

90-728 Łódź, ul. Więckowskiego 32, tel/fax /0-42/ 633-01-54, 633-25-45

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No. / Facility / Scope / Parameters / Location / Year
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
1. / Oil-fired boiler house / Design
Implementation / 16 t/h / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1990
2. / Compressor station / Design
Implementation / 200 m3/h / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1991
3. / Ventilation of the cardboard machines hall / Design
Implementation / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1991
4. / Cardboard machine steam-condensate / Design
Implementation / 1,5 t/h / Cardboard factory Rogóźno / 1991
5. / Flue gas dedusting / Design / 4,2 m3/h / RZWP-Rawicz / 1990
6. / Ventilation of the cardboard machines hall / Design
Supply management
Investor’s supervision / RZWP-Rawicz / 1990
7. / Inspection scaffolding for a sodium boiler / Design / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1990
8. / Municipal heating network / Design / 18 MW / ZPPiW
Ruciane-Nida / 1990
9. / Contract for the supplies of cardboard from the Czech Republic / Conclusion
Implementation / 7000 t / Izolacja
Zduńska Wola / 1991
11. / ABB counter-pressure turbogenerator unit / Conclusion of the contract / 6 MW / ZPPiW
Ruciane-Nida / 1991
12. / Control desk for a oil-fired boiler house / Implementation / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1991
13. / Study of atmosphere protection and designation of protection zone / Calculations / MZP Myszków / 1991
14. / Section of starch glue preparation and dispensing / Design
Supply management / RZWP Rawicz / 1991
15. / Conversion of a condensation turbogenerator unit into an ABB heat turbogenerator unit / Conclusion of the contract
Design / 5 MW / Kalisz Heat and Power Plant / 1991
16. / Boiler exhaust silencers / Design / Klucze Paper Mill / 1992
18. / Operation manual of the water softening plant / Manual / 200 m3/h / ZPJ Miranda
Turek / 1992
19. / Operation manual of the turbogenerator unit / Manual / 11 MW / Kruszwica Sugar Mill / 1992
21. / TP-2 counter-pressure turbogenerator unit / Design / 2 MW / Żnin Sugar Mill / 1992
23. / Installation for boilers pressure tests / Design / 150 bar / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1992
25. / Central cleaning installation / Design / 1100 m3/h / Olkusz Heat Plant / 1992
27. / Operation manual of the liquid waste cleaning plant / Manual / 150m3/h / ZPJ Miranda
Turek / 1992
28. / Steam-condensate installation for a paper machine / Design / 10 t/h / Silesian Paper Mill
Tychy / 1993
29. / Central process air compressor station / Design / 1000 Nm3/h / Tricomed Łódź / 1993
31. / Commissioning and optimization of the oil-fired boiler / Commissioning / 8 MW / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1993
33. / Review of the boiler house heat system / Expert’s opinion / 40 MW / GZP Głuchołazy / 1993
34. / Feasibility study of installing a counter-pressure turbogenerator unit / Business plan / 2,5 MW / GZP Głuchołazy / 1993
37. / Study of a counter-pressure turbogenerator unit dynamic status / Expert’s opinion / 13 MW / Soda-Mątwy
Inowrocław / 1993
38. / Study of the water system in plant’s C.H. installation / Expert’s opinion / 25 MW / GZP Głuchołazy / 1993
40. / Guidelines for reconstruction of the MP-2 drying cylinder / Concept / 20t/24h / GZP Głuchołazy / 1993
41. / Flue gas dedusting installation / Design / 40 MW / Włocławek Paper Mill / 1993
44. / Concept of installation of the turbogenerator unit / Concept / 3 MW / Boryszew Erg
Sochaