2016-2018 Thorp Academy Pupil Premium Strategy Statement: Version 2 September 2017
1. Summary information September 2017Total number on roll spppupils / 779 / Number of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding / 248 (32% of total on roll)
Number of pupil premium children in each year group: Yr7= 56 Yr8= 38 Yr9= 64 Yr10= 46 Y11= 44 This includes 8 LAC and 7 armed forces students. 61 (46%) of SEN students (134) are disadvantaged.
children=5 CLA= 11 CLA=
Total PP budget
Date of most recent PP Review
Total pupil premium budget: / £230,000 / Amount per pupil: Years 7 to 11 = £935 Armed forces children=£300 CLA=£1,900
Date of external pupil premium review: June 2017 / Dates of internal half termly reviews 20/10/2017, 18/12/2017, 9/2/2018, 6/4/2018 and after publication of exam results in August 2018. Once the national 2017 figures are published, the school data will be colour coded. Green= school above the national attainment figures for other pupils (not disadvantaged). Red= below
P= Progress 8 A= Attainment 8
2. End of Key Stage 4 (Year 11) 2017 progress KS2 to KS4 and attainment – FROM EXAMS 20.09.17 USING 16/17 SHADOW ESTCohort / P8 / English element / Maths element / Ebacc element / Open element / A8 / 4+
English & Maths
(standard pass) / 5+
English & Maths
(strong pass) / 4+
(standard pass) / 5+
(Strong Pass)
2017 Unvalidated / All pupils / 214 / +0.18 / -0.15 / -0.13 / -0.25 / +1.09 / 47.80 / 61% / 37% / 17% / 16%
Disadvantaged / 52 / -0.17 / -0.43 / -0.61 / -0.70 / +0.83 / 41.09 / 50% / 21% / 6% / 4%
National other / +0.12 / +0.09 / +0.11 / +0.15 / +0.11 / 52.72 / 70% / 70% / 29% / 29%
GAP / -11.63 / -20% / -49% / -23% / -25%
High attaining disadvantaged / 14 / 58.25 / 86% / 57% / 21% / 14%
National other High attaining / +0.07 / +0.05 / +0.06 / +0.09 / +0.06 / 65.12 / 97% / 97% / 58% / 58%
GAP / -0.594 / -0.029 / -1.369 / -1.442 / +0.403 / -6.87 / -11% / -40% / -37% / -44%
3. End of Key Stage 4 current Year 11 and Year 10 predictions – FROM DATA 6 2017
Cohort / P8 / English element / Maths element / Ebacc element / Open element / A8 / 4+
English & Maths
(standard pass) / 5+
English & Maths
(strong pass) / 4+
(standard pass) / 5+
(Strong Pass)
2018 Year 11 Predictions / All pupils / 149 / +0.405 / +0.440 / +0.335 / +0.646 / +0.189 / 57.59 / 88% / 81% / 28% / 24%
Disadvantaged / 44 / +0.234 / +0.453 / +0.224 / +0.572 / -0.242 / 50.14 / 73% / 57% / 14% / 11%
National other / +0.12 / +0.09 / +0.11 / +0.15 / +0.11 / 52.72 / 70% / 70% / 29% / 29%
GAP / +0.114 / +0.363 / +0.114 / +0.422 / -0.352 / -2.58 / +3% / -13% / -15% / -18%
High attaining disadvantaged / 17 / +0.045 / +0.423 / +0.003 / -0.020 / -0.115 / 64.94 / 94% / 94% / 35% / 29%
National other High attaining / +0.07 / +0.05 / +0.06 / +0.09 / +0.06 / 65.12 / 97% / 97% / 58% / 58%
GAP / -0.025 / +0.373 / -0.057 / -0.11 / -0.175 / -0.18 / -3% / -3% / -23% / -29%
2019 Year 10 Predictions / All pupils / 154 / +0.637 / +0.633 / +0.599 / +0.805 / +0.496 / 54.68 / 87% / 67% / 29% / 26%
Disadvantaged / 45 / +0.515 / +0.545 / +0.412 / +0.765 / +0.313 / 48.62 / 76% / 38% / 16% / 9%
National other / +0.12 / +0.09 / +0.11 / +0.15 / +0.11 / 52.72 / 70% / 70% / 29% / 29%
GAP / +.395 / +0.455 / +0.302 / +0.615 / +0.203 / -4.1 / +6% / -38% / -13% / -20%
High attaining disadvantaged / 9 / +0.328 / +0.332 / +0.499 / +0.307 / +0.231 / 69.50 / 100% / 100% / 33% / 33%
National other High attaining / +0.07 / +0.05 / +0.06 / +0.09 / +0.06 / 65.12 / 97% / 97% / 58% / 58%
GAP / +0.258 / +0.282 / +0.439 / +0.217 / +0.171 / +4.38 / +3% / +3% / -25% / -25%
End of Key Stage 4 current Year 9 predictions. To be completed in January 2018
Cohort / Progress 8 / English element / Mathematics element / Ebacc element / Open element / Attainment
8 / English and maths grade C or above / English Baccalaureate grade C or above
2020 Year 9 predictions / All pupils
National other
High attaining disadvantaged
National other
Issues identified by the data
1) English, maths and Ebacc elements were negative in 2017; we will aspire to ensure positive scores are secured in 2018. Additional exam practice for all students has been scheduled.
