LPTC General Membership and Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

7 January 2008, Reno, NV



Carl Engelbrecht


January 7, 2008


General membership and Steering Committee

Minutes from the

AIAA 46th Aerospace Sciences Meeting

7 - 10 January 2008

Reno, Nevada


LPTC General Membership and Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

7 January 2008, Reno, NV


Date: January 7, 2008

To: Carl Engelbrecht, LPTC Chairman

From: David Perry, Secretary

Subject: Minutes - Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 7-10 January, 2008, Reno, Nevada

Chairman Carl Engelbrecht called the meeting to order at 1800 hours on 7 January 2008 in the Reno Sierra Resort. The agenda for the LPTC meeting is included as Attachment 1. Thirteen members and alternates were in attendance (Attachment 2). Action Items established during the course of the meeting have been added to outstanding action items from previous meetings, and are listed in Attachment 3. Attachment 4 is a reproduction of the presentation material used by Carl Engelbrecht in the meeting.

The LPTC Steering Group (attendees are indicated on the Attachment 2 attendance roster) met prior to the full committee meeting (the meeting took place on January 7, between 1600 hours and 1740 hours); minutes were taken and the topics covered were discussed again in the general meeting.

Key points and discussion from the meeting follow:

Opening Remarks / Introduction

- Carl Engelbrecht started the meeting with welcoming remarks. The agenda for the meeting was also reviewed.

Old Business

o  David Perry asked if there were any comments or corrections to the minutes of the LPTC General Membership meeting in Cincinnati on July 2007. Minor comments or corrections were received, and the minutes were then approved as written by voice vote.

o  The status of the action items was reviewed (see Attachment 3 for details). New items of note included:

o  Item 08ASM-4 was assigned to John Garvey. John is to try to get a new member from ULA, United Launch Alliance.

o  Item 08ASM-5 was accepted by Carl Engelbrecht. Carl is to send an email to Betty expressing concern that the exhibitors feel that the JPC has become a more hostile environment and that they are reducing support to the JPC.

Propulsion and Energy Business

Presentation was made by Ashwani K. Gupta and some of the highlights are as follows:


-  Provide a Strategic Vision for AIAA

-  Our Cycle Starts in May with New VP Elect

- Increase the Stature, Quality and Breadth of AIAA

- Valued Awards, Quality Papers, and Joint Conferences

- Reorganize TAC to Provide a ‘Place’ for Every Member

- Reorganization Plus Database Key Parts of Goal

- Work Together Better With AIAA Organization and Staff

- Doing Better; Some TCs Still Doing Their Own Thing

- Tie Budget to Products for TAC

- Believe this has been done – Concerned about lower

attendance in ’08 – Anticipating a 5% Reduction from ‘07


Presentation of Plan to TAC today

Respond to Issues from TAC by November

Revised Plan to TAC by mid-December

TAC Approval in January

Board Approval in January - If TAC Approval Is Without Issues

Board Approval in May – If TAC Approval Is Contingent on New Issues


In Order for AIAA to Grow – TAC Must Grow

Represent a Small R&D Community Today

Want to Represent All of Aerospace Community in Future

TAC Reorg Will Help By Segregating Disciplines And Programs

Allows for Greater Diversity in Disciplines

Required If We’re Going To Link With Other Societies

Best Path to Growth Is to Offer Our Services to Other’s Existing Conferences

Are We Willing to Do That? Are They?

Co-sponsorship is First Step

Issues / Responses

External Forces

-  Aeronautics Funding Continues to Decline

-  Impact on R&D Infrastructure is Now Noticeable

-  Impact on TAC Conferences is Missing Key Indicators

- ITAR Interpretation Impacting Industry and Government

- Impacting Paper Quality, Submissions, Topics

- Setting up for ITAR-Controlled Sessions at Conferences

Internal Forces

- Reorganization is Causing Undue Concern

- Most Issues Have Been Resolved & Moving Forward

- Financial Margins Reduced by a Factor of 5 for 2007

- Same Performance Reduces Margin with New Ground-rules

- Expecting Performance to Fall by 5% in ’08

- Still showing a $1.45M Margin at end of June ‘07

May-July 2007 - Attendance

n  Conference Budget Actual Last

n  Infotech@Aerospace 325 295 316(05)

n  ADS/Balloons 140/30 110/36 128(ADS05)

n  IECEC 200 126 181(06)

n  Fluids et al 600 587 514(05)

n  Joint Propulsion 1025 975 1057(06)

n  Total 2320 2129 2196

JPC Conference Updates

- 2008 Hartford, CT, Alan Frankel

o  Alan Frankel prepared the material on the 2008 JPC (see Attachment 10)

o  The 2007 JPC will be July 20-23, 2006.

- No report was made for the 2009 JPC.

