
Table of Contents(1)



FOREWORD...... (vii)

CHAPTER 1.Definitions...... 1-1

CHAPTER 2. General Requirements...... 2-1

2.1General...... 2-1

CHAPTER 3.RF Characteristics...... 3-1

3.1General Radio characteristics...... 3-1

3.2Frequency Bands...... 3-1

3.3Emissions...... 3-2

3.3Susceptibility...... 3-3

CHAPTER 4.Performance Requirements...... 4-1

4.1Failure Notification...... 4-1

4.2The Mobile Station (MS) Requirements...... 4-1

4.3Packet Data Service Performance...... 4-1

4.4Delay Parameters...... 4-2

4.5Integrity...... 4-2

4.6Voice Service Performance...... 4-2

4.7Security Service...... 4-3

4.8System Interfaces...... 4-3

4.9Application Requirements...... 4-3

CHAPTER 5.System Interfaces and Application Requirements...... 5-1

5.1System Interfaces...... 5-1

5.2Application Requirements...... 5-1






1.1Aeronautical mobile airport. communications system. (AeroMACS) is a high capacity data link supportinga system intended to support mobile and fixed communications, related to the safety and regularity of flight, on the aerodrome surface, which is related to the safety and regularity of flight.

1.2AeroMACS provides a large data throughput AeroMACS can be used to: a) enhance collaborative decision making, b) ease updating of large databases, c) provide up-to-date weather graphics and d) aeronautical information (Aeronautical Information and Meteorological Services) as well as Airline Operational Control (AOC) message traffic. AeroMACS will also enable aircraft access to System Wide Information Management (SWIM) services and will deliver time-critical advisory information to the cockpit.

Note.— AeroMACS is derived from the IEEE 802.166e-2005[VM1] and 2009 mobile standards. The AeroMACS profile document (RTCA DOXXX and EUROCAE ED XXX) lists all features from these standards which are mandatory, not applicable or optional. The AeroMACS profile differentiates between base station and mobile station functionality and contains -for each feature - a reference to the applicable standards parts.

2.Contents of the document

Chapter 1 contains definitions.

Chapter 2 contains the general requirements.

Chapter 3 contains radio frequency (RF) characteristics.

Chapter 4 contains theperformance requirements.

Chapter 5 contains the system interfaces and the application requirements.



Chapter 1.Definitions1-1

Chapter 1


When the following terms are used in this volume, they have the following meanings:

Aerodrome. A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.


Adaptive modulation.A system’s ability to communicate with another system using multiple burst profiles and a system’s ability to subsequently communicate with multiple systems using different burst profiles.

Base station (BS). A generalized equipment set providing connectivity, management, and control of the subscriber station (SS).

Bit error rate (BER).The number of bit errors in a sample divided by the total number of bits in the sample, generally

averaged over many such samples. Number of bit errors divided by the total number of transferred bits during a studied time interval - measured after error decoder.[UM5]

Burst profile.Set of parameters that describe the uplink (UL) or downlink (DL) transmission properties associated with an interval usage code. Each profile contains parameters such as modulation type, forward error correction (FEC) type, preamble length, guard times, etc

Controller pilot data link communications (CPDLC). A means of communication between controller and pilot, using data link for ATC communications.The ATN application Controller Pilot Data Link Communications.[UM6]


Data transit delay. In accordance with ISO 8348, the average value of the statistical distribution of data delays. This delay represents the subnetwork delay and does not include the connection establishment delay.

Downlink. The transmission direction from the base station (BS) to the subscriber station (SS).

Frequency assignment (FA).A logical assignment of downlink (DL) center frequency and channel bandwidth programmed to the base station (BS).

Handover (HO).The process in which a mobile station (MS) migrates from the air-interface provided by one base station (BS) to the air-interface provided by another BS. A break-before-make HO is where service with the target BS starts after a disconnection of service with the previous serving BS.

Mobile station (MS). A station providing connectivity between subscriber equipment and a base station (BS) using the IEEE 802.16-2009 mobile standard.

N (Network). The word "network" and its abbreviation "N" in ISO 8348 are replaced by the word "sub-network" and its abbreviation "SN", respectively, whenever they appear in relation to the sub-network layer packet data performance.


SubNnetwork Eentry Ttime. The time from when the “subscriber stationSS” first attempts to determine the channel to “TXon” (e.g. scanning)until the first network user “packet data unit PDU” can be sent.


Note.— It does not include time for self-test or other power up functions.

PDU. Packet Data Unit.

PtP (Point-to-point). A mode of operation whereby a link exists between two network entities.

Partial usage sub-chnnelisation (PUSC). Partial Usage Sub-Channelisation.A technique in which the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbol subcarriers are divided and permuted among a subset of sub-channels for transmission, providing partial frequency diversity.

