Course Organization and Syllabus


Computer Networks

Fall 2017

Course objectives:

● To explore design, deployment, analysis and performance of various network systems as they appear in the market focusing upon the open issues they present

● To delineate and explore the structures of packet switching, layered architectures, physical layer, Mac layer, LAN, TCP/IP, Error control, Congestion control, QoS and Multicast.

● To anticipate and review critically the future trend and architectures of various networking protocols and designs in particular as offered via wireless technology

● To review practical approaches to network security

Instructor: Sam Sengupta, phone: X7353 (office), 792-7354 (secretary)

Class times: Mondays and Wednesdays: 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM @ C108 (Kunsela)

Office hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays : 10:00 - 12 noon

Text book: Computer and Communication Networks by Nader F. Mir, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall

Course website:

Other reference books:

Computer Networks: Tanenbaum, latest edition, Prentice-Hall

Computer Networking: A top-down approach by Kurose and Rose, Addison-Wesley

Computer Networks by Peterson and Davie, Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd.

Data & Computer Communications (by Stallings)
Local and Metropolitan Networks (by Stallings)

Appropriate reference journals on networking:

IEEE Trans. on Communication
Data Communication
Computer Networks
Computing Surveys
Proceedings of COMPCON
Communications of the ACM
Performance Evaluations Review
IEEE journal on Multimedia

Lecture layout and content: (Basically following the textbook order)

1.  Introduction

2.  Devices

3.  Link and Interfaces

4.  LAN & Network of LANs

5.  WAN & Internetworking

6.  Multicast Protocols

7.  Wireless and LTE

8.  Transport Layer

9.  Applications and Management Layer

10.  Security

11.  Queues and Delays

12.  Router and Switch Architecture

13.  QoS and Router Scheduling

14.  Tunneling, VPN, MPLS networks

15.  Cloud Computing and Data Centers

16.  Ad-hoc Mobile Networks

(Also consult for actual PDF files to augment our lecture notes. These are freely available.)

Additional reading: Towards a Future Internet Architecture

Typical group-projects for the class:

■ Internet of Things for Smart Cities, Andrea Zanella,Nicola Bui;Angelo Castellani;Lorenzo Vangelista;Michele Zorzi, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, May, 2014

Research Directions for the Internet of Things, John Stankovic, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, May, 2014

The Cluster Between Internet of Things and Social Networks: Review and Research Challenges, Antonio Oritz, Dina Hussein, Soochang Park, Son N. Han, Noel Crispi, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, May, 2014

■ IoMT: A Reliable Cross Layer Protocol for Internet of Multimedia Things

■ Next generation 5G Wireless Networks IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials(Volume: 18,Issue: 3, thirdquarter 2016)

■ Resource Management in Cloud Computing IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials(Volume: 19,Issue: 2, secondquarter 2017)

Examination and grading system:

There would be one midterm + final exam (altogether two exams, each worth 100 points) and the four assignments, which would not be graded. Additionally, there will be a group project that you must work on, and present your work orally to the class (a randomly chosen subset of the class will evaluate your group’s oral presentation) and by a group report (evaluated by the instructor). The final score would be averaged over all these – that is the individual total received over these would be divided by 4 to compute the final point grade. Normal grading scheme (mapping of average point grade to final letter grade) is as follows:

Point-average / Final Letter-grade
>94 / A
90-94 / A-
87-89 / B+
84-86 / B
80-83 / B-
77-79 / C+
74-76 / C
<74 / F

Course Syllabus Disclosure Statement

Fall 2017

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities registered at

SUNY Polytechnic Institute

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, SUNY Polytechnic Institute is committed to ensuring educational access and accommodations for all its registered students seeking access to meet course requirements and fully participate in programs or activities. SUNY Poly students with documented disabilities and medical conditions are encouraged to request these services by registering with the Disability Services Office and discussing your need for accommodations. For information or an appointment contactDirector of Disability Services, located in Utica, B101 Kunsela Hall and in Albany in the Student Services Suite 309 Nano Fab South or by phone (315) 792-7170; or by email .

Learning outcomes:

● Describe major networking concepts, models, and technologies that contribute to the basic fabric of Internet and its routing environments.

● Identify and articulate both opportunities and limitations of network architectures, protocols, and configurations.

● Describe various approaches available to manage TCP congestion issues within Internet domains.

● Develop approaches for designing and utilizing wireline, wireless and hybrid architectures to facilitate various user services and emerging applications.