New Business

o  Nominations and Confirmations

o  Rich Cohn will be the new JANNAF LPC liaison

o  Geoff Reber will be the new Electric Propulsion liaison

o  Mohammad Naraghi will be moved to Publications

o  John Garvey will be moved to History

o  Chris Keeler has left the committee

Subcommittee Reports

o  Publications and Website (Bill Wang)

•  Bill did not have a handout so the material shown in Attachment 5 was created by the secretary.

•  Inputs for the 2008 Aerospace America Highlights article are solicited (see Action Item 08ASM-2 on Attachment 3). Inputs are due by the JPC.

o  History (Kent Pugmire)

•  Kent presented his report and the material is shown in Attachment 6.

o  Membership (Pat Sgarlata)

•  Pat Sgarlata charts were presented by Scott Forde and are shown in Attachment 7.

•  Seven new members were proposed for new LPTC membership and three were accepted by oral vote

§  Thomas Geil

§  David Perigo

§  Silvio Chianese

§  Richard Truesdell

§  Alfredo Lopez

o  Awards (Eric Besnard)

•  Eric’s charts were also presented by Carl Engelbrecht and are shown in Attachment 8

•  Accomplishments of the subcommittee included the selection of the Best Student, Young Professional, Best Paper, and Substained AIAA member to Steve Fisher.

o  Treasurer’s Report

•  Scott Forde presented the charts shown in Attachment 9. The treasurer’s report was approved by voice vote.

o  Liaisons

•  Mike Meyer prepared the JANNAF LPS Liaison Report. JANNAF LPS held a joint meeting with the Propulsion, Spacecraft Propulsion, and Modeling and Simulation Subcommittees May 14th – 17th, 2007 in Denver, Colorado. There were approximately 90 sessions with 25 of them LPS sponsored (~ 120 papers, 600 attendees at the meeting).

o  The action items assigned in the meeting were reviewed and agreed upon. See Attachment 3 for the final action item list/status.

o  Carl Engelbrecht adjourned the meeting at 20:05 hours.


AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)

General Membership Meeting Agenda

46th Aerospace Sciences Meeting – Reno, Nevada

January 7-10, 2008

6:00 Welcome Engelbrecht

6:05 Opening remarks/introductions/dinner Engelbrecht

6:15 TAC report / P&E Business Gupta

6:20 Review old action items Perry

6:30 Review and approve the minutes Perry

6:35 JPC Conferences Update

2008 JPC, Hartford – planning status Frankel

2009 JPC, Denver CO Kirk

2010 JPC, TBD Nusca

7:00 TC organization and issues Engelbrecht

Review / Approve New Members

7:10 Subcommittee Reports

Awards Besnard

Education Gorin

History Pugmire

Membership Sgarlata

Publications Wang

Website Grayson


Electric Wang

Combustion & Propellants Meyer

JANNAF Liquid Propulsion Meyer

Space Exploration PC Maggio

Mass Properties Control Standards Reber

Hydrogen Committee on Standards Naraghi

9:00 New Business

Is there any?

9:15 Treasurers report Forde

9:25 New Action Items Perry

9:30 (or sooner) Adjourn


AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)

General Membership Meeting Attendance List

46th Aerospace Sciences Meeting – Reno, Nevada

January 7-10, 2008

Last / First / Company / Telephone
Cohn / Richard / AFRL Edwards/PSRE / 661-275-6177
Engelbrecht * / Carl / Johns Hopkins University / APL / 443-778-0397
Forde * / Scott / Aerojet, Sacramento / 916-355-2357
Garvey / John / Garvey Spacecraft Corporation / 562-498-2984
Meyer ** / Michael / NASA Glenn Research Center / 216-977-7492
Miller *** / Scott / Aerojet, Redmond Operations / 425-885-5010 x4504
Naraghi / Mohammad / Manhatten College, Dept of ME / 718-862-7367
Perry * / David / The Boeing Company, NASA Systems / 714-934-0526
Pourpoint / Tim / Purdue University
Pugmire * / Kent / Spincraft/Standex International / 714-846-2619
Reber / Geoff / Aerospace Corporation / 310-336-0983
Sargent / Donald / Federal Aviation Administration / 202-493-4910
Sgarlata *** / Patrick / N.E. Rocket Development / 860-871-7662
Wang * / William / Aerospace Corporation / 310-336-7702
Weiss / Jeffrey / Jet Propulsion Laboratory / 818-354-3609

* Indicates attendance at Steering Committee meeting

** John Jurns attended for Michael Meyer

*** Teleconferenced the LPTC Steering Committee Meeting

Action Item List

AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)

