RCPsych Awards 2018

  1. Medical Student of the Year

Please note: Self-nominations, or nominations by other students, cannot be accepted.

Nominations are welcome from trainee psychiatrists and consultant psychiatrists. The deadline for submitting the nominations is 31 March 2018.

Name of nominee
medical school
year of training
address for correspondence
Email / Telephone number:
Entry submitted by:
Contact name
Job title
Organisation name
Email / Telephone number

The following must be confirmed in order for your entry to be valid:

Has the nominee given you their permission for the entry to go forward?
Have they agreed to attend the Awards ceremony on 7 November 2018
in the event that they are shortlisted?

Medical Student of the Year2018

This award is for a medical student who has demonstrated through their academic and extra-curricular performance that they have attained a level of achievement over and above that expected for their years of training, with achievements and experience reflecting a specific interest in psychiatry as a career.

The entry should demonstrate an exceptional level of achievement in at least one of the following categories:

a)An innovator

b)A scholar

c)A researcher

d)A medical and/or non-medical educator.

ForRulesofEntry,see .

Entries should relate to work undertaken between January 2017 and December 2017.

Entry summary (maximum 300 words)
Please describe how the nominee meets the Award criteria and why they should be awarded the title RCPsych Medical Student of the Year.
This summary maybeused forpublicitypurposesforentriesthatareshortlisted.
a)An innovator(5 marks)
Please describe the nominee’s achievements as an innovator (maximum 200 words)
b)A scholar(5 marks)
Please describe the nominee’s achievements as a scholar (maximum 200 words)
This could include academic awards, prizes and achievements, as well as additional courses and roles undertaken.
c)A researcher(5 marks)
Please describe the nominee’s achievements as a researcher (maximum 200 words)
Please describe research interests and achievements, including audits, evaluations, surveys, and studies developed and/or undertaken. Also publications and posters.
d)Amedicaland/ornon-medicaleducator(5 marks)
Please describe the nominee’s achievements as a medical and or non-medical educator (maximum 200 words)

Thankyouforenteringthe2018RCPsych Awards.

Please send your completed form by 31 March 2018to Richa Kataria by email at .

Medical Student of the Year 2018

Data protection statement What we do with the information you give us? It can be used by the College’s staff and officers in carrying out the College’s work. Some details, such as your name, workplace and photograph, may be placed on the website. For the College’s full statement regarding data protection see:

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