Residual error rate. The ratio of incorrect, lost and duplicate sub-network service data units (SNSDUs) to the total number of SNSDUs that were sent.

RF. Radio Frequency.

Service flow (SF). A unidirectional flow of media access control layer (MAC) service data units (SDUs) on a connection that is providing a particular quality of service (QoS).

SN (Subnetwork). See Network (N).

Subscriber station (SS).A generalized equipment set providing connectivity between subscriber equipment and a base station (BS).

Service data unit (SDU (Service data unit).A unit of data transferred between adjacent layer entities, which is encapsulated within a protocol data unit (PDU) for transfer to a peer layer. The data unit exchanged between two adjacent protocol layers. On the downward direction, it is the data unit received from the previous higher layer. On the upward direction, it is the data unit sent to the next higher layer.[UM10]

Subnetwork service data unit (SNSDU). An amount of sub-network user data,; the identity of which is preserved from one end of a sub-network connection to the other[UM11].

Time division duplex (TDD). A duplex scheme where uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) transmissions occur at different times but may share the same frequency.

TX. Transmit.

Uplink.The direction from a subscriber station (SS) to the base station (BS).



Chapter 2.ATS Safety Management2-1

Chapter 2



2.1.1All AeroMACS systemsintended to provide AM(R)S services shall conform to the requirements of this and the following chapters.

2.1.2AeroMACS system shall only provide service on the operational surface of an Aerodrome.

2.1.23AeroMACS system shall only allow transmitssions when on the surface within the confines of an Aaerodrome.

Note.- ITU Radio Regulations No. stipulate that the AeroMACS operation is limited to surface applications.

2.1.34AeroMACS shall support aeronautical mobile- (route) service (AM(R) S))Ccommunications.

2.1.3 The AeroMACS system shall only allow transmissions when on the surface within the confines of an Aerodrome.

2.1.4AeroMACS shallshall process messages according to their associated priority

2.1.5. AeroMACS shall support multiple provide service prioritization levels of message priority.

2.1.65AeroMACS MACS shall support point to point communication.

2.1.76AeroMACS shall support multicast and broadcast communication[VM12].

2.1.87AeroMACS shall support Iinternet Pprotocol (IP) packet data services.

2.1.9The AeroMACS shall provide mechanisms to transport ATN/IPS and ATN/OSI (over IP) based messaging.

2.1.10Recommendation.—Recommendation 1.—Aero MACS should support Vvoice services.

2.1.118An AeroMACS MS shall support multiple service flows simultaneously.

2.1.129AeroMACS shall support adaptive modulation and coding.

2.1.130AeroMACS shall be implemented as an aerodrome cellular communications system where continuity in communication during aircraft movement is met by MS initiated handover procedures.

2.1.141AeroMACS shall keep total accumulated interference levels with limits defined by theInternational Telecommunication Union - Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R)as required by national/international rules on frequency assignment planning and implementation.



Chapter 3.Radio Frequency (RF) Characteristics


Chapter 3


3.1General Radio characteristics

3.1.1AeroMACS shall operate in time division duplex (TDD) mode.

3.1.2AeroMACS shall operate with a 5 MHz channel bandwidth.

3.1.3AeroMACS antenna polarization shall be vertical.

3.1.4AeroMACS spectrum shall operate without guardbands in between adjacent AeroMACS channels.

3.1.5 AeroMACSshall operate according to the Scalable Oorthogonal Ffrequency Ddivision Mmultiple Aaccess method.

3.1.6 AeroMACS shall support both segmented partial usage sub-chnnelisation (PUSC) and PUSC with all carriers as sub-carrier permutation methods.

3.1.7AeroMACS shall support both segmented PUSC and PUSC will all sub-carriers in DL sub-carrier allocation and s.

3.1.8AeroMACS shall support both segmented PUSC and PUSC will all sub-carriers[VM13] in UL sub-carrier allocations.

3.2Frequency Bands The AeroMACS equipment shall be able to operate in the band from 5030 MHz to 5150 MHz in channels of 5 MHz bandwidth.

Note 1.— Some States may, on the basis of national regulations, have additional AM(R)S allocations to support AeroMACS. Information on the technical characteristics and operational performance of AeroMACS is contained in RTCA Document DO-XXX and European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) Document ED CC [UM14].

Note 2. — The last center frequency of 5145 MHz is selected as the reference frequency. AeroMACS nominal center frequencies are referenced downward from the reference frequency in 5 MHz steps.

Note 3: The nominal center frequencies are the preferred center frequencies for AeroMACS operations. However, the base stations should have the capability to deviate from the preferred center frequencies to satisfy potential national spectrum authority implementation issues (i.e. to allow AeroMACS operations while avoiding receiving or causing interference to other systems operating in the band such as MLS and AMT). Therefore the mobile equipment should be able to operate at center frequencies offset from the preferred frequencies, with that offset having a 250 KHz step size.

