
Third Street Survey


Presented by:

GermanVillageStreetscape Committee

Chair, Brian J. Santin

June 2009

1. Street

Summary based on ratings and comments (see Comments Recap below):

Support for bricks on Third St is based on historic and aesthetic considerations. Comments to retain the asphalt primarily focused on poor maintenance on existing brick streets (thus predicting similar deterioration on Third), cost for installation and maintenance, noise, ease for bikers and joggers, and acceptance/recognition as main street supporting emergency vehicles, deliveries and buses. A combination of brick crosswalks with asphalt was not a stated option; however, it was discussed by multiple comments related to traffic calming and pedestrian

safety/orientation. The concept of a median was supported; however, many comments questioned the unknown impact on parking, potential bike lane, sidewalk reduction, maintenance and emergency vehicles. Support for a bike lane was not strong with an almost equal number not wanting a bike lane – logistics of space is a concern. Curb extensions are a mystery – some commented that the survey mandated a response without them knowing what they are. There is support for sewers/drains, as needed. There was some support to move the buses, emergency to High St. – slowing traffic would tend to force commuters to the south side to use High.

Comments Recap:

Bricks Pavement

  • Do not want bricks 21 comments
  • Maintenance issue – poor condition & maintenance
    of existing brick streets (predict same for 3rd st)
  • Emergency, bus route and main street
  • Ease of travel for cars, bikes and runners
  • Restore to bricks 19 comments
  • Several comments on contingency for expected
    maintenance, proper installation & brick type
  • Concerns with costs
  • Will calm traffic
  • Combination: smooth asphalt pavement with brick crosswalks 5 comments
    and/or brick parking areas (note: this was not an option on survey
    or this option may have gotten more responses- see comments
    below on increase pedestrian friendly)


  • Prefer median 12 comments
  • Do not give up parking for median or too much sidewalks/yards
  • Must be well landscaped
  • Like concept, but concerned with logistics (too narrow, emergency 2 comments
    vehicles, Parking)
  • Against median – too narrow or other concerns 4 comments

Bike Lane

  • Prefer bike lane 6 comments
  • Concerns with bike lanes/do not like 7 comments

Traffic Calming

  • Minimal written comments; Generally in favor of reduced speed 4 comments
    with pedestrial crosswalk;
  • Redundant with items that will calm traffic (median, curb extensions) 2 comments

Curb Extensions

  • define curb extensions 21 comments
  • do not like curb extensions or need more information 5 comments
  • interfere with bike lane; not historically appropriate

Drain Sewer upgrades

  • In favor of sewer/drain upgrades 5 comments
  • Just done past several years, need more information; bad smell 3 comments

1. Street, continued

Other comments

  1. Prefer concept of pedestrian friendly – more crosswalks with signs 6 comments
  2. Move Busses, traffic , and fire route to High Street 5 comments
  3. No speed bumps 4 comments
  4. Angled parking 2 comments
  5. Repair infrastructure that caused flood 2 comments
  6. 3rd st is main gateway/entry to GV – should signify entering historic
    neighborhood; offset comment –if make it slower, you will kill business
  7. Improved signage for entire GV

2. Sidewalks

Summary based on ratings and comments (see Comments Recap below):

Many respondents felt condition of sidewalks was a top priority, a level surface is needed for safety. Brick paving should be retained and repaired. Overwhelming response against uniformity of materials or patterns. Respondents wish to maintain old brick, quirky character and patina of sidewalks with material changes at each property line. Would like to see better maintenance by property owners regarding the sidewalks. Many questions were raised regarding definition of tree lawn, and widening sidewalks. Concern was expressed about where space would be generated, from property owners or street, and that it would negatively impact parking. Cost was a concern. Opinions about the tree lawn were mixed for and against. More trees on Third Street were generally thought positive but should not obscure the architecture.

