Values Auction

Each participant has $15,000 to spend on any item on this list. The idea is that no one participating has any of the things listed.

Prior to the auction, go through the list and budget your money on items according to their importance to you. You do not have to budget money for everything on the list—just those that are important to you. All bids must be in $100 increments.

Item / My Starting Bid / My Highest Bid / The Winning Bid
A satisfying and fulfilling marriage
Freedom to do what you want
A chance to direct the destinies of nations
The love and admiration of friends
Travel and tickets to any cultural or athletic event as often as you wish
Complete self-confidence with a positive outlook on life
A happy family relationship
Recognition as the most attractive person in the world
A long life free of illness
A complete library for your private use
A satisfying religious faith
A month’s vacation with nothing to do but enjoy yourself
Lifelong financial security
A lovely home in a beautiful setting
A world without prejudice
A chance to eliminate sickness and poverty
International fame and popularity
An understanding of the meaning of life
A world without lying or cheating
Freedom within your work setting
A really good love relationship
Unlimited (safe) sex
Greatest car in the world
Item / My Starting Bid / My Highest Bid / The Winning Bid
Eat all you want without gaining weight
Constant supply of booze
Be the world’s greatest athlete
Being able to understand the opposite sex
Unlimited wardrobe
Be the wealthiest person in the world
CEO of a major corporation
Discover a cure for cancer
Have the smartest children in the world
Make good grades without having to study
Go to heaven and meet God
Know what the afterlife is like
Have the ultimate knowledge without going to school
Win the Nobel Peace Prize
Win an Oscar
Play in a Super Bowl or go to the Olympics
Have the biggest and best house in town
Repay your parents for all they have done for you
The ability to speak any language in the world
The ability to put all criminals in jail
Achieve world peace
Create a major work of art or literature
Be a great inventor
Guaranteed stability
Guaranteed happiness (never to be sad)
Success in your chosen profession