~ Point Rock Alternative ~
U.S.D. 218
Faculty Handbook
Table of Contents
Page No.
U.S.D. 218 Mission Statement 3
Notice of Nondiscrimination 4
Point Rock Alternative Mission Statement 4
Professional Ethics 4
Teacher Conduct 5
Staff and Student Relations 5-6
Responsibilities 6
Teacher Expectations 7
Monitoring Student Progress 7
Grading Scale 7
Child Abuse 7
In-School Suspension 8
Student Attendance/Tardies 8
Accidents and Illnesses 8
Workday 8
Absences 8
Flex Time Last Contract Day 8-9
Faculty Meetings 9
Telephone 9
Teacher Attire 9
Teacher Certification 9
Reimbursement for College Hours 9
Supplies/Ordering 10
Check Out Procedures 10
Field Trips 10
Building Security 10
Fire Drills 10
Tornado Drills 11
Crisis Plan 11
Hazing 11
Student Privacy Rights 11-12
Drug Free Schools 12-13
Drug Free Workplace 13-14
Worker’s Compensation 14
Notice of Accidents 15
Grievance Procedure 15-18
Asbestos 19
Organizational Chart 20
Hazardous Waste………………………………………………………………………...22
Employee Technology Use Handbook/Employee’s Agreement 22-29
Early Retiree Health Insurance Continuation Plan………………………………....30
Elkhart schools are committed to excellence in teaching and learning for all students, thereby providing an opportunity for all students to reach their own maximum potential. We share with our community the responsibility for the education of all students so that they will be prepared to live and work in a rapidly changing world. We will all work together to assure that every child feels important and that “Every Child Learns.”
In defining the curriculum of study for students during each year of the district’s educational program, the board subscribes to the following outcomes:
1. Development of Academic Skills and Knowledge: Students will grow intellectually, creatively, think rationally, and evaluate critically.
2. Development of Desirable Qualities and Citizenship: Students will use knowledge and skills to perpetuate and improve a democratic society and will develop a respect for the rights, opinions, values and property of others so that they may live as responsible functioning members of the community.
3. Development of Physical and Mental Fitness: Students will develop healthy minds and bodies and acquire knowledge of beneficial leisure time activities for adulthood.
4. Development of Life Skills: Students will learn basic life skills and engage in career exploration courses.
5. Development of Cultural Awareness: Students will develop an awareness of and respect for the traditions and customs of various cultures.
6. Development of Self-worth and Dignity: Students will develop a feeling of self-worth, dignity, and the skills for developing positive inter-personal relationships.
These outcomes are based on the belief that, “Every Child Learns,” and that upon graduation from the Elkhart Schools, every student will have acquired an ability to function in our society.
Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents of elementary and secondary school students, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with Unified School District #218 are hereby notified that this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning Unified District #218 compliance with regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504 is directed to contact Nancy Crowell, Superintendent, Box 999, Elkhart, Kansas 67950, (620) 697-2195. Nancy Crowell has been designated by Unified School District #218 to coordinate the institution’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. Any person may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education regarding the institution’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504.
The mission of Point Rock Alternative (PRA) is to provide adult learners and at risk students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma in a compassionate, flexible, non-traditional learning environment.
The relationship of teachers with one another is an important factor in the morale of the office. It definitely is a factor in the overall effectiveness of each teacher. The following points should be kept in mind:
1. No teacher should discuss another teacher in any manner to anyone other than that teacher. If you have something to say about another teacher, say it to them. Anything else is unprofessional and gossip.
2. It is poor practice to criticize or discuss any student in the presence of another student, patron, or teacher other than in a professional conference. If other people do not have a need to know, then you have no right to tell.
3. When there is a problem accepting an administrative decision, the source of the decision is the best place to go to voice opinions. Teachers are advised that it is best to discuss problems and situations with the principal first. If the problem is not resolved at this level, there are procedures to follow to resolve conflict.
4. Teachers should be advised of and follow the chain-of-command in the building. The principal is the first place to go with problems. If the principal is out of the building, another administrator or teacher will be designated to be in charge. This person will be the one to decide to call the superintendent for help with situations that cannot be resolved.
5. Conduct and attitude toward coworkers greatly affects the workplace, including the productivity and welfare of everyone. Care should be taken to treat fellow teachers with attitudes and behaviors that are professional and courteous at all times.
Teachers are role models for all students and are to conduct themselves and interact with students and parents in a positive and professional manner. Teachers should be aware that the welfare of the students comes first and all decisions made in the school will be based on what is best for the students. Teachers are expected to take an interest in community life and are encouraged to develop interests outside of school and education.
Staff members shall maintain professional relationships with students, which are conducive to an effective educational environment. Staff members shall not submit students to sexual harassment or racial harassment. Staff members shall not have any interaction of a sexual nature with any student at any time regardless of the student’s age or status or consent.
Handbook language on FACEBOOK:
School Principals will annually remind staff members and orient new staff members concerning the importance of maintaining proper decorum in the on-line, digital world as well as in person.~ Employees must conduct themselves in ways that do not distract from or disrupt the educational process.~ The orientation and reminders will give special emphasis to:
· improper fraternization with students using Facebook and similar internet sites or social networks
· inappropriateness of posting items with sexual content
· inappropriateness of posting items exhibiting or advocating use of drugs and alcohol
· examples of inappropriate behavior from other districts, as behavior to avoid
· monitoring and penalties for improper use of district computers and technology
· avoid the use of the school's name and logo on a teacher's personal website
· the possibility of penalties, including dismissal from employment, for failure to exercise good judgment in on-line conduct.
