Termly Planner: St Mary’s Catholic Primary Term Summer Term 2017 Class: Green /Orange Year 1 Teacher: Mrs Carey/ Miss Bowd
English / Maths / Science / RESee Literacy Termly Plan
Big Writing every week.
Information Texts
Poetry (2 weeks)
Information, dictionaries and recount (2 weeks)
Stories From Fantasy World
SPAG each week. / Topics to cover. See med term plan.
Counting, properties of numbers and number sequences.
Place Value, ordering, estimating and rounding
Understanding + and – and mental calculation
Money and real life problems
Making decisions, checking results and problem solving (Each week)
Measures including problems. Length
Shape and Space and Direction.
Assessment (1 week)
Money and real life problems
Making decisions, checking results and problem solving (Each week)
Counting, properties of numbers and number sequences, reasoning about numbers
Place Value, ordering and estimating
Understanding + and – and mental calculation strategies Mental calculation strategies
Measures, including problems – length.
Measures, including problems – time.
Handling Data(
Assessment (1 week) / Growing Plants
Chn to learn:
Growing plants from seeds and bedding plants inside and outside the classroom. Knowing different parts of plants and labelling them Investigating plants and how they grow. / Easter to Pentecost
Geography / ICT / DT/Art/ Music / PE
Our Country – The UK
Name the four countries of the UK, capital cities and surrounding seas. • Begin to know the differences between town and country locations. • Use a range of maps (world, country, street maps, aerial views and plans) to locate places and landmarks. • Begin to know simple features of the countries of the UK.
Seaside Holidays in the Past
Looking at seasides from the past and comparing. them with today. (linked to Art) / Linked with Literacy/History children will create several documents using colour magic and the internet to research their non-fiction reports about dinosaurs.
Linked with Numeracy, children will be using the keyboard to combine words together. They will be creating a short video using movie maker Literacy/History children will create several documents using colour magic and the internet to research their non-fiction reports about dinosaurs. / Art – Clay
Making clay objects, painting then linked to History and Literacy.
D&T- Pizzas
Planning, making and evaluating pizzas.
Children to will be exploring pitch using through both singing and using instruments. / Athletics
Jumping, skipping throwing and running. We will also be completing a 10 week session with external PE professionals.
Folk Dancing
Learning a selection of dances.