16.Oh Grignard, the Beautiful


(Sung to the tune of America the Beautiful)

The carbonyl is polarized;

The carbon end is plus.

A nucleophile will thus attack

The carbon nucleus.

A Grignard yields an alcohol

Of types there are but three.

It forms a bond to correspond

From C to shining C.

A secondary's synthesis

Requires an aldehyde.

For tertiary, a carbanion

And ketone may collide.

And Grignards add formaldehyde

The product's primary

They stick like glue to CO2

Join C to lonely C.

*Author unknown* Collected by Dr.Slime 1997


17. Glory, Glory, It's Wolff-Kischner


(to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic")

Take a ketone carbonyl and then react with hydrazine.

It forms a hydrazone, of course, and water leaves the scene.

An NH from the NH2, hydroxide will attack.

Resonance occurs and then the carbon grabs H back.


Glory, Glory, It's Wolff-Kischner!

Glory, Glory, It's Wolff-Kischner!

Glory, Glory, It's Wolff-Kischner!

Reduce the carbonyl and then the side-chain now is plain.


Hydroxide base is still present, it steals the last H plus.

Now add a little heat, the N2 leaves without a fuss.

The carbon gets a hydrogen producing an alkane.

Now the carbon chain is plain.


Glory, Glory, It's Wolff-Kischner!

Glory, Glory, It's Wolff-Kischner!

Glory, Glory, It's Wolff-Kischner!

Reduce the carbonyl and then the side-chain now is plain.


by Kristy Bruno, Val Stetts, Tracy Albrecht 6 May 1996 edited by Professor Casteel from Bucknell University, Lewisberg, Pa.


18. Oh, My Ketone!


(Sung to the tune of "Oh, My Darling Clementine")


Oh, my ketone! Oh, my ketone!

And my primary amine.

You reacted, lost some water and

You formed a new imine.


Now the lone pair on the N then

Bonds with carbonyl C.

Pi electrons go to O, a

Proton shifts fast as can be.


Now the O is feeling greedy

Grabs an H from OH3.

Free electrons from the N then

Form a pi bond, water leaves.


Now the N is protonated

And a plus charge can be seen.

So the water yanks the H off

And we've formed a new imine.


Oh, my ketone! Oh, my ketone!

And my primary amine.

You reacted, lost some water and

You formed a new imine.


by William Evans 6 May 1997.Source: BucknellUniversity, Lewisberg, Pa.

19. The Aldol Reaction


(Sung to the tune of the Hokey-Pokey)


You put a strong base in,

It takes the alpha-H out:

This forms an enolate.

That's what this carbonyl's about.

The enolate will resonate,

The charge is shared by O.

That's what aldol's about.


The enolate attacks

Another carbonyl about.

A new bonds forms;

It's really neat without a doubt.

A beta-hydroxycarbonyl is the result.

That's what aldol's about.


by Patrick Costello and Graig Garrett, 6 May 1996 edited by Dee Casteel Source: BucknellUniversity, Lewisberg, Pa.

20. Oh, You Butadiene.


(Sung to the tune of Oh, You Beautiful Doll)

Oh, you butadiene, you great big butadiene

Times I love you, times I hate you

How, I'd love to brominate you

Oh, you butadiene, you great big butadiene

I would ozonize you, but I fear you'd break

If you polymerize, my heart will ache

Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh you butadiene

(Your're double bonded) - < spoken with feeling>

Oh, you butadiene

(You're conjugated) - < spoken with feeling>

Oh, you butadiene

(Source: C. N. Peck Delta College Chemistry Dept. 1999)