Comprehensive Exam
American Government and Politics, PIA, George Mason University
August 2012

Section 1, Methodology
Answer ONE of the following questions:

1.  What difficulties arise when social scientists measure abstract concepts, using as an illustrative example the preferences of Members of Congress? What can be done to mitigate these difficulties? Describe the approaches scholars have used to measure the preferences of Members of Congress. Compare and contrast their strengths and weaknesses. How would you recommend measuring preferences across legislative chambers, and why?

2.  What is the difference between sincere and strategic behavior? How have scholars proposed that the preferences of the different branches of government affect (or do not affect) legislative outcomes? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these theoretical arguments and their evidence? In light of your review of this literature, what position do you take on the effects of differing preferences across the branches of government on legislative outcomes?

Section 2, Issues in American Politics
Answer TWO of the following questions:

1.  In recent years, much scholarly attention has been devoted to examining the relationships among congressional committees, political parties and leadership. Identify the major questions driving work in congressional organization and its effects in the legislative arena. Make sure to discuss the theoretical approaches that have been employed in this literature, and evaluate the conclusions that different scholars have reached.

2.  In the United States, we expect presidents to provide leadership. Write an essay that considers the nature of presidential leadership in relation to the public, Congress and the bureaucracy. Consider the ways in which presidents lead, the meaning of leadership and the effectiveness of presidential leadership as well as the conditions under which presidential leadership is strengthened or weakened.

3.  Discuss how rational choice theory has been used to explain the decisions that are reached by institutions and individuals. Chose one of two subfields -- voting behavior or the courts -- to answer the following questions: What is the relative utility of rational choice theory in accounting for the decisions made by individuals and by institutions? And what are its limitations? Finally, can rational choice theory coexist with other theoretical approaches? In other words, can a scholar simultaneously employ both rational choice and either a psychological or sociological explanation?

4.  Many scholars, as well as citizens and journalists, have expressed concern that the role of organized interests in the United States is biased and undemocratic. Others have lauded the benefits of group membership and activity for the functioning of democratic politics. Define influence with respect to organized interests. Review the empirical evidence regarding interest group behavior and their influence on the American political process in light of any bias that may exist. Be sure to address agenda setting, the legislative process, and elections.