Every Kid in Our Communities…..

Leeds and Grenville

Margaret Fancy Coordinator

Meeting Notes

Lead Table

October 7, 2015

In Attendance: Margaret Van Beers CDC Hotel Dieu; Susan Turnbull Country Roads, Loretta Corbeil LG

Immigration Partnership; Lesley Hubbard Girls Inc.; Laurie Bourne MacKeigan ARCC; Brent Dalgleish

CMHLG; Allan Brown UCLG, Jay Mater YMCA; Maxine Weber LCP in LLG, BSN; Diana Deakin-Thomas

YMCA; Tom Turner DSLG; Lois Dewey HCP; Donna Vanderkloet BDACI; Gwendy Lapp Triple P; Michelle

Neville CDSBEO; Allan Hogan FCSLLG (chair); Marnie Potter Autism Ont.; Margaret Fancy EKIOC

1.  Welcome and Introductions - Roundtable introductions were made.

2.  Approval of Agenda - Approved

3.  Approval of Meeting Notes September 9 – Approved with addition of “partnership” at Guthrie House and Governance Workshop

4.  Actions Arising from September meeting

Action: Jessica to provide summary of Health Nexus survey in table format (in progress)

5.  Business Arising:

6.  Priority Actions

a)  Child and Family Centres

Guthrie House (Maxine) Maxine introduced the power point that will be used to introduce Guthrie House to community partners. Members are encouraged to use with staff etc. (posted)

Business cards have been developed and the Centre is on Facebook. Members of the steering committee are attending community events to promote the hub. Facilitation is key to success.

Update on Bartholomew St. (Kristina) Margaret reported that Joint Services approved the renovations. Local businessman Dave Beatty is matching donations. Facilitation for the hub will be key.

Opportunity for participation in downtown “hub” Mark – Sue Watts reported that there is growing interest in the hub with 20 possible participants. Please contact Mark Heffernan if you have an interest in participating.

b)  Poverty – update on Poverty Roundtable Meeting (Sue W)

Sue reported that Loretta Corbeil will chair the roundtable.

There will be a focus on awareness of poverty issues through “storytelling” about lived experience.

Three workgroups have been developed:

Financial Empowerment (Alison Tutak)

Income/Living Wage (Sue Watts)
Food Security (Elaine Murkin)

The emphasis is on elimination vs. reduction.

Sue also reported on the efforts of the local Refugee Committee. Three families will be arriving by November 5 with a goal of 10 families in total.

c)  Youth – update on CI Grant (Sue P)

Margaret shared the graphic that has been developed to represent the youth CI proposal. The final report will be submitted on October 16. The report is also an application for the next level of Youth CI support and funding.

Michelle reported that CDSBEO is interested in sponsoring two day training in Mental Health First Aid in partnership with CMHA at a reduced cost of $75. Members who are interested should contact Michelle at

Marnie Potter reported that Autism Ontario has a Family support/systems navigator available.

Social learning opportunities are available. Contact: 613-230-6305

7.  New Business

a)  Report on Transportation Needs Assessment (Sue Watts)

Sue shared highlights of the report:

·  Most of the transportation needs involved individuals making under $30000

·  Solutions include: flexible service for low to medium needs and fixed solutions for higher frequency needs (e.g. employment)

Next Steps:

Presentation to Joint Services – (completed) Seemed to be interest from South Grenville

àNeeds analysis was presented

è  Sustainability model

Reference to Gas tax as source of funding.

Immediate steps:

·  211 as first tier -- training 211 staff to “dig deeper” in terms of referrals to specific services

·  Use of existing services (e.g. FCS transportation), continue conversations with STEO

·  Conversations with employers

·  Development of business plan with both flexible and fixed components, looking at private sector solutions

Michelle suggested connecting with Parent Life Line of Eastern Ontario

b)  Co-chair for EKIOC (Keith) With Kevin’s retirement there will be a vacancy for a co-chair. Contact Jane Hess if you have an interest.

c)  Youth Job Connection (Sue Watts)

Sue reported that youth unemployment in LG is at 21%

The Ministry has developed a program targeting youth 15 to 29. The program provides 60 hours of pay with pre-employment and life skill training across LG (individual or in groups)

Job coaching and mentoring are provided.

d)  Stephen de Groot Training (Sue P)

EKIOC members have 3 free spaces for this workshop on October 30.

e)  Evaluating our Priorities – What we’ve done/what we need to do/is it still relevant?

This will be a focus for November meeting.

8.  Committee Reports

a) Report from MCYS – Darren Dean (no report)

b) Report from Healthy Communities Partnership (Lois Dewey) (no report)

c) Coordinator’s Report (Margaret F) (attached)

d) Report from Safe Communities (Kevin Spencer) (no report)

9.  Information Items –

Rebound – Fall sessions now being offered

Why should I refer my client/child?

The Rebound Program provides skill development training with an emphasis on learning how to make smart decisions to help young people in dealing with today's challenges. The Rebound Program focuses on issues that include communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, anger management and respect for self and others. Members are asked to share the information with staff/clients. Contact:

10.  Next Meeting – November 4

Building assets and promoting the safe and healthy development of children from birth to young adulthood

