Title: Motor Controller Temperature Test Plan
Team #: P17280 / Team Name: RIT Hot Wheelz Thermal Management System
Date: 9/26/16 / Document Owner: Caitlin Babul
Revision: 3


●  (1) HH374 4 Channel Type K Data Logger Therometer

●  (4) K-Type Thermocouples

●  (1) Multimeter

●  (1) Stopwatch

●  (1) Roll Aluminum Tape

●  (3) Zip Ties


1.  Mount the data logger on the vehicle using zip ties as shown

2.  Remove the top cover of the motor controller box

3.  Plug in four k-type thermocouples into the data logger

4.  Place one thermocouple in the box of the motor controller to record air temperature within the enclosure

5.  Replace the top cover of the motor controller box

6.  Attach one thermocouple to the front right surface of the motor controller heatsink using aluminum tape

7.  Attach one thermocouple to the front left surface of the motor controller heatsink using aluminum tape

8.  Attach one thermocouple to the back left surface of the motor controller heatsink using aluminum tape

9.  Record the temperatures of the thermocouples which the vehicle is still inside and has not been turned on.

10. Drive the vehicle down to the parking lot

Static Data Collection:

1.  Record the outside temperature by using a thermometer or a weather app on a smartphone

2.  Turn the vehicle on and begin the stopwatch

3.  One person should record the initial charge (voltage) of the vehicle during this time

4.  After one minute has passed, record the temperatures of the thermocouples

5.  Record the temperatures for every minute elapsed for a total of 5 minutes

Dynamic Data Collection:

1.  Drive the vehicle in laps around the parking lot for two minutes at an endurance event-like speed

2.  Alert the driver when two minutes is up and record the temperature of the thermocouples

3.  Drive the vehicle in the same manner for another two minutes and then collect the temperature data

4.  Continue this method of temperature recording for a total of 24 minutes