
Chapter 9 The Jefferson Era (1800-1816) Section 2 The Louisiana Purchase

Moving West

•  Settlers started moving west into ______and Tennessee

•  Some to the little settled Northwest Territory

•  They loaded their household goods into Conestoga ______

•  They traveled with their two most valued possessions

•  ______and ______

The US in 1800

•  Extended only as far west as ______

•  West of the river was the ______Territory

•  This area belonged to ______

•  Settlers along the Mississippi river used the river to take their goods to ______and then the East Coast

•  The Spanish ______the Americans to use the lower Mississippi and trade in New Orleans

•  This allowed the western farmers to survive ______

The French Threat

•  1802- The Spanish said the US could no longer ______New Orleans

•  Jefferson confirmed that Spain secretly gave Louisiana to ______

•  This would ______the US greatly economically

•  France’s leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, had plans to create empires in Europe and the ______

•  Jefferson told Robert Livingston, the new minister to France, to offer as much as ____ million for New Orleans and West Florida

Revolt in Santo Domingo

•  Napoleon saw Santo Domingo as an important Caribbean naval ______from which he could control an American empire

•  But, the ideas of the French Revolution inspired ______Africans to revolt against the island’s plantation owners

•  Toussaint-Louverture led the ______

•  The rebels won and declared the colony an independent ______

•  1802- Napoleon sent ______to regain control, but were not successful

•  The country is now called ______

The Nation Expands

•  Without Santo Domingo, Napoleon had little use for ______

•  Napoleon did need ______to finance his war with Britain

•  The French were ready to ______Louisiana

•  French foreign minister Charles de Talleyrand and American diplomats made a deal to sell Louisiana

•  For ____ million

The Louisiana Purchase

•  Provided ______and abundant land for farmers

•  Gave US control of the ______River

•  Jefferson worried if the purchase was ______

•  The ______said nothing about acquiring new territory

•  By what authority could Jefferson justify the purchase?

More of the Louisiana Purchase

•  Livingston wrote from Paris and told Jefferson to accept the deal before Napoleon ______his mind

•  Jefferson decided that the government’s ______making powers allowed the purchase

•  October 1803, the ______approve the purchase

•  The US ______in size

The Louisiana Territory

•  Little was known about the Louisiana Purchase

•  Jefferson persuaded Congress to sponsor an ______

•  Jefferson wanted to know what animals and plants were there

•  Also where ______could be set up

•  The expedition was to look for the Northwest Passage

Leaders of the Expedition

•  Jefferson chose Meriwether ______, a 28 year old soldier

•  The co-leader was William ______, a 32 year old friend of Lewis

•  Both were amateur ______and conducted business with Native Americans

•  Together they assembled a crew of expert river men, gunsmiths, carpenters, scouts, and a ______

•  Two men of mixed Native American and French heritage served as interpreters

•  Clark brought his African American servant named ______

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

•  Actually called the Corps of Discovery

•  Set out from St. Louis in spring of ______

•  Lewis and Clark kept ______and notes of what they saw

•  The group encountered many Native American groups

•  One young Shoshone woman named ______joined the group as a guide

Lewis and Clark

•  After 18 months and almost ______miles, Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific Ocean

•  The expedition returned in September 1806

•  Lewis and Clark gathered valuable information about the West

•  Their journey inspired people to ______westward

Pike’s Expedition

•  Jefferson sent others to ______the Louisiana area as well

•  Lieutenant Zebulon ______led two expeditions between 1805 and 1807

•  Explored present day ______

•  Found what he called ______Peak… Today it is called-

•  ______

•  Americans learned about the Great Plains and ______Mountains

•  Pike also mapped part of the Rio Grande and traveled into what is now ______

Federalists Plan to Secede

•  Federalist feared the new states formed from the Louisiana Purchase would be ______

•  The Federalists would lose ______

•  A group of Federalists in Massachusetts plotted to secede from the Union

•  New England would be the “______Confederacy”

•  The plotters needed New York to join and they turned to Aaron ______

•  The Federalists gave Burr their support when he ran for ______of New York in 1804

Burr and Hamilton

•  Hamilton never trusted ______

•  Hamilton was now concerned about rumors of ______

•  Hamilton accused Burr of plotting ______

•  Burr blamed Hamilton for losing the ______

•  Burr challenged Hamilton to a ______

Burr and Hamilton’s Duel

•  July ______

•  Both were armed with ______

•  Hamilton pledged not to ______at his rival

•  Burr aimed to ______Hamilton

•  ______fire

•  Hamilton is shot and ______the next day

•  Burr fled to avoid ______

Essential Question

•  How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the nation’s economy and politics

•  It secured the Mississippi trade route

•  Provided cheap, abundant land for farming

•  Raised fears of increased support for the Republicans which, in turn, caused some federalists to call for secession