N. Edgar Miles, MD Scholarship Fund

The Hebrew Orphan Society of Charleston, SC

Founded July 15th, 1801

History of the N. Edgar Miles, MD Scholarship Fund

Dr. Miles, a native of Mullins, SC, graduated from the College of Charleston, received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the then Medical College of South Carolina in 1934. He was admitted to the Ophthalmology program at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear infirmary for specialization. Dr. Miles was in private practice in Birmingham, Alabama for over 50 years. He established endowments at the Medical University of South Carolina, the College of Charleston, The Hebrew Orphan Society, Birmingham South College and the Birmingham Jewish Day School. The first seven scholarships were awarded in 1994. Dr. Miles died in Birmingham on July 5th, 1995.

Eligibility Criteria

-  The applicant must be a resident and pending graduate of a South Carolina accredited high school.

-  The applicant must demonstrate a financial need for the scholarship without which he/she would be unable to attend college.

-  The applicant must be in the upper 25% of his/her high school class and demonstrate an aptitude for higher education.

-  The applicant may select any accredited four (4) year college in the United States for his/her undergraduate studies and must carry a course load, which will lead to graduation in four (4) years or less.

-  The scholarship award may be up to $4000 per school year, payable directly to the school. The award is based on the need demonstrated by the data provided with the application. The Scholarship will automatically renew for each of the ensuing years based on the student’s academic performance – the minimum being:

·  3.0 or better grade point average

·  Minimum of 24 hours of course work per year

·  The ability to obtain the desired degree within the prescribed time

Application Requirements

Scholarship Application

High School Transcript

SAT or ACT scores, copy of student report

Recommendations of teachers, guidance counselors, employers

Proposed annual cost of school to be attended, attach copy of what was provided to you

Completion of “Release of Information Statement”

A copy of the most recent IRS Forms 1040 income tax return for of the

parent(s), guardian(s), and/or student.


Application for the N. Edgar Miles MD Scholarship

Please Print or Type


Applicant’s Name in Full: ______

Home Address:______

City:______State: ______Zip:______

Email Address:______

Applicant’s Social Security Number: ______

Applicant’s Age: ______Applicant’s date of birth: ____/____/______

Applicant’s Place of Birth:______

Parent’s Home Address:______

City:______State: ______Zip:______

Parent’s Home Phone Number: ______Parent’s Email Address:______

Father’s Name:______

Business Address:______


Occupation:______Business Phone:______

Name of Employer:______Position:______

Father’s Date of Birth:__/_____/______Social Security Number:______

Mother’s Name:______

Business Address:______

City:______State: ______Zip:______

Occupation:______Business Phone:______

Name of Employer:______Position:______

Mother’s Date of Birth: ____/_____/______Social Security Number:______

Brothers and Sisters

Name Age Address School/Occupation

Other than the above, please list (2) relatives or friends under the age of 60 not living with the family


Address:______State: ______Zip:______


Name:______Relationship: ______

Address:______State: ______Zip:______


If one or more siblings are attending college or post secondary school, how is this being financed?

If parents’ income is such as to indicate ability to cover all the expenses, list and explain the circumstance that prompts this scholarship application:

Concluding Pages for All Applicants

Briefly, tell us of your hopes and aspirations and how you plan on achieving them:

Plans for working during the school year and/or summers:

Other loans, scholarships, Pell Grants, or Grants in Aids applied and already Approved, Denied, or Uncertain of Status. Be specific in regard to school scholarships or loans, State or Federal Aid Programs, guaranteed bank loans, personal loans, etc. This section MUST be answered in detail.

Name of Scholarship Dollar Amount Status

Name of Government Loan Dollar Amount Status

Name of Grant Dollar Amount Status

Time Line

Deadline for Application & Supporting Documentation: May 1st

Decision for Scholarship Committee & Notice Award: June 9th

Please provide a list of schools that you have applied to, status of application, and a copy of THE RECOMMENDED BUDGET PROVIDED BY THE STUDENT FINANCIAL AID OFFICE OF THE SCHOOL THAT YOU HOPE TO ATTEND>

Attach separate pages if you require more space than provided. Do not attach a personal photo as the application will be judged on academic excellence and the financial need. Although we are a Jewish Charitable Foundation, the scholarships are available to all that qualify, regardless of race or religion.

This application may be photocopied


I (we) the undersigned hereby certify that the information contained on this application for a scholarship is true and correct of our (my) knowledge and hereby authorize the N. Edgar Miles MD Scholarship Fund of The Hebrew Orphan Society to obtain verification of any information, including copies of tax returns of both State and Federal as well as any other documentation which may be required in order to determine a financial need. A photocopy of this Release of Information Statement is valid as the original.





Date completed:______



CONTACT PERSON: Secretary/Treasurer

The Hebrew Orphan Society

PO Box 30011

Charleston, SC 29417-0011