Meeting: Llanbister Community Council Meeting

Date: Wednesday 8th March 2017

Time: 7.30

Venue: Llanbister Community Hall

Minutes of Llanbister Community Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8th March 2017 at 7.30 at Llanbister Community Hall.

Apologies: Alan Brick, Roy Williams, Cllr Brunt

Members Present: Ray Lewis (Chairman), Gwyn Morgan, Colin Williams, Roy Williams, Cll Brunt, Darren Rodgers, Peter Thomas and Lisbeth Bowen Clerk

Declaration of Interest: None

Minutes of the Last Meeting -

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a correct record.

Matters Arising from Minutes

1. Llanbister Phone Box –Gareth Rowlands is happy to carry out the work on moving the phone box, Clerk is to find someone to disconnect the electric.

2.Crossways Junction – Mr Mills has agreed to have a mirror put on his ground. Clerk to look in to prices of mirrors.

3. War memorial Grant –Derek Bruce has completed the repairs to the war memorial, waiting on Powys County Council to transfer funds to the Community Council before payment is made to Derek Bruce.

4. Bus shelter - Letter to say that it is Powys County Council that would be carrying out the work and that it will considered in the new financial year.

5. RES - Darren and Ray had attended a meeting regarding the RES benefits it has been agreed to keep the 8km area of benefit and more discussion was going in to how it was going to be distributed.

6. Gaynors memorial - not heard anything back

7. Clerk role- two expression of interested have been bought to the attention of the clerk. It was proposed by Colin Williams and seconded by Peter Thomas to hold Interviews on Monday 8th May 2017 in Llanbister Community Hall.




Letter of inspection on play area, clerk as responded informing Powys that they are responsible for doing the inspection as they own the play area and requesting a copy of the inspection.

Membership of one voice Wales 2017/18

Donation request from Teenage Cancer trust.


Bank Accounts

Saving Account as of 5th October 2016 £1072.00

Balance at 5th February 2017 £4,679.15

Cheque’s to be cashed

100376 Llanbister Community Hall £650.00

£250.00 of the above balance relates to the Grant received for the Website.

Any other Business

1. Defibulator - The Sport committee, WI, Hall Committee and the Team Ithon Action Group have all expressed that they would be happy to donate towards a defibulator for the village. It was agreed that we would wait to see what funding we would be able to apply from RES for before going any further.

2. Elections - Nomination pack were given out to the Councillor’s.

Complaint had been made about Mr Williams, Ithon View at the top of the Village leave old cars on the highway. Clerk to write a letter regarding this matter to Mr Williams.

Date of the next meeting:

The AGM would be held on Wednesday 17th May 2017 after the elections have taken place.