Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, LongowalGuidelines & Performa for CAS Applications

Annexure: 1

Minimum Academic Performance and Service Requirements for Promotion of Teachers in Universities and Colleges:

Sr.No. / Promotion of Teacher through CAS / Service Requirement / Minimum Academic Performance Requirements and Screening/ Selection Criteria
1. / Assistant Professor/equivalent cadres from Stage 1 to State 2 / Assistant Professor in Stage 1 and completed four years of service with Ph.D or five years of service who are with M.Phil / PG Degree in Professional Courses such as LL.M, M.Tech. M.V.Sc., M.D. or six years of service who are without Ph.D./ M.Phil /PG Degree in Professional Courses / i) Minimum API scores using PBAS scoring Performa developed by the concerned university as per the norms provided in Table II (A) of Appendix III.
ii)Two short term courses / refresher courses/orientation courses of min 2 weeks duration or a total of 4 weeks.
iii)Training, Liaison, Interaction Programs, Consultancy related Visits to the Industry not less than two months duration (minimum one month at a stretch; one month to be of 4 weeks).* #
iv) Screening cum Verification process for recommending promotion.
2. / Assistant Professor/equivalent cadres from Stage 2 to State 3 / Assistant Professor with completed service of five years in Stage 2 / i) Minimum API scores using PBAS scoring Performa developed by SLIET as per the norms provided in Table II(A) of Appendix III.
ii)Short term courses /programme from among the categories of refresher courses, methodology workshops, Training, Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Technology Programes and Faculty Development Programmes of 2 week duration.
iii)Training, Liaison, Interaction Programs, Consultancy related Visits to the Industry not less than two months duration (minimum one month at a stretch; one month to be of 4 weeks).* #
iv) Screening cum Verification process for recommending promotion
3. / Assistant Professor (Stage 3 to Associate Professor (Stage 4) / Assistant Professors with three years of completed service in Stage 3 / i) Minimum API scores using PBAS scoring Performa developed by SLIET as per the norms provided in Table II(A) of Appendix III.
ii) At least three publications in the entire period as Assistant Professor.
iii) Short Term Course/programme from among the categories of methodology workshops, Training, Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Technology Programmes, Soft skills development Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes of minimum one week duration.
iv)Training, Liaison, Interaction Programs, Consultancy related Visits to the Industry not less than two months duration (minimum one month at a stretch; one month to be of 4 weeks).* #
v) A Selection Committee process as stipulated in this regulation and in Table II(A) of Appendix III.
4. / Associate Professor (Stage 4) Professor/equivalent cadres (stage 5) / Associate Professor with three years of completed service in Stage 4 / i) Minimum yearly/cumulative API scores using PBAS scoring Performa developed by SLIET as per the norms provided in Table II(A) of Appendix III. Teachers may combine previous assessment periods to achieve minimum API Scores for category III, if required.
ii) A minimum of 5 publications since the period that the teacher is placed in Stage 3.
iii)Training, Liaison, Interaction Programs, Consultancy related Visits to the Industry not less than two months duration (minimum one month at a stretch; one month to be of 4 weeks).* #
iv) A selection committee process as stipulated in this regulation and in Table II (A) of Appendix III.

*Would be applicable for promotions under CAS with effect from 1st July 2012 for all Engineering/Technology Departments only.

# Faculty members who become eligible under CAS from 1st July 2012 to 30th June 2015 would be promoted subject to other eligibility conditions. However this would be conditional and they would have to complete training requirement within a period of 3 years after being promoted.

Note- I: CAS Promotions up-to 30.12.2008

Any candidate, who became eligible for promotion under CAS up to 30th December 2008, the promotion, will be governed by 5th pay commission guidelines provided by the AICTE.

Note- II: CAS Promotion from 31st December 2008 to 30th June 2011

Any candidate, who became eligible for promotion under CAS on or after 31st December 2008, the promotion, will be governed by UGC Regulation 2010. Only cumulative points in category III are required if CAS promotion is due between 31st Dec. 2008 to 30th June 2011.

Note III: CAS Promotion from 1st July 2011 onwards

For teachers eligible for CAS promotion on or after July 1, 2011, one year API for Category I and II will be applicable. Similarly for teachers becoming eligible on or after July 1, 2012 two years API for Category I and II will be applicable and so on.

