Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report

Course Assessment

Division: Communications Discipline/Program: Spanish

Course Number and Name: SPANISH 036 Spanish For Spanish Speakers II

Program Contact Person: ____William Hernandez______Phone: ______Ext 4081______

Reviewed by: Date: August 2011

Attach additional pages as necessary.

Institutional Learning Outcomes / Course Intended Outcomes / Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data Collected / Use of Results
1 / 1.  Read, analyze, and respond to texts of various literary genres in Spanish. (beyond those learned in Spanish 035) / Means: Students will be given a poem entitled “La United Fruit Co” by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda to read and analyze; this activity will be embedded in the final exam. Students will analyze the poem’s structure as well as its content. The analysis will be done by using proper literary terms, demonstrating clear organization of ideas, proper grammar, proper spelling and accentuation, and by answering a group of specific questions completely. The activity will be evaluated by using a departmental scoring rubric.
Criteria: 70% of
students must score a minimum of 70% on this exercise. / Students achieved a score of 80%, a higher score than the one required, 70%. Please see the detailed report in the division office. / Although students surpassed the achievement score required, the results enabled us to find what areas students need more attention. A literary analysis requires one to present his or her point of view by using good organizational skills, grammar/vocabulary skills, analytical skills (Answering all questions that have been asked completely), spelling skills, and accentuation skills In this assessment, the data points to the need for an improvement in spelling/accentuation skills.
Please see the detailed report in the division office.
1 / 2.  Formulate logical sentences using newly-acquired vocabulary and/or idiomatic expressions. (beyond those learned in Spanish 035) / Means: Students will be asked to write five original sentences with words deriving from the word enfermedad. The five words are enfermo/a, enfermero/a, enfermizo/a, enfermería, and enfermarse.
The activity will be embedded in an exam
and will be evaluated according to a departmental scoring rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score a minimum of 70% on this
1 / 3.  Write well-structured compositions in Spanish that demonstrate the mastery of rules pertaining to spelling, accentuation, punctuation, grammatical structures, and verb forms presented in class. (those taught in Spanish 035 and Spanish 036. / Means: Students will be required to write a speech that they would give at their graduation celebration. The speech must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. It will be given as a class assignment. The assignment will be scored according to a departmental scoring rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
1 / 4.  Demonstrate intermediate- mid to intermediate -high level fluency and accuracy in reading comprehension skills. / Means: Students will be required to read a cultural narrative in their final exam of the semester. They will then answer six comprehension check questions. The reading exercise and comprehension check questions will be administered in both course sections and will be evaluated based on a departmental rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score a minimum of 70% on this exercise. / Students achieved a score of 95%, a higher score than the one required, 66%. Please see the detailed report in the division office. / Based on the results of the assessment, there are no recommendations.
1 / 5.  Demonstrate a solid grammatical base of the Spanish language by using the grammatical concepts taught with reasonable accuracy. (beyond those learned in Spanish 035) / Means: Students will be given a paragraph that has misspelled and improperly written past participles. Students must locate all misspelled and improperly written past participles and re-write them in correct standard Spanish. The exercise will be evaluated according to a departmental rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
1 / 6.  Discuss and demonstrate reasonable knowledge and understanding of basic cultural topics related to the Spanish-speaking world. Some of the topics may include ones on linguistic variants and influences, important people, geography, art, literature, and political and historical events. (beyond those learned in Spanish 035) / Means: Students will explain the cause(s) of, the countries involved in, and the final results or outcome(s) of the War of the Pacific in Latin America La Guerra del Pacífico. The activity will be in the form of a quiz or embedded as an exercise in an exam. The activity will be evaluated according to a departmental scoring rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score a minimum of 70% on this exercise.