AeroMACS radios shall operate on channels defined across the frequency band 5030 to 5150 MHz. AeroMACS preferred set of centre frequencies (Fcentre) shall be defined by Fcentre = 5005 + n*5 for n = { 6…28}.The second set of AeroMACS centre frequencies shall be defined by Fcentre = 5002,5 + n*0.25 for n = {120…580} in MHz.

Note 1.— Some States may, on the basis of national regulations, have additional AMS(R)S[VM15] allocations to support AeromACS. Information on the technical characteristics and operational performance of AeroMACS is contained in RTCA Document DO-XXX and European Organisation for Civil Aviaition Equipment (EUROCAE) Document ED CC[VM16].

Note 2 - The second set of centre frequencies allows AeroMACS to move gracefully away from MLS at MLS equipped airports.

PROPOSED RE-Wording from ECTL (WG-S to decide)

3.2.1AeroMACS radios shall be able to tune across the frequency band from 5002,5 MHz to 5147,5 MHz, in 250 kHz steps. The AeroMACS preferred set of centre frequencies (Fcentre) shall be defined by Fcentre = 5005 + n*5 for n = { 6…28}. The AeroMACS channels shall be 5 MHz wide.

Note 1.- The bands from 5000 to 5002,5 MHz and from 5147,5 to 5145 MHz are guard bands.

Note 2.- The 250kHz step size will allow AeroMACS to gracefully move away from a preferred center frequency to avoid any interference source such as MLS, AMT, or Military user. Deviation from the preferred center frequencies should only be considered if operations in channels using the preferred center frequencies is not possible in a particular location.


3.32.1The total mobile station effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) shall not exceed 30 dBm

3.32.2The total base station Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)in a sector shall not exceed:

a) - 39.4 dBm for elevation angles from the horizon up to 1.5 degrees
b)- 39.4 dBm linearly decreasing (in dB) to 36.4 dBm for elevation angles from 1.5 to 7.5 degrees
c)- 36.4 dBm linearly decreasing (in dB) to 24.4 dBm for elevation angles from 7.5 to 27.5 degrees
d)- 24.4 dBm linearly decreasing (in dB) to 1.4 dBm for elevation angles from 274.54 to 90 degrees

Note 1.— Note 1: EIRP defined as antenna gain in a specified elevation directionplus the average AeroMACS transmitter power. While the instantaneous peakpower from a given transmitter may exceed that level when all of thesubcarriers randomly align in phase, when the large number of transmittersassumed in the analysis is taken into account, average power is theappropriate metric.

Note 2: The breakpoints in the EIRP mask are consistent with the elevation pattern of a +15 dBi peak, 120 degree sector antenna as contained in ITU-R F.1336-2.
Note 3: These values were derived using the worst-case analysis described in [GUIDANCE MATERIAL REF]. Other approaches involving higher powers may be acceptable, however additional analysis must be performed to ensure the total interference allowable at the FSS satellites, consistent with ITU requirements, is not exceeded.
Note 4.—: If a sector contains multiple transmit antennas (e.g., multiple input multiple output (MIMO)antenna), thespecified power limit is the sum of the power from each antenna.

Note 5: I think there was something else we said should be in a note?


3.43.1The sensitivity level is defined as the power level measured at the receiver input when the bit error rate (BER) is equal to 1*10-6 ;

3.43.2The AeroMACS reciver sencitivity shall comply with table 1.

The computation of the sensitivity level for the WiMAX system is based on the following formula:

-114:is the thermal noise power term in dBm, referred to 1 MHz Bandwidth and 300 K temperatureSNRRX:is the receiver SNR , it can be defined as the SNR necessary , at the demodulator input, to get the desired BER for the given modulation and coding rate.R :is the repetition factor
Fs:is the sampling frequency in Hz
NFFT:is the FFT size
Nused:is the number of subcarrier used (FFT size – Number of guard band subcarriers – DC carrier)
ImpLoss:is the implementation loss, which includes non-ideal receiver effects such as channel estimation errors, tracking errors, quantization errors, and phase noise. The assumed value is 5 dB.

