Author:Sasha Pacheco
Lesson Title:From Seeds to Plants
Suggested Grade Level:


Estimated Lesson Time:

80 – 95 minutes

Student Prior Knowledge:

They have studied the life cycle of butterflies and will be able to apply that knowledge for a compare and contrast activity. Students also know how to draw and label each life cycle.


SC.2.L.16.1:Observe and describe major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies


Student willexplain and compare and contrast themajor stages in the life cycles of plants and animals. Understanding how life cycles vary among organisms and reproduction is an important stage in the life cycle of all organisms.

Learning Objectives or “I can statements”:

I can explain the similarities between plants and butterflies. I can explain the differences between plants and butterflies. I can correctly label each stage of the life cycle for plants. Iunderstand that the major life stages are similar for all organisms.
Resources:The Magic School Bus - Gets Planted



Google Presentation
1. We/Class will briefly review what they learned from their lesson about butterflies and their life cycles. (3-5 min)
2. I/Teacher will a give a brief introduction about the video the class is going to watch and how it is related to the lesson. (1-2min)

3. We/Class will watch The Magic School Bus - Gets Planted and I/Teacher will stop at certain parts in the video to explain and discuss what is occurring. (45-50 min)

4. After the video, you/students will be put into pairs and complete an activity. They will label each stage of the life cycleand find corresponding pictures of both plants and butterflies on the Internet and put them together using Google Presentation. (25-30 min)
5. I/Teacher will walk around observing and assessing their understanding as students work, and be available for any assistance.
6. Once completed, I/Teacher will randomly call on five pairs to share their presentations with the rest of the class. (10 min)

7. I/Teacher will show a similar presentation the students made but with the life cycle of human beings and will have a brief class discussion on the similarities and differences of the life cycles of all organisms. (Remainder of class)
Assessment:I/Teacher will use the Google Presentations students made as a way to assess their understandingof the similarities and differences of the life cycles of plants and butterflies.
Extensions and Adaptations:N/A
Reflections: N/A