2. Sidewalks, continued

Comments Recap:

Level Height

  • Sidewalk repair should be top priority12 comments
  • Sidewalks should be leveled but brick paving should be retained5 comments
  • Sidewalks should stay as is, uneven is character of the Village2 comments
  • What does level height mean?5 comments

Uniform material

  • Avoid anything that changes the historic character of GermanVillage3 comments
  • Avoid uniformity; the unique variety and patina are essence of German 14 comments

Village, including change of material at the lot lines to respond to

individual properties


  • Brick where possible, brick sidewalks maintain charm of GermanVillage9 comments

existing old brick should be repaired

  • As concrete becomes in disrepair replace with brick1 comment
  • Bricks should be “old looking brick”, maintain the charm of original brick, 8 comments

do not want to look like the arena district, or a shopping mall

  • Brick sidewalks should differ in pattern from the streets2 comments
  • Support better efforts of property owners to maintain their sidewalks4 comments

Widen possibly provide for new tree lawn

  • Sidewalks do not need widened4 comments
  • Need further definition of what widened sidewalks mean7 comments
  • space from property owners or street
  • who would pay for improvements
  • More trees would add to the charm of the village6 comments
  • Concern that widening sidewalk could reduce parking6 comments
  • We have lost a lot of trees and greenspace - the charm of GermanVillage1 comment
  • Tree lawn in places would break up the straight line view of Third Street 1 comment

and act as traffic calming

  • Difficult to grow grass in tree lawn, maintainence concerns, blocks access 2 comments

to street parking

  • How do widened sidewalks provide tree lawn?2 comments
  • Widened tree lawn is not appropriate for the urban area1 comment
  • wider sidewalk is a better choice
  • Don’t over tree and obscure the architecture2 comments

3. Curbs

Summary based on ratings and comments (see Comments Recap below):

The Survey has indicated that Stone Curb Restoration is important to the Streetscape of German Village.

Level height is important, but would be accomplished with curb restoration.

Comments Recap:

  • Irregular/historic character but need restoration11 comments
  • What does “level curb” mean? 8 comments
  • Height of many curbs is too high 3 comments
  • Passenger side door cannot be opened
  • Against concrete curbs 2 comments

Other comments included:

1. Uniform curbs are desirable

2. Ramps are great for walking strollers, kids riding bikes

3. “Help” brochure on sidewalks is helpful resource

4. Trees

Summary based on ratings and comments (see Comments Recap below): Many support the idea of more trees on 3rd street. Much confusion exists regarding definition of “Tree Parkway” making any consensus of comments difficult to summarize.

Comments Recap:

In front of each property

  • Trees should be planted for appropriate streetscape spacing6 comments
  • The more trees the better7 comments
  • Maintain existing trees and supplement as needed, avoid a uniform look5 comments
  • Tree species chosen should not have a root structure that would damage

the sidewalks or drop fruit7 comments

  • No more pears5 comments
  • Tree spacing should allow for clear view of the historic architecture 3 comments
  • Trees should not be uniform2 comments
  • Trees planted should be a single species 3 comments

4. Trees, continued

Tree Parkway:

  • What is meant by “Tree Parkway” please define.36 comments
  • Would like to see Trees in a median in the street3 comments
  • Would not like to a see tree median in the street5 comments
  • Would like to see trees in the sidewalk along both sides of Third Street6 comments
  • Parkway would cause a loss of the original character of GermanVillage

and look too uniform like Easton or suburbia8 comments

  • Flowering trees are lovely, would like to see them on Third Street6 comments
  • Tree chosen should be large shade trees to give a canopy over the street,

and create a special sense of entry to the village3 comments

Street Furnishings & Accessories, continued

5. Street Furnishing & Accessories

Summary based on ratings and comments (see Comments Recap below):

The Survey results indicate that Street Lamps/Pedestrian Lamps are desired. The next most desired option would be benches (or seating that wouldn’t allow sleeping), hanging flower baskets that were different (not maintained by the City, maintain these by owner) and inconspicuous trash cans.