Note IV: Grace period

Grace period of 2 year(i.e up-to 30th June 2012)or 12 months from the date since these regulations would come into force at SLIET (whichever is maximum of the two) would be given to teachers for acquiring minimum eligibility requirement as per these regulations. Date of implementation of CAS for such teachers would be the date of their eligibility

Note V: Screening/Selection criteria for CAS promotions

Expert assessment with appropriate weightages of Category I & II, Category III and Interview performance as provided in Appendix II, Table II (A) would be applicable for teachers

Annexure: 2

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal



PBAS Proforma for promotion under UGC Career Advancement Scheme

(Revised Pay Scales for Teachers, 2006)

Application for promotion from: (Assistant Professor Stage 1 to Stage 2, Stage 2 to Stage 3), Assistant Professor (Stage 3) to Associate Professor (Stage 4), Associate Professor (Stage 4 to Professor/equivalent cadres (Stage 5). ______

(Please indicate whichever is applicable)


1 / Name (in Block Letters) / :
2 / Father’s Name/Mother’s Name / :
3 / Department / :
4 / Current Designation & Grade Pay / :
5 / Date of Last Promotion with date / :
6 / Which position and grade pay are you an applicant under CAS? / :
7 / Date of eligibility for promotion / :
8 / Date and Place of Birth / :
9 / Sex / :
10 / Marital Status / :
11 / Nationality / :
13 / Address for correspondence (with Pincode) / :
14 / Permanent Address (with Pincode) / :
14.a / Contact Number / :
14.b / E-Mail / :

15.Academic Qualifications (Matric onwards):

Examination / University / Year / % of marks obtained / Division & Distinction
Intermediate (10+2)
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
Other Exams (if any)
  1. Record of service in SLIET

Designation / Essential qualifications for the post at the time of appointment / Nature of appointment (Regular/ Fixed term/
Temporary/ Adhoc) / Nature of Duties / Pay-
Scale / Date of Actual joining / Total period
Yr. M. Days

17.Record of academic service prior to joining SLIET (please attach relevant certificates of service experience)

Institution / Designation / Essential qualifications for the post at the time of appointment / Nature of
appointment (Regular/ Fixed term/
Temporary/ Adhoc) / Nature of
Duties / Pay-
Scale / Date of Joining / Date of Leaving / Reasons of Leaving

Please Indicate, whether in previous service:

a)The essential qualifications of the post held were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the UGC.

b)The post is/was in an equivalent grade or of the pre-revised scale of pay.

c)Whether applied through proper channel.

d)Whether possess the same minimum qualifications as prescribed by the UGC for appointment to the post.

e)The post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selection procedure as laid down in the Regulations of University/StateGovernment/CentralGovernment/Concerned Institution, for such appointments.

f)The previous appointment was not as guest lecture for any duration, or an ad-hoc or in a leave vacancy of less than one year duration.

18.Period of teaching Experience: (in Years)

19.Fields of Specialization under the Subject/Discipline



21.Short Term Courses attended:

Nature of the Course/Summer School / Place / Duration / Sponsoring Agency

(Attach certificates)

22. List of Publication (for the purpose of evaluation, attach copy of only best five publications):

Sr.No. Name of Publication Name of publisher Date of publication






23. Any other relevant information:


(Please provide a brief resume of your future plans for teaching and research)






Head of the Department

(Office Stamp)


Annexure -3


(TEACHING FACULTY /Equivalent cadres)

(To be filled by the Candidates)

(Please see detailed instructions of this PBAS proforma before filling out this section)

Those teachers, who are eligible for promotion upto 30th June, 2011 at any stage, are not required to submit score from category I & II, i.e., scores from category III is required for promotion due upto 30th June, 2011.

Name : ______Present Designation : ______

Department : ______

Summary of API score for the Assessment Period

(Candidate has to fill information up-to Sr. no. 7 only)

S. No. / Type of activity / Details
Teaching Learning, Evaluation for last year of assessment period (category I)
Co-curricular, Extension and Profession for last year of assessment period (category II)
Total of category I and II of last academic year of assessment period*
Total average under category I and II*
Research & Academic Contribution for assessment period (Category III)
% Weightage of Category I+II
% Weightae of Category III
Total of 6 and 7 above
% of Interview performance
Percentage Distribution of Weightage Points in the Expert Assessment (Total Weightage = 100. Min. Required for promotion is 50)

*Teacher may score additional 10 points from either Category I or II to achieve minimum score required under category I + II


  • Please refer to instructions/Annual PBAS for calculating API score and filling up this form provided along with this application form
  • Any candidate, who became eligible for promotion under CAS up to 30th December 2008, the promotion, will be governed by 5th pay commission guidelines provided by the AICTE.
  • Any candidate, who became eligible for promotion under CAS on or after 31st December 2008, the promotion, will be governed by UGC Regulation 2010.
  • Grace period of 2 year (i.e upto 30th June 2012) or 12 months from the date, these regulations would come into force at SLIET (whichever is maximum of the two) would be given to teachers for acquiring minimum eligibility requirement as per these regulations. Date of implementation of CAS for such teachers would be the date of their eligibility
  • Those teachers, who are eligible for promotion up to 30th June, 2011 at any stage, are not required to submit score from category I & II, i.e., scores from category III only is required for promotion due before 30th June, 2011.
  • As per UGC Regulation 2010, only cumulative points in category III are required between CAS applicants who are eligible from 31st Dec. 2008 to 30th June 2011. API score for category I & II will be applicable from 31st July 2011.
  • For teachers eligible for CAS promotion after June 30, 2011, one year API for Category I and II will be applicable. Similarly for teachers becoming eligible after June 30, 2012 two years API for Category I and II will be applicable and so on.
  • For Librarian/Physical Instructor same form would be used and guidelines given by the UGC for universities would be followed.
  • Please refer to guidelines provided by SLIET or UGC regulations on ‘Minimum qualifications for appointments of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges and measures for maintenance of standards in higher education 2010’ and clarifications issued till date or any further clarifications issued thereon.

Dated: (Name & Signature)

Note:Please read the instructions given at the end of Proforma for calculating API Score in each category.

CATEGORY I: Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Related Activities

(Details of most recent academic year of the assessment period is to be given )


(Semester I)

Sr No / Semester/Class / Sub. Code /
Subject Name
/ No. of hours engaged per week / Strength of Class / Result Summary / Total scheduled classes / Classes held / %age held / API
L / T / P / Pass / Fail / Detained
Total of API Score

(Semester II)

Sr No / Semester/Class / Sub. Code /
Subject Name
/ No. of hours engaged per week / Stren-gth of Class / Result Summary / Total scheduled classes / Classes held / %age held / API
L / T / P / Pass / Fail / Detained
Total of API Score

(Summer courses)

Sr No / Semester/Class / Sub. Code /
Subject Name
/ No. of hours engaged per week / Stren-gth of Class / Result Summary / Total scheduled classes / Classes held / %age held / API
L / T / P / Pass / Fail / Detained
Period / API Score
Semester I (Max. 25)
Semester II (max. 25)
Teaching load in excess of UGC norms including extra load during semester and summer term (max. 10)
Total API score


Classes taken (max 50 for 100% performance and proportionate score up-to 80% performance, below which no score may be given)

Teaching Load in excess of UGC norm (max score:10)

API score for summer courses can be counted as load in excess of UGC norms

(ii) Reading/ Instructional material consulted and additional knowledge resources provided to students
S. No. / Semester /Class / Sub. Cod / Sub. Name / Consulted / Prescribed / Additional Resource provided / API Score
API Score based on preparation and imparting of knowledge/ instruction as per curriculum and syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to students (maximum score:20) / API Score
(iii) Use of Participatory and Innovative Teaching-Learning Methodologies, Updating of Subject Content, Course Improvement etc.
S.No. / Short Description / API Score
Total Score (maximum score:20)
(iv) Examination duties assigned and performed :
S.No. / Type of Examination Duties / Date and time / Duties Assigned / Extent to which carried out (%) / API Score
Total Score (Max:25)


(Details of most recent academic year of the assessment period is to be given )

S.No. / Type of Activities /Position / Duration/Date and time / Contributions / API Score
(i) Extension, Co-curricular & field based Activities
Total (Max:20)
(ii) Contribution to corporate life and Management of the Institute / Yearly/ Semester wise responsibilities / API Score
Total (Max : 15)
(iii) Professional Development Activities e.g. Organizing STC/ Seminar/ Conference/Continuing education program
Total (Max 15)
Total Score (i+ii+iii)


(Details of entire assessment period is to be given)

(For promotion to Professor, period from start of stage 3 can be counted along-with stage 4))

(A) Published Papers in Journals

S.N. / Title with page no. / Journal / ISSN/ISBN No. / Whether peer reviewed. /Indexed (Impact factor, if any) / No. of Co-authors / Whether you are the main author / API Score

B (i) Articles/ Chapters published in Books

S.N. / Title with page no. / Book Title, editor & publisher / ISSN/ISBN No. / Whether peer reviewed. / No. of Co-authors and Date of Publication / Whether you are the main author / API Score

B(ii) Full papers in Conference Proceedings

S.N. / Title with page no. / Details of conference Publications / No. of Co-authors and Date of publication / Whether you are the main author / API Score

B (iii) Books published as single author or as editor

S.N. / Title with page no. / Type of Book & Authorship / Publisher & ISSN/ISBN No. / Whether Peer Reviewed / No. of Co-author & Date of Publication / Whether you are the main author / API Score

C (I & ii). Ongoing Research projects and consultancies

S.N. / Title / Agency / Period / Grant/ Amount Mobilized (Rs Lakhs) / API Score

C (iii & iv) Completed Research Projects, Consultanciesand Outcomes

S.N. / Title / Agency / Period / Grant/ Amount Mobilized (Rs. Lakhs) / Whether Policy Documents/Patent as outcome / API Score

(D) Project/Research Guidance

S.N. / Number Enrolled / Thesis Submitted / Degree Awarded / API Score
Dip./B. E. Project
M. Phil or Equivalent
Ph.D or Equivalent

E(i)Training Courses, Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Technology, Faculty Development Programs attended

S.N. / Programme / Duration / Organised by / API Score

E (ii) Papers presented in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposia

S.N. / Title of the paper presented / Title of Conference/Seminar etc / Date(s) of the event / Organised by / Whether International/ National/State/Regional/University or College Level / API Score

E(iii)Invited Lectures and Chairmanships at National or international Conference/ Seminars

S.N. / Title of Lecture/ Academic Session / Title of Conference/Seminar etc / Date(s) of the event / Organised by / Whether International/ National/State / API Score

F(i) Citations of publications/patents etc.

S.N. / Title with page no. / Journal / ISSN/ISBN No. / Author names
Details of citation(s)
Title with page no. / Journal / Author(s) / ISSN/ISBN No. / Whether indexed / Whether cited by author/co-author / API Score


Please give details of any other credential, significant contributions, awards received etc. not mentioned earlier.

S.N. / Details (Mention Year, Value etc. where relevant)


Criteria / Last Academic Year / Total – API Score for Assessment Period / Annual Av. API Score for Assessment Period
I / Teaching, Learning and Evaluation related Activities
II / Co-curricular, extension, professional development etc.
Total = I + II
Last Academic Year / Previous total of assessment period / Sum Total of assessment period
III / Research and Academic Contribution


Certified that information given and being submitted here is true to the best of my knowledge


Date (Name of the official)

Verified by the reporting officer/HoD

Instructions for Filling up PBAS Proforma

This part of the Proforma is based on Appendix-III, Table 1 of the UGC Regulations 2010.

B (I)is based on API scoring for Category I of the Table. Detailed information for most recent assessment year is to be provided.

B (II)is based on Category II of the Table. Detailed information most recent assessment year is to be provided.

B (III)is based on Category III of the Table. Detailed information for the entire assessment period is to be provided.

The proforma is to be filled as per these tables and self assessment scores given. For each category, even though several avenues of activities and their API scores are given to provide choice/ opportunity to the teacher, maximum limit of scores that can be given or carried forward under each category/ area is indicated in the Table-1 of the UGC regulations (Provided at the end of this form).

The self assessment scores are further to be based on the indicators / activities given below.

NB. The self assessment score are subject to verification by SLIET, and by the screening cum verification committee as the case may be.

CATEGORY: I. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Related Activities

Maximum Scores Allocated: 125

Minimum API Score Required: 75


Lectures/Seminars/Practicals/Tutorials/Contact classes taken should be based on verifiable records.
No score should be assigned if a teacher has taken less than 80% of the assigned classes. Universities may give allowance for periods of leave where alternative teaching arrangements have been made.
Maximum Score of 50 if there is 100% performance
Classes taken (max 50 for 100% performance and proportionate score up-to 80% performance, below which no score may be given) / Max Score:50
Note: Maximum API score of 50 is to be divided among two semesters equally.
For each semester API score would be allocated to each subject on pro-rata basis taking UGC prescribed load as the maximum.
A teacher has to take minimum of one theory subject in each semester.
Two hours relaxation for additional charge of Dean/ HOD of an academic department.
A class would be considered as held if all students are absent
