24th February 2016
Rag Bag Collection
Rag Bag collection is on Tuesday 1st March (usually quite early in the day). You can leave your unwanted textiles in bags in the school on Monday afternoon or night, but please, no sooner.
Just a gentle reminder for P7 parents/pupilsabout the Ardentinny Information Meeting which will be held on Tuesday 1st March at 6.30 pm in the Grammar School.
World Book Day – Thursday 3rd March
To mark World Book Day all children are invited to dress up as their favourite book character and will be involved in a variety of reading activities. We would be delighted if any parents or grandparents could come into talk to the children about their favourite books or to read to the children on this day. Please complete the attached slip and return it to the school if you are able to come in.
Bring and Buy Sale
The school and Parent Council annual Bring and Buy Sale takes place on Thursday 17th March at 7.30pm. The Parent Council Committee would be most grateful for any of the following donations from parents:
- any books, DVDs or toys in good condition
- any bric-a-brac (ornaments, unused gifts, beauty products, jewellery, etc.)
- items of baking, wrapped in plastic foodbags
We would also like to ask all families to supply the following:
- 2 bottles per child for the bottle stall
- an item for the raffle
This is a major fund-raising event for the Parent Council and is always well supported by our community. Teas and coffees will be served in the hall. Please spread the word amongst friends and family about this event.
We would also be grateful if you could sell the Treasure Squares, which are circulating, to family and friends and pass them on timeously. (Names are on the back of the sheets) All monies to be sent into the school.
Race to Rio
Race to Rio will take place on Tuesday lunchtimes (see attached letter).
Open Afternoon
We would like to invite all parents, families and friends to join the children for their annual Open Afternoon. This is a fantastic chance for the children to showcase their work. Please join us from 1.30 to 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday 23rd March.
PE Kit
Please ensure your child has their labelled PE Kit (consisting of shorts & trainers) which should be kept in the school. PE is timetabled but we often include more PE throughout the week when we can. Activity blocks (golf, rugby, etc.) are also organised with the Active School’s Co-ordinator.
School closes for Easter weekend on Thursday 24th March and re-opens on Tuesday 29th March. We close again for the Spring Break on Friday 1st April and re-open on Monday 18th April.
Please send in a decorated hard-boiled egg with your child on Thursday 24th March. There will be prizes for the best decorated eggs! Afterwards we will be rolling them in the traditional way.
Please return
Book Week
I would like to come into the school and read to the children. YES/NO
I would like to come into the school and talk to the children
about my favourite book/poem/author.YES/NO
NAME ………………………………………………………….