Is your vision affecting you at work?

Is your vision affecting your ability to work, or the productivity of one of your employees? Free support is available from RSB.

The Job in Jeopardy program helps people who are at risk of losing their job due to their vision loss, including those who are self-employed.

Workplace assistance

The RSB Employment Services team can assess your needs to determine what support, equipment and software is required to help you maintain your employment.

If you are eligible for support, we can arrange the supply and installation of equipment by

trained consultants free of charge.

What support is available?

  • We are able to provide ongoing specialist support directed at individual needs to successfully maintain your employment.
  • We can visit you in the workplace to assess your needs, provide worksite support and liaise with your employer on your behalf.
  • Training in the use of specialist equipment can be provided and can continue until confidence is achieved.
  • Staff Awareness Training covering vision loss in the workplace is available upon request.
  • The RSB maintains a pool of equipment which is available for loan to address immediate needs.

What technology is available?

The RSB’s Adaptive Technology Centre has a wide range of equipment on display, including:

  • Large screen monitors
  • High contrast and/or large font computer keyboards
  • Screen reading and magnification software for computers
  • Portable, handheld and desktop electronic magnifiers
  • Text to speech scanning and reading devices
  • Braille devices
  • Speech and magnification software for mobile phones.

Jenny’s story

Jenny was employed as a coordinator in health services for eleven years before she suddenly lost 60% of her vision in both eyes.

She wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to return to work because of her vision loss, but Jenny was determined to try. She knew she needed support and contacted the RSB for assistance. In only a few months after negotiations with her employer, her confidence was boosted and she returned to her original full time position.

“Without the help of the RSB Employment Services team I would not be working. After my initial consultation with my Employment Consultant I was provided with Zoom Text software, a larger monitor and an electronic magnifier, and they trained me how to use it all. They also ran a staff awareness session on vision impairment at work which helped other staff understand my needs” – Jenny.

To find out how the RSB can assist you or someone you know, call (08) 8417 5599.

The Royal Society for the Blind

Adaptive Technology Centre

Mobility Services

Low Vision Centre

Industrial Services

Employment Services

RSB Guide Dog Service

Community Education

Community Services

Telephone (08) 8417 5599

Facsimile (08) 8227 2177

Freecall 1800 675 554



Knapman House

230 Pirie Street



GPO Box 1855,

Adelaide SA 5001

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© RSB April 2012