2) Many high attaining disadvantaged students did not reach their full potential in 2017, particularly in maths and the Ebacc.
3) There are remarks pending for most subjects; hopefully some statistics will have improved when the validated version of the 2017 exam results is published.
4) Assessment and teacher predictions were not accurate in 2017. INSET, support from the Subject Directors and Trust standardisation has been arranged to ensure greater accuracy in 2018.
4. Barriers to future attainment for students eligible for pupil premium funding in2017-2018.A. / Stubbornly low attendance of some disadvantaged children.
B. / Disengagement and low aspirations of some pupils and their parents.
C. / Behaviour in lessons of some pupil premium students is not yet of a high enough standard to support their learning well.
D. / Next steps marking and feedback is not yet of a consistent high standard across all year groups and subjects.
E. / The need to further improve the percentage of good/outstanding teaching, particularly in Humanities and Maths.
5. Outcomes and success criteria for summer 2018.
A. / Teaching: Further strengthen the quality of teaching by ensuring all teachers are planning lessons that fully meet the needs of their disadvantaged students and all leaders are monitoring and evaluating their strategies to improve the progress of disadvantaged students.
B. / End of KS3: Close tracking and monitoring of the progress and attainment of Years 7 to 8 students. We will aspire to ensure our disadvantaged students are on track to achieve positive Progress 8 scores at the end of KS4.
C. / End of KS4: our disadvantaged students achieve positive Progress 8, English, Maths, Ebacc and Open Element scores. To diminish the difference between our disadvantaged students and others nationally and we will aspire to close many of the gaps.
D. / The absence rate of pupil premium students to reduce from 8% to below 6% by July 2018.
The persistent absent rate of pupil premium students to reduce from 18% to below 10% by July 2018.
E. / To significantly improve the attainment and progress of our most able pupil premium students. Year 11: High attaining disadvantaged students to achieve positive Progress 8, Attainment 8 and all element scores in 2018. The gap between our disadvantaged students and others nationally closes significantly.
6. Planned expenditure 2017-2018
i. Strengthen the quality of teaching and learning. Total cost = £ 80,000
Desired outcome / Actions / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / Impact
Ensure all teachers are planning lessons that fully meet the needs of their PPG.
Development of student case conferences. / 1. Develop the teaching and learning routines and structures to ensure lessons are structured to support all students well and enable them to make high levels of progress.
2. CPD in faculty teams every Tuesday; will include strategies to support, stretch and challenge their PP students.
3. Establish a teaching and learning group with a focus on pupil premium learners. Every faculty supplies a PPG champion. This member of staff carries out action research, stays up to date with the latest research in terms of T and L and coaches/supports other members of the faculty to ensure lessons are scaffolded to support PPG students well.
4. CPD on the new “Pin” marking policy and “Proud” presentation policy.
5. Regular student conferences bringing together all members of staff who teach identified students to share best practice and ensure students are held to high standards across the school. / There is a need to further raise teacher expectations and provide more stretch/challenge for our PPG students, particularly high attaining disadvantaged students.
