WCAP: How to Document Test Status Codes

AIR is creating functions in TIDE to record test status codes for the spring 2015 assessment window:

●L2-Basic designations

●Non-participation (absences, refusals, etc.)

●Student level exemptions (foreign/private/homebased)

These codes do not need to be recorded until this function is available in TIDE. At that time, OSPI will provide instructions to District Coordinators.

  • The TIDE User Guide will be updated with complete instructions.
  • The data elements will be recorded subject by subject.
  • This includes online and paper-pencil test formats.

All entries need to be completed before the end of the test window.Enter non-attempt information as late in the window as possible so that students have adequate time for makeup opportunities.

Attempt Code / Meaning / Notes
AU / Absent: Unexcused / Traditionally collected by subject with one Y/N flag per attempt code with all codes resolved into single code post-scoring. For online tests, can be resolved into a 'select one' per subject.
Will need separate refusals for student and parent; these traditionally resolve to a value of 'refused' in participation attempt tracking
AX / Absent: Excused
IV / Invalidated
NN / New Non-English Proficient
RF / Refusal - student
RF / Refusal - parent
BL / Blank - test submitted with no work (typically paper) / Will be especially relevant for paper tests (EOC specifically)
IC / Incomplete test - does not meet completion criteria
NB / No Booklet/Test - no work returned for student in a given subject
OG / Off-Grade - student inappropriately tested at a grade level other than enrolled grade / Special requirements for legit off-grade HS tests per IEPs as opposed to students taking the wrong test
ME / Medical Exemption
NE / Not Enrolled - student not enrolled during entire test window and no test returned / Calculated from district/school enrollment dates
PE / Partially Enrolled - student enrolled for only partial test window and no test returned / Calculated from district/school enrollment dates
PP / Previously Passed - already met standard at the grade level in which the student is enrolled / May not be possible in 2015 due to change in standards
IS / Insufficient –cannot be scored because writing responses are off-task/mode/language or illegible
Level Basic / Meaning / Notes
L2-Basic / Student considered to have 'met standard' with a level 2 score per IEP designation / Per subject and test. Creates post processing requirements regarding calculation of achievement level and any flag indicating student 'met standard'. Drives reporting requirements on hard copy reports
Student Level Exemptions / Meaning / Notes
Foreign / Student is attending school on an F-1 Visa / Collected as 'Y/N'.
Private / Student enrolled at private school / Enrollment File or Test Demographics Private School Student
Note: For Private School field- if there was a student record in the Enrollment file that the score record matched to, use the Enrollment file data to populate this field. If the score record did not match to the Enrollment file, then check all tests returned for that student; for each record in the score file:
Any subject has "Y" then "1"
No subjects="Y" and any subject="N" then "0"
All subjects no indication = blank
0 = Not Private School student
1 = Private School student, no ALE funding
2 = Private School student, ALE funding < 0.8 FTE
3 = Private School student, ALE funding > =0.8 FTE
Home-Based / Student enrolled as home-school student / Enrollment File or Test Demographics Home Based Student
Note: For Home-based field - if there was a student record in the Enrollment file that the score record matched to, use the Enrollment file data to populate this field. If the score record did not match to the Enrollment file, then check all tests returned for that student; for each record in the score file:
Any subject has "Y" then "1"
No subjects="Y" and any subject="N" then "0"
All subjects no indication = blank
0 = Not Homebased
1 = Homebased, no ALE funding
2 = Homebased, ALE funding < 0.8 FTE
3 = Homebased, ALE funding > =0.8 FTE