Modern North Africa
Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______
Class Objective:
North Africa’s religions were shaped by the isolation caused by-
The most dominant religion in the area is-
The reason Islam is the most prevalent religion is because of-
Even though the people are located in Northern Africa they mostly consider themselves Arab.
After the collapse of Roman power-
The Berbers are a group of people who claim to be descendants from the cultural group that inhabited the area before-
Most people wear traditional clothing. This traditional clothing serves two purposes.
North African politics have long been influenced by Islamic beliefs. This can cause-
Islamic fundamentalists feel that-
Others want government to limit the role of Islam in politics.
In Algeria in 1992, an Islamic party was going to win the upcoming election and take power. In response to this-
In retaliation to the governments choice-
If the U.S was to get involved which side would we choose? Which side would you choose?
The U.S has became increasingly involved in North Africa sending both military and-
The President of Libya has pursued many anti-American policies, and sees himself as a
Libyan and Egypt Revolutions
Egypt in 2011 overthrew their dictator and held public democratic elections. Some of the major contributors to the-
Libya 2011 Muammar Gaddafiwas overthrown in a similar revolution that the U.S helped the –
Research at home
What are conditions like in Egypt now after the revolution? ______
What is the government of Libya like after the revolution, who is in charge, is it better or worse, do the people support it?
Most North African countries would be considered as-
Some countries such as Morocco have tried to strengthen their economy by-
Natural Resources
Oil and Natural gas are the main products of the Libyan and Algerian economies. Egypt and Tunisia-
Agricultural production-
Egypt has millions of farmers producing agriculture along the NileValley.
The only country in the region without strong agricultural production is-
The main cities in the region have a mix of modern and traditional buildings.
These cities are becoming increasingly overcrowded as people move to the cities to find work
Cities such as Cairo do not have enough housing for the migrants. People crowd into-
People also have converted tombs into bedrooms and kitchens.