We need to narrow the gap between our PPG and others nationally.
Marking and feedback are developing well, but are not yet impacting strongly on pupil outcomes across all faculties / Lesson observations and learning walks focused on PPG.
Book scrutinies. / JMA & PF / Progress data October 2017
Progress data December 2017
ii. Targeted support for pupil premium students. Total cost = £70,000
Desired outcome / Actions / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / Impact
PP students achieve a positive score. The gap between our PP students and national others closes significantly. / 1. RAG meetings chaired by Principal focus on progress and attainment in English and maths and the impact of interventions.
2. 1 to 1 teacher for maths and Option Maths for PPG students at risk of not achieving a grade 5 or better.
3. Catch up and stay up after school classes for targeted PPG students.
4. Weekly CPD with a focus on pace, questioning, level of challenge etc.
5. NET Maths Director will support maths teachers for 2.5 days each week to improve teaching and learning standards. NET training, moderation and standardisation.
6. New scheme of work for years 7 – 11 to raise expectations and revisit topics.
7. Better links with local primary schools to prevent dip in year 7 learning. / Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils are too low.
Ofsted stated that further work needs to be done to strengthen progress so that disadvantaged pupils achieve as well as others. / CPD
Learning walks that focus on support for and progress of disadvantaged learners in lessons and interventions.
Work scrutinies / Maths Director
Faculty Leader
PF / October 2017 predictions
Grade 4 and above =
Grade 5 and above =
December 2017 predictions
Grade 4 and above =
Grade 5 and above =
PP students achieve a positive score. The gap between our PP students and national others closes significantly. / 1 to 4 See above. Option English.
5. NET English Director will support English teachers to improve teaching and learning standards.
NET training, moderation and standardisation.
6. Expand the use of the Lexia programme for PPG students in Years 7 – 10 with a reading age of below 10.6), to ensure PPG students have a reading age in line with their chronological age and can access the curriculum fully.
7. Accelerated Reader programme for Years 7 and 8 to improve reading skills and frequency. / As above / As above / English Director
Faculty Leader
PF / October 2017 predictions
Grade 4 and above =
Grade 5 and above =
December 2017 predictions
Grade 4 and above =
Grade 5 and above =
ALL SUBJECTS PP students achieve a positive score. The gap between our PP students and national others closes significantly / 1. Faculty teams led by faculty leader and PPG champions to identify how they will raise the attainment of their disadvantaged students and how they will make the most of teaching assistant support.
2. Faculty leaders and/or PPG Champion will be able to bid for additional funding to purchase new resources for their PPG.
3. Each PPG Champion to identify a target PPG they will mentor to ensure they achieve their challenging targets.
4. All subject leaders effectively monitor and evaluate their strategies to improve the progress of their PPG.
5. All subject leaders to QA marking and feedback across their faculty, ensuring their staff follow the colleges marking policy guidelines and provide high quality feedback that impacts strongly on PPG progress and attainment.
6. All faculties create a reward culture, celebrating success at every opportunity. / Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils are too low.
Ofsted stated that further work needs to be done to strengthen progress so that disadvantaged pupils achieve as well as others. / CPD
Learning walks that focus on support for and progress of disadvantaged learners in lessons and interventions.
Work scrutinies / Faculty Leaders
PF & JM / Ebacc October 2017 predictions
Grade 4 and above =
Grade 5 and above =
Ebacc December 2017 predictions
Grade 4 and above =
Grade 5 and above =
Open Element October 2017 predictions
Grade 4 and above =
Grade 5 and above =
Open Element December 2017 predictions
Grade 4 and above =
Grade 5 and above =
The gap between our high attaining disadvantaged students and other high attaining students (not disadvantaged) closes significantly. / 1. Update the most able register, adding potential high attaining PP students.
2. Progress of these students discussed in the weekly faculty leaders’ meetings.
3. A focus group of high attaining disadvantaged Year 11 students to be mentored.
4. University visits and information about and support with Oxbridge applications eg mock interviews.
5. Brilliant Club established with links to Durham University. Activities will include university visits, tutorials with graduates and presentations to parents/staff. / In 2017 High attaining disadvantaged students did not positive scores in Progress 8, Maths element or Ebacc element.