The administration [may/shall] periodically conduct internet searches to see if teachers have posted inappropriate materials on-line. When inappropriate use of computers and websites is discovered, the School Principal and Superintendent will bring it to the attention of the appropriate employees.
• The School Board discourages school district staff from socializing with students outside of school in person or on social networking websites, including but not limited to MySpace and Facebook.
• All school district employees, faculty and staff who participate in social networking websites, shall not post any school district data, documents, photographs or other district owned or created information on any website. Further, the posting of any private or confidential school district material on such websites is strictly prohibited.
• School district employees are prohibited from engaging in any conduct on social networking websites that violates the law, school board policies, or other standards of conduct. Employees who violate this policy may face discipline and/or termination, in line with other school board policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, if applicable.
• Nothing in this policy prohibits employees, faculty, staff or students from the use of educational websites if such sites are used solely for educational purposes.
Access of social networking websites for individual use during school hours is prohibited.
1. Teachers are directly responsible to the principal.
2. PRA teachers should be prepared at the beginning of each day. Learning materials should be ready in advance and located in the classroom.
3. PRA teachers will be assigned to the classroom on a rotating basis. The classroom should never be left unsupervised.
4. Teachers should stay in the office during work time. Short breaks may be taken, but permission should be obtained from the principal for the teacher to leave the school campus.
5. Teachers should familiarize themselves with subject manuals, available technologies, materials in the library and online and other learning materials that can benefit student instruction.
6. Teachers should be familiar with the student handbook.
7. Teachers should strive to keep their work areas clean and orderly. Drinks may be kept at teacher desks, but caution should be used to keep spills away from technology. Do not leave student work or information lying out as this violates a student’s right to confidentiality.
8. If teachers use the kitchen area, it is expected that dishes be washed and put away. Items in the refrigerator should be cleaned out periodically.
9. Teachers are expected to handle their own discipline as much as possible. Referrals to the director or principal are for serious problems, not routine discipline situations. Teachers should use their own judgment and discretion when referring a student. Parent contact by the teacher needs to be included as part of the discipline process.
1. Immediately take steps to form and maintain relationships with students and parents. Phone calls are important.
2. Make contact with assigned students every 3 weeks and document communication on the log. Contact parents of daytime students.
3. Collaborate with other teachers and the director to complete monthly student evaluations.
4. Grade student work and provide appropriate feedback, within one week.
5. Update student grades in PowerSchool by 8:00 am each Monday morning.
6. Maintain and submit, in a timely manner, required paperwork, including time and communication logs.
High school students
Lessons should be planned in advance. Student planners should be completed first thing each morning. The teacher’s late work policy should be in writing and students should be informed of the policy. Teachers will also utilize PowerSchool to keep track of high school student progress. Grading should be completed quickly and feedback provided to students.
Every teacher will be assigned to a group of adults. It will be the teacher’s responsibility to make contact with the student once every three weeks, collect work that needs to be graded, and assist the student in other ways as needed. Grading should be completed quickly and feedback provided to students.
90------100 A
80------89.5 B
70------79.5 C
60------69.5 D
59.5------and lower F
IMPORTANT NOTICE: A student’s final average must be 80% or higher for credit to be issued
Teachers are to report evidence of suspected physical or mental abuse or neglect inflicted upon children to the principal. The principal and teachers will work together to decide the next course of action.
Point Rock Alternative will not utilize in-school suspension unless deemed necessary by the principal.
Students are expected to be in school 6 hours not including lunch time, from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. Teachers should notify the director if a student arrives late so arrangements can be made for the student to make up the time he/she missed.
First aid supplies are in the office to take care of minor accidents. Teachers are to take precautions to protect themselves from blood-borne pathogens. Gloves are available-use them.
1. The workday is from 7:40 A.M. to 3:50 P.M. unless otherwise stated or arranged.
2. Staff who are arriving late or who need to leave early are to notify the principal.
3. Lunch is open for staff.
4. Staff who need to leave the building during the day must personally notify the principal.
Each teacher is credited with 10 days of sick leave at the beginning of the school year, cumulative up to 60 days maximum. Teachers should consult the negotiated agreement concerning personal and other types of leave.
Please contact the principal as soon as you can when you know you will not be at work.
Teachers are expected to complete the necessary paperwork for all types of leaves. This paperwork should be submitted to the principal prior to or immediately following the absence.
a. Application for Leave form should be filled out if the absence is known ahead of time.
b. Absentee Report form should be completed if the absence is not know ahead of time.
Long-Range Planned Absences: Please notify the principal as soon as you know you will be out. Arrangements will be made to help cover your responsibilities.
Flex Time Last Contract Day
According to the negotiated agreement, all staff who wish to flex on the last day of the school year must meet the following requirements:
· Flex application must be pre-approved by building administrator (per negotiated agreement)
· Teacher must have flex time still available
· Time must be made up in advance since it is the last contract day
· All grades must be finished and recorded in PowerSchool
· All year-end reports must be complete