NF: is the receiver noise figure, referenced to the antenna port. The assumed value is 8 dB[UM17]

The SNRRX depends on the modulation and coding scheme selected ( a QPSK ½ needs a lower SNR than a 64 QAM ¾ to get the same BER); in case of Convolutional Coding the values defined are:

Receiver SNR
Modulation / Coding / Receiver SNR (dB)
QPSK / 1/2 / 5
QPSK / 3/4 / 8
16-QAM / 1/2 / 10.5
16-QAM / 3/4 / 14
64-QAM / 1/2 / 16
64-QAM / 2/3 / 18
64-QAM / 3/4 / 20

[UM18]Table 1 – Receiver SNR

Note 1.- Using the above parameters in the formula (1) we get the sensitivity values listed in Table 2 9

Modulation Scheme / Rep. Factor / Sensitivity
64-QAM 3/4 / 1 / -76.37 dBm
64-QAM 2/3 / 1 / -78.37 dBm
16-QAM 3/4 / 1 / -82.37 dBm
16-QAM 1/2 / 1 / -85.87 dBm
QPSK 3/4 / 1 / -88.37 dBm
QPSK 1/2 / 1 / -91.37 dBm
QPSK 1/2 / 2 / -94.37 dBm


Modulation scheme / Rep. Factor DL / Sensitivity DL / Sensitivity UL
64 qam 3/4 / 1 / -74.37 dBm / -74.50 dBm
64 qam 2/3 / 1 / -76.37 dBm / -76.50 dBm
16 qam 3/4 / 1 / -80.37 dBm / -80.50 dBm
16 qam 1/2 / 1 / -83.87 dBm / -84.00 dBm
qpsk 3/4 / 1 / -86.37 dBm / -86.50 dBm
qpsk 1/2 / 1 / -89.50 dBm / -89.50 dBm
qpsk 1/2 with repetition 2 / 2 / -92.37 dBm / -92.50 dBm

Note.1-The computation of the sensitivity level for the AeroMACS is described in guidance material

Note.2- AeroMACS minimum receiver sensitivity would be 2 dB lower than indicated in in case CTC is used.

Table 12 – AeroMACS Receiver Sensitivityies values : Rss


3.53.1The power spectral density of the emissions must be attenuated below the output power of the transmitter as follows:

a)On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between 0–45% of the authorized bandwidth (BW): 0 dB.

b)On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between 45–50% of the authorized bandwidth: 568 log (%of (BW)/45) dB.

c)On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between 50–55% of the authorized bandwidth: 26 + 145 log (% of BW/50) dB.

d)On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between 55– 100% of the authorized bandwidth: 32 + 31 log (% of (BW)/55) dB.

e)On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between 100–150% of the authorized bandwidth: 40 +57 log (% of (BW)/100) dB.

f)On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between above 150% of the authorized bandwidth: 50 dB or 55 + 10 log (P) dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

g)The zero[VM21] dB reference is measured relative to the highest average power of the fundamental emission measured across the designated channel bandwidth using a resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the occupied bandwidth of the fundamental emission and a video bandwidth of 30 kHz. The power spectral density is the power measured within the resolution bandwidth of the measurement device divided by the resolution bandwidth of the measurement device. Emission[VM22] levels are also based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the occupied bandwidth.[VM23]

3.53.2The AeroMACS radios shall implement open-loop and closed-loop power control.

Note 1.— The AeroMACS transmit spectral mask is taken from Title 47 CFR section 90.210. The AeroMACS spectrum mask requirement is based upon emission mask “M” for all power levels authorized for the AeroMACS service.

Note 2.— The purpose of this requirement is to minimize prevent harmful interference to other aeronautical systems which can result from radiated and/or conducted emissions that include harmonics, discrete spurious, inter-modulation products and noise emissions, and are not necessarily limited to the ‘transmitter on’ state.

3.3.3Interference to other AeroMACS equipment Emissions from an Aero MACS MS shall cause not more than 3 dB degradation of C/I with any other Aero MACS MS operating at the same aerodrome.

3.53.34Aero MACS minimum rejection for adjacent (+/–5MHz) channel[VM24] rejection – measured at BER=10-6 level for a 3 dB C/I degradation - shall be 10 dB for 16 QAM 3/4.[UM25]

3.53.45Aero MACS minimum rejection for adjacent (+/–5MHz) channel rejection - measured at BER=10-6 level for a 3 dB C/I degradation - shall be 4 dB for 64 QAM 3/4.

3.53.56Aero MACS minimum rejection for second adjacentlternated(+/–10MHz) channel and beyond rejection – measured at BER=10-6 level for a 3 dB C/I degradation - shall be 29 dB for 16 QAM 3/4.

3.53.67Aero MACS minimum rejection for second adjacentlternate(+/–10MHz) channel and beyond rejection – measured at BER=10-6 level for 3 dB C/I degradation - shall be 24 dB for 64 QAM 3/4.[UM26]

Recommendation 1.— In order to contain interference between AeroMACS cells and due to AeroMACS TDD nature, all BSs installed at an aerodrome should be synchronized with GNSS time or any other time source having equivalent performance as GNSS[VM27].