Standard for Implementing HL7 Version 2 in the UK

Request for Change

Request by (name) / Keith Naylor
On behalf of (organisation ) / personal view / DH Informatics Directorate
e-mail address /
Telephone no. / 07764 952029
Date / 31st Dec 2009
Submitter Reference / DHID-RFC-0038
RfC Identifier (Do not complete. This will be used for internal HL7UK tracking of RfCs) / 10/038
Section / Chapter, section or subsection number to which the request for change applies (all requests will be given an individual unique identifier)
Category / One of:M (Major) a serious disagreement with the approach taken or the terms of the standard
I (Minor)other disagreement with the approach taken or the terms of the standard
S (Suggest)suggestion for improvement not arising from a disagreement with the approach
Q (Query)uncertainty on meaning or a lack of clarity
T (Typo)technical, grammatical or typographical error
G (General)other general comments on the document
Details / A description of the request for change
Suggested Change / Either suggested wording to resolve the item or other suggested resolution of the request for change. Completion of this column will greatly enhance the process of resolving the items.

All Requests for Change must be in this format

Section / Category / Details / Suggested Change / Suggest / Align table values with NHS Data Model and Dictionary and the Information Standards Board for Health and Social Care standard (ISB HaSC):
NHS Guidance:
SCG Guidance: How to Use the Religious or Other Belief System Affiliation List
Values must be based on the approved ISB HaSC standard that is also used in the ONS UK Census 2001.
In the case where reception kiosk units are deployed then this information may be captured remotely from and messaged to the PAS. / User Table 0006 - Religion
Add support for religion values, suggested as per the NHS Data Model and Dictionary and used in the ONS Census 2001:
A1 Baha'i
B1 Buddhist
B2 Mahayana Buddhist
B3 New Kadampa Tradition Buddhist
B4 Nichiren Buddhist
B5 Pure Land Buddhist
B6 Theravada Buddhist
B7 Tibetan Buddhist
B8 Zen Buddhist
C1 Christian
C2 Amish
C3 Anabaptist
C4 Anglican
C5 Apostolic Pentecostalist
C6 Armenian Catholic
C7 Armenian Orthodox
C8 Baptist
C9 Brethren
C10 Bulgarian Orthodox
C11 Calvinist
C12 Catholic: Not Roman Catholic
C13 Celtic Christian
C14 Celtic Orthodox Christian
C15 Chinese Evangelical Christian
C16 Christadelphian
C17 Christian Existentialist
C18 Christian Humanist
C19 Christian Scientists
C20 Christian Spiritualist
C21 Church in Wales
C22 Church of England
C23 Church of God of Prophecy
C24 Church of Ireland
C25 Church of Scotland
C26 Congregationalist
C27 Coptic Orthodox
C28 Eastern Catholic
C29 Eastern Orthodox
C30 Elim Pentecostalist
C31 Ethiopian Orthodox
C32 Evangelical Christian
C33 Exclusive Brethren
C34 Free Church
C35 Free Church of Scotland
C36 Free Evangelical Presbyterian
C37 Free Methodist
C38 Free Presbyterian
C39 French Protestant
C40 Greek Catholic
C41 Greek Orthodox
C42 Independent Methodist
C43 Indian Orthodox
C44 Jehovah's Witness
C45 Judaic Christian
C46 Lutheran
C47 Mennonite
C48 Messianic Jew
C49 Methodist
C50 Moravian
C51 Mormon
C52 Nazarene Church / SYN Nazarene
C53 New Testament Pentacostalist
C54 Nonconformist
C55 Old Catholic
C56 Open Brethren
C57 Orthodox Christian
C58 Pentecostalist / SYN Pentacostal Christian
C59 Presbyterian
C60 Protestant
C61 Plymouth Brethren
C62 Quaker
C63 Rastafari
C64 Reformed Christian
C65 Reformed Presbyterian
C66 Reformed Protestant
C67 Roman Catholic
C68 Romanian Orthodox
C69 Russian Orthodox
C70 Salvation Army Member
C71 Scottish Episcopalian
C72 Serbian Orthodox
C73 Seventh Day Adventist
C74 Syrian Orthodox
C75 Ukrainian Catholic
C76 Ukrainian Orthodox
C77 Uniate Catholic
C78 Unitarian
C79 United Reform
C80 Zwinglian
D1 Hindu
D2 Advaitin Hindu
D3 Arya Samaj Hindu
D4 Shakti Hindu
D5 Shiva Hindu
D6 Vaishnava Hindu / Hare Krishna
E1 Jain
F1 Jewish
F2 Ashkenazi Jew
F3 Haredi Jew
F4 Hasidic Jew
F5 Liberal Jew
F6 Masorti Jew
F7 Orthodox Jew
F8 Reform Jew
G1 Muslim
G2 Ahmadi
G3 Druze
G4 Ismaili Muslim
G5 Shi'ite Muslim
G6 Sunni Muslim
H1 Pagan
H2 Asatruar
H3 Celtic Pagan
H4 Druid
H5 Goddess
H6 Heathen
H7 Occultist
H8 Shaman
H9 Wiccan
I1 Sikh
J1 Zoroastrian
K1 Agnostic *
K2 Ancestral Worship
K3 Animist
K4 Anthroposophist
K5 Black Magic
K6 Brahma Kumari
K7 British Israelite
K8 Chondogyo
K9 Confucianist
K10 Deist
K11 Humanist
K12 Infinite Way
K13 Kabbalist
K14 Lightworker
K15 New Age Practitioner
K16 Native American Religion
K17 Pantheist
K18 Peyotist
K19 Radha Soami /SYN Sant Mat
K20 Religion (Other Not Listed) **
K21 Santeri
K22 Satanist
K23 Scientologist
