drove Road and the main road in Chilworth, as it has become impassible to most users. / PK/SMPK/HG
6 /
Fly Tipping
It was agreed that fly tipping on BOATS is an appropriate issue to be considered by this group. Byways are generally isolated and the better the condition of the byway, the more they are used by fly tippers. MT suggested that width restriction and a rough entry point work really well and would prevent a transit van getting through. Group to inform Steve Mitchell of its view that some judicious use of stumping should help. PK to email SM and ask him to consider the group’s suggestion and come back to our next meeting with his view. Also ask SM whether he has any suggestions about how to restrict fly tipping on BOATS and what our group could do to help, pointing out that to reduce the width of entry points to BOATs might work (with reference to the squeeze section on Ranmore being very effective). /PK
7 /Coldharbour Common Road
There has been a noticeable increase in use since the surface has been improved. Anyone can now drive up it – no need for a 4x4. Email received from Terry Vermigle (attached) who wants a TRO to be considered. PK to send TV’s email to Steve Mitchell and seek his advice. While a TRO might be too difficult to justify, other traffic calming methods might be considered, such as narrowing the lane in places or putting in traffic calming bumps. Private property had been damaged and the surface becomes highly polished in winter which has resulted in trees and fences being knocked over. SMcL to discuss with the responsible MV local committee Councillors, David Mere and Hazel Watson. / PK/SMHG
8 / Any Other Business
MW informed the group that the Trail Riders Fellowship had a group of 20 volunteers working on Wolvens Lane earlier in the year, clearing back the hedgerow. DW thanked the TRF for their public spirited efforts. Photos had appeared in the Dorking Advertiser.
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Date of next meeting
Monday 9 September 2013, 1400-1600Warren Farm Barns