
In a final letter before he was hanged, John Brown stated that “The crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood.” What “crime” was John Brown mainly referring to?

A. Discrimination

B. Genocide

C. Intemperance

D. Slavery

JUSTIFICATION: John Brown led a revolt against slave owners, (killing a few). He was arrested and hanged. He became a hero to abolitionists


Which of the following Constitutional Amendment outlaws the consumption, selling, or transportation of alcohol?

A. 15th amendment

B. 18th amendment

C. 19th amendment

D. 21st amendment

JUSTIFICATION: The 18th Amendment ushered in the Prohibition era in America. It lasts nearly a decade. Very ineffective. Revoked by the 21st Amendment


Which one of the following BEST represents President Herbert Hoover’s methods of combating the Great Depression?

A. Start welfare programs to give immediate to help to poor people

B. Initiate government programs to give people a job

C. Let the economy fix itself through natural economics thus emerging from the Great Depression

D. Increase international trade

JUSTIFICATION: Hoover, a Republican believes in traditional economic cycles. Ups and downs being common


What was a common nickname for rows of small, overcrowded, “Shantytowns” (metal boxes, crates, cars, etc)?

A. Coolidgevilles

B. Rooseveltburgs

C. Hoovervilles

D. Hardingtowns

JUSTIFICATION: Many victims of the Depression blamed Hoover for failing to provide any immediate help to thousands of desperate people


Which of the following is NOT a goal of the New Deal?

A. Provide immediate assistance to the poor

B. Provide a platform for economic recovery

C. Provide a welfare system that people could provide for people with disabilities

D. Provide new laws were a Depression would never happen again

JUSTIFICATION: The original plan for social security was just for old age pensions ONLY


Which of the following is MOST true concerning the gain of Civil Rights under the New Deal and President FDR?

A. New Deal programs encouraged hiring minority workers

B. FDR refused to sign into law anti-lynching laws and eliminate poll taxes

C. New crimes were identified as hate crimes

D. New Deal programs did affect any minority people in the USA

JUSTIFICATION: FDR was fearful of losing support of Southern Democrats, who he needed to pass his New Deal legislation


Which of the following is considered a cause for the Great Depression?

A. over-speculation of stock prices (stocks priced higher than what they were)

B. farms weren’t producing enough food, leading to high prices

C. Important industries were overproducing

D. Banks weren’t loaning to anyone thus business/investment declined


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