K24 Secularist
K25 Shumei
K26 Shinto
K27 Spiritualist
K28 Swedenborgian / SYN Neo-Christian
K29 Taoist
K30 Unitarian-Universalist
K31 Universalist
K32 Vodun
K33 Yoruba
L1 Atheist
L2 Not Religious
M1 Religion not given - PATIENT refused
N1 Patient Religion Unknown ***
Mapping from HL7values > NHS Values
HL7 Values > NHS Values
ABC - Christian: American Baptist Church > C1 - Christian
AGN - Agnostic > K1 - Agnostic *
AME - Christian: African Methodist Episcopal Zion > C1 –
AMT - Christian: African Methodist Episcopal > C1 - Christian
ANG - Christian: Anglican > C4 - Anglican
AOG - Christian: Assembly of God > C1 - Christian
ATH - Atheist > L1 - Atheist
BAH - Baha'i > A1 - Baha'i
BAP - Christian: Baptist > C8 - Baptist
BMA - Buddhist: Mahayana > B2 - Mahayana Buddhist
BOT - Buddhist: Other > B1 - Buddhist
BTA - Buddhist: Tantrayana > B1 - Buddhist
BTH - Buddhist: Theravada > B6 - Theravada Buddhist
BUD - Buddhist > B1 - Buddhist
CAT - Christian: Roman Catholic > C67 - Roman Catholic
CFR - Chinese Folk Religionist > K20 - Religion (Other Not
Listed) **
CHR - Christian > C1 - Christian
CHS - Christian: Christian Science > C19 - Christian Scientists
CMA - Christian: Christian Missionary Alliance > C1 - Christian
CNF - Confucian > K9 - Confucianist
COC - Christian: Church of Christ > C1 - Christian
COG - Christian: Church of God > C1 - Christian
COI - Christian: Church of God in Christ > C1 - Christian
COL - Christian: Congregational > C26 - Congregationalist
COM - Christian: Community > C1 - Christian
COP - Christian: Other Pentecostal > C58 - Pentecostalist / SYN Pentacostal Christian
COT - Christian: Other > C1 - Christian
CRR - Christian: Christian Reformed > C1 - Christian
EOT - Christian: Eastern Orthodox > C29 - Eastern Orthodox
EPI - Christian: Episcopalian > C1 - Christian
ERL - Ethnic Religionist > K20 - Religion (Other Not Listed) **
EVC - Christian: Evangelical Church > C32 - Evangelical
FRQ - Christian: Friends > C1 - Christian
FWB - Christian: Free Will Baptist > C1 - Christian
GRE - Christian: Greek Orthodox > C41 - Greek Orthodox
HIN - Hindu > D1 - Hindu
HOT - Hindu: Other > D1 - Hindu
HSH - Hindu: Shaivites > D5 - Shiva Hindu
HVA - Hindu: Vaishnavites > D6 - Vaishnava Hindu / Hare
JAI - Jain > E1 - Jain
JCO - Jewish: Conservative > F1 - Jewish
JEW - Jewish > F1 - Jewish
JOR - Jewish: Orthodox > F7 - Orthodox Jew
JOT - Jewish: Other > F1 - Jewish
JRC - Jewish: Reconstructionist > F1 - Jewish
JRF - Jewish: Reform > F8 - Reform Jew
JRN - Jewish: Renewal > F1 - Jewish
JWN - Christian: Jehovah's Witness > C44 - Jehovah's Witness
LMS - Christian: Lutheran Missouri Synod > C46 - Lutheran
LUT - Christian: Lutheran > C46 - Lutheran
MEN - Christian: Mennonite > C47 - Mennonite
MET - Christian: Methodist > C49 - Methodist
MOM - Christian: Latter-day Saints > C1 - Christian
MOS - Muslim > G1 - Muslim
MOT - Muslim: Other > G1 - Muslim
MSH - Muslim: Shiite > G5 - Shi'ite Muslim
MSU - Muslim: Sunni > G6 - Sunni Muslim
NAM - Native American > K16 - Native American Religion
NAZ - Christian: Church of the Nazarene > C52 - Nazarene
Church / SYN
NOE - Nonreligious > L2 - Not Religious
NRL - New Religionist > K20 - Religion (Other Not Listed) **
ORT - Christian: Orthodox > C57 - Orthodox Christian
OTH - Other > K20 - Religion (Other Not Listed) **
PEN - Christian: Pentecostal > C58 - Pentecostalist / SYN
Pentacostal Christian
PRC - Christian: Other Protestant > C60 - Protestant
PRE - Christian: Presbyterian > C59 - Presbyterian
PRO - Christian: Protestant > C60 - Protestant
QUA - Christian: Friends > C1 - Christian
REC - Christian: Reformed Church > C64 - Reformed Christian
REO - Christian: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ-LDS > C1 - Christian
SAA - Christian: Salvation Army > C70 - Salvation Army
SEV - Christian: Seventh Day Adventist > C73 - Seventh Day
SHN - Shintoist > K26 - Shinto
SIK - Sikh > I1 - Sikh
SOU - Christian: Southern Baptist > C1 - Christian
SPI - Spiritist > K20 - Religion (Other Not Listed) **
UCC - Christian: United Church of Christ > C1 - Christian
UMD - Christian: United Methodist > C49 - Methodist
UNI - Christian: Unitarian > C78 - Unitarian
UNU - Christian: Unitarian Universalist > C78 - Unitarian
VAR - Unknown > N1 - Patient Religion Unknown ***
WES - Christian: Wesleyan > C1 - Christian
WMC - Christian: Wesleyan Methodist > C1 - Christian

HL7 UK Progress Tracking

Date / Action (HL7 UK Recommended Action / Published for Consultation / Adopted as Pre-Standard)

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Standard for Implementing HL7 Version 2 in the UK

Request for Change

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