“Supporting learning and leadership to ensure academic excellence in the Family of Schools”

Open Letter to FOS Stakeholders


As you are no doubt aware, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) faces unprecedented financial challenges due to the current budgetary crisis. As the District takes a sober look at its ability to continue to operate many of its programs and initiatives, it has become painfully apparent it cannot continue to support the Office of Learning and Leadership (OLL), which provides oversight and management of the five iDesign schools within Loyola Marymount University’s Family of Schools (FOS). Due to the lack of funds for operating the OLL, we all must together embark on a journey to identify what is the best structure to support the autonomies required for FOS and have this new structure in place before OLL closes on June 30, 2010.

Fortunately, LMU, through its Family of Schools team and program, have established relationships within the seven schools (Westchester HS, Orville Wright MS, Cowan Avenue ES, Kentwood ES, Westport Heights ES, Paseo Del Rey Natural Science ES and Loyola Village ES), and this relationship will continue at its current level of commitment and support to provide research, professional development and identifying partnerships.

The work of all constituent groups since the historic vote in July 2007 has indeed created the impetus for a new way for school to govern themselves. With an eye toward reform, site-based decision making can ultimately improve student outcomes. That work must continue.

There are several options each school might consider in order to maintain, improve and further their reform efforts. To that end, Innovation and iDesign staff stands ready to provide technical assistance related to the goals of each school in the Family of Schools. OLL staff will be leading the work locally with FOS to better understand, articulate and create the structure that will allow the continuation of the autonomies and accountabilities that the Westchester Family of Schools has fought so hard to have.

In the coming weeks, a series of informational meetings will take place at selected school sites. Director of OLL, Stephen Rochelle will be present to listen and offer support and guidance. Executive Director of Innovation and Charter Schools Division, Parker Hudnut, and Superintendent of Local District 3, Michelle King, will also be available and will continue to work closely with Mr. Rochelle. It will be important for everyone to be thoughtful and collaborative in this effort to do the most good for each individual school as we design plans for improved student outcomes.

There have also been some questions about timelines for the various options and while we encourage everyone to move as rapidly as possible, we also commit to providing flexibility during this time of transition. Therefore, please consider the options before you, to all have a rolling “admission” process.