Alabama A & M University

Office of Field Experiences and School Partnerships

Directions for completing application:

Applications are submitted one year before the intended internship. March 15 (of the previous year) is the application deadline for an internship during a Spring Semester. September 15 (of the previous year) is the application deadline for an internship during a Fall Semester.

Type the application. Submit two copies to the Office of Field Experiences and School Partnerships (room 215 Carver Complex North – temporary location during renovations).

Semester Applying for Internship: Expected Date of Graduation:

(Semester) (Year) (Semester) (Year)

Graduate Undergraduate Program Major

Please answer each question completely and accurately.

Personal Data:


Title (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms.) Last First Middle Maiden Suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr.)

Student I.D. No.: Date of Birth: Place of Birth:

(month/day/year) (city/state)

Marital Status: Number of Children: Age(s):

Local Address:

Street/Apt/P.O. Box/Route and Box City State Zip Code

Permanent Address:

Street/Apt/P.O. Box/Route and Box City State Zip Code

Email address: Local Telephone Number: ( )

Permanent Telephone No.: () Mobile Telephone Number: ()

Name of Emergency Contact Person:

Telephone Number of Emergency Contact Person: ()

TB Test/Health Form on file in the Teacher Service Center (valid for 24 months only): Yes No

Please list any health problems that may interfere with your internship (i.e., asthma, diabetes, migraine headaches, etc.)

Language Spoken at Home: Other Language(s) Spoken:

Personal Data: (Continuation)

High School Attended:


Other College(s)/University(ies) Attended:

Academic Data:

Classification: (check one) Undergraduate (Senior) Graduate (5th Year)


Academic Advisor: Departmental Chairperson:

Date of State Approved Checklist Used:


Approved Departmental Course Substitution on file with the Academic Coordinator in the School of Education, if applicable: (check one) Yes No Does not apply

Overall GPA: General Studies GPA:

Professional Studies GPA: Teaching Field(s) GPA:

Have completed required minimum 205 clock hours of field experiences and have submitted documentation to The Office of Field Experiences and School Partnerships: (check one) Yes No

Have taken and passed the Praxis II exam: (check one) Yes No

Date Taken: Score: Subject Area:

Have been fingerprinted and passed the SDE background check: (check one) Yes No and

a copy is on file with the Teacher Service Center: (check one) Yes No

Professional Educational Membership(s):

Internship School Placement Requests:

Directions: You may only request the schools that are in the Alabama A & M University Cluster for the year of the intended internship (see the School Cluster Sheet that changes from year to year):

Suggested School(s):


Name of School District


Name of School District


Name of School District

Area(s) of intended certification (e.g., elementary K-6, PE P-12, Music Vocal P-12, ECH K-3, Col K-6, Col 6-12, Art P-12, Ag 6-12, FCS 6-12, Business ED 6-12, Secondary 6-12):



Requested Subject(s):




Requested Grade Level(s):




List course(s) currently enrolled. If none, please indicate “NONE”


List course(s) in which you plan to enroll during the semester BEFORE the internship. If none, please indicate “NONE”


List any deficiencies including D’s, F’s, I’s. If none, please indicate “NONE.” (Do not include course(s) currently enrolled)

(List D’s, F’s, I’s) / SEM. HRS.

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Name of Candidate: Student I.D. No.:

Self Assessment: (completed by candidate)

(Check Met or Not Met) / Undergraduate
Requirement / Graduate
Requirement / Met / Not
1.  Have record audit checklist from academic advisor / x / x
2.  Have submitted Senior Record Check Form to Academic Coordinator / x
3.  Have been admitted to a teacher education program / x / x
4.  Application for admission to Teacher Education on file in TSC / x / x
5.  Passing score on APTT / x / x
6.  Have taken the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) / x
7.  Passing score on verbal portion of GRE (400 or better) or ENG 500 (Writing for Graduates) on file in TSC / x
8.  Passing score on quantitative portion of GRE (400 or better) on file in TSC, if not must take MTH 500 and earn “C” or better / x
9.  Passing score on Speech-Hearing-Language Screening / x / x
10.  Passing score on Faculty Panel Interview / x / x
11.  Health Record Form on file in TSC (valid for 24 months only) / x / x
12.  Grade Point Average of 2.50 in four areas: (Overall, General Studies, Professional Studies and Teaching Field) / x
13.  Grade Point Average of 3.00 in three areas: (Overall, Professional Studies and Teaching Field) / x
14.  Official undergraduate transcript from each college/university attended on file in Teacher Service Center / x
15.  Planned Degree on file in Teacher Service Center / x
16.  Approved Course Substitution on file with Academic Coordinator in the School of Education, if applicable / x
17.  Grade of “C” or better in ENG 101, ENG 102, Professional Studies and Teaching Field Courses / x
18.  Have earned less than two C’s in graduate program. / x
19.  Have removed I’s, D’s, F’s, if not please list course(s) below: / x / x
20.  Have taken all General Studies courses, if not please list course(s) below: / x
21.  Have taken all Professional Studies courses, if not please list course(s) below: / x / x
22.  Have completed all undergraduate deficiencies / x
23.  Have taken Praxis II and passed prior to internship (Effective Fall 2006) / x / x
24.  Have passed background clearance before engaging in internship. / x / x