Kiosks and newspaper stands were categorized as indifferent by most of the survey takers. Dog dishes & posts, art sculptures and recycling bins were thought of as not historic and should not be visible on the street.

Comments Recap:

Benches & Bike Racks

  • Should only be placed in front of businesses 5 comments
  • Add more bike racks 5 comments
  • Do not overdo the amount
  • Mix up the look of the benches so they are not uniform

Street Lamps & Pedestrian Lamps

  • Should be historic
  • Need to clarify what is a pedestrian lamp?
  • Vintage stop lights as well


  • Need to clarify what is and the purpose of a kiosk 4 comments
  • Add kiosks 3 comments

Street Furnishings & Accessories, continued

Newspaper Stands

  • Improve the look (ie. More historic) 3 comments
  • No newspaper stands 2 comments
  • Should be place only in front of businesses

Hanging Flower Baskets

  • Add flower baskets 4 comments
  • Should be the responsibility of residents so they are not uniform

Trash Cans

  • Improve the look (ie. More historic) 3 comments
  • Should be placed in the background 2 comments

Dog Dishes/spigot & hitching posts

  • Do not add dog dishes or spigots they are available at the park
  • More hitching posts at businesses


  • Is not appropriate for German Village/not historic 4 comments
  • No modern art, should be only historic art 4 comments
  • Should do a garden for “art”

Recycling bins

  • Should not be placed on or near 3rd St 6 comments
  • Should add recycling bins to 3rd St 4 comments
  • Not historic 2 comments
  • Should be placed in the background

6. Utility Lines/Poles

Summary based on ratings and comments (see Comments Recap below):

Comments Recap:

  • Bury all utilities 37 comments
  • Should be done throughout the village, not just 3rd street6 comments
  • How will this be paid for? 7 comments
  • Clean up the utilities/poles, but do not eliminate them in order to maintain

the historic streetscape5 comments

  • Straighten poles as they are an eyesore and dangerous 4 comments

7. Signage

Summary based on ratings and comments (see Comments Recap below):

The survey results show overwhelming desire for “Maintain Historic Look” in signage.

There were some comments and ratings that indicated interest, but not strong interest, in wayfinding signs (yes for Schmidt’s in any case…but they have to be historic looking).

While the ratings showed only a weak “agree” for reducing the number of parking signs, there were many comments regarding how difficult it is to understand how our parking regulations work. Replacing the existing parking signs with historic signage and clearer verbage would be appropriate.

7. Signage, continued

Comments Recap:

  • Wayfinding for Schmidt’s, and only Schmidt’s14 comments
  • Wayfinding for other points of interest 2 comments
  • Traffic/Parking Signs need to be clearer/improved, 10 comments
  • Minimal signage is desirable 9 comments
  • Use historic, quaint signage, not city/government signs 7 comments
  • Detailed maps – “you are here” points or one large map at Meeting Haus 4 comments

Other comments included:

1. Diverse signage is desirable

2. Need uniformity to reinforce our “brand”

3. Welcome gates needed

4. Residential plaques would be nice – indicating year house was built, residents could buy them

5. Promote a truck route to protect our brick streets from heavy truck traffic damage

8. Parking

Summary based on ratings and comments (see Comments Recap below):

Comments Recap:

  • Measured & marked parking spaces will increase efficiency 4 comments
  • Outline spaces with yellow brick
  • Number of current parking spots decreases interest in visiting GV 8 comments
  • Concerned to make sure parking doesn’t interfere with
  • pedestrian friendliness/aesthetics 9 comments
  • bike lane 3 comments
  • street width 5 comments
  • Against ‘forward-in’ angled parking 8 comments
  • Angled parking will help slow traffic 9 comments

  1. Parking, continued

Other comments included:

1. Parking issue should be expected in an urban environment

  1. Abolishing current parking restrictions on Third St and CityPark to open up parking spots in

evenings for retail visitors

3. Curb cuts for those who have the space, this would free up a street spot

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