General Membership Meeting

No. / Action Item /


/ Due By

Old Action Items

08ASM-1 / Submit or update single page resumes to Pat Sgarlata. / All / 08 JPC
08ASM-2 / Provide inputs for Aerospace America Highlights to Bill Wang / All / 08 JPC
08ASM-3 / Provide inputs for the LPTC Newsletter to Bill Wang / All / 08 JPC
07JPC-3 / To request directors funding for history presenters / Carl Engelbrecht / 08 ASM
07JPC-4 / To send an email to Carol Steward that states that the LPTC does not concur with the expansion of the Wyld award to further subcommittees. / Eric Besnard / 08 ASM
07JPC-7 / To nominate a LPTC selection for the Wyld award / Eric Besnard / 08 ASM
07JPC-8 / To advance 4 Associate Fellows to Fellows, and 3 Senior Members to Associate Fellows / Membership Committee / 08 JPC
07JPC-10 / To get a reimbursement from Betty for the books. / Scott Forde / 08 ASM
New Action Items (Assigned on 01/07/08)
08ASM-4 / To try to get a new member from ULA / John Garvey / 08 JPC
08ASM-5 / To send an email to Betty expressing concern that the exhibitors feel that the JPC has become a more hostile environment and that they are reducing support to the JPC. / Carl Engelbrecht / 08 JPC


Handout from Carl Engelbrecht

Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee

General Membership Meeting

Carl Engelbrecht

2008 Aerospace Sciences Conference

January 2008

Conference Updates

2008 JPC, Hartford – planning status Frankel

2009 JPC, Denver, CO Kirk

2010 JPC, Location is Nashville Nusca


LPTC Publications and Website Subcommittee

January 2008

Reno Meeting Status Report

Request inputs for 2008 article, end of July 2008

Aerospace America Article, 2007 Completed:

·  2008 Article

·  Need inputs from all areas – industry, university, government, foreign, etc.

·  Need inputs by end of July

·  Achievements, new programs, technologies, successes, breakthroughs, setbacks, industry changes, etc.

·  Short, top level Word document.

·  Stand-alone, spell out acronyms – goes out to 40,000 +, needs to be written so that all can understand.

·  One high-resolution color photo (300 or greater dpi, jpeg) per input.

·  No advertisements.


LPTC History Subcommittee

January 2008

Reno Meeting Status Report

Invited Session - July, 2007
Legacies - Liquid Propulsion Pioneers Session 75-LP-11 Chairs: Pugmire & Maggio

•  Carl Stechman Marquardt - (Aerojet)

•  Fred.Boorady - Bell, ARC (Aerojet)

•  George Huson - COMSAT, Reaction Motors

•  Phil Donatelli - Hughes (Boeing)

•  Edward.Shuster - Rocketdyne (PWR)

•  Robert Meyers - Bell (Lockheed Martin)


LPTC History Subcommittee

January 2008

Reno Meeting Status Report


•  Hydrazine History Session

JPC - 2006 Recorded by Aerojet

2 DVD set available - $20 (Commercial)

• Apollo - Saturn Propulsion Session

JPC - 2004 Recorded by NASA

4 DVD set available by specific order - $20

• Legacies - Liquid Propulsion Pioneers JPC - 2007 Recorded by LPTC

2 DVD set available 7-08 - $10 (LPTC)

History Report LPTC

CHALLENGE: How to fund retiree's JPC attendance if original company not willing (able)?

LPTC authorized to fund if prior company (Boeing) unwilling. Boeing initially agreed to fund Donatelli trip, then reneged. Request LPTC to fund ($1500).

Problems for 7/08 unknown.


•  Legacies - Liquid Propulsion Pioneers

•  Invited Participants:

•  Bruce Schmitz - JPL, RRC

•  Victor A. Moseley - AF, TRW, Ball Aerospace, Loral

•  Dan L. Balzer, -RCA

•  Jerry Pfeifer - Marquardt, ARES

•  Ross A. Hewitt - Aerojet

•  John A. Hardgrove - Marquardt, TRW

•  William D. Shatz - Rocketdyne, JPL, Loral

•  Dave Calhoon – Aerojet


LPTC History Subcommittee

January 2008

Reno Meeting Status Report


• Filming at History Sessions - Adequate equipment now available within LPTC (private purchase) for recording.

• Subcommittee considering private interviews with selected individuals and filming interview.

Requires LPTC authorization of process & some expenses.

Similar process being used by NASA for

capturing technology from retired individuals.

• REQUEST - E-mail recommendations from LPTC members.


• Thanks to those that provided support of History Session -

-  B J Austin and associates for filming and film editing 7/07 Session

- LPTC members for on hand support


LPTC Membership Subcommittee Report

January 2008

Reno Meeting Status Report

2007 Roster Modifications

•  Added as New Members in 2007

•  Alan Frankel - AMPAC In-Space Propulsion

•  Brent Bates - Aerospace Testing Alliance, Arnold AFB

•  Daniel Kirk – Florida Institute of Technology

•  Less than 35 years old

•  None are international

•  Pascal Pempie removed from committee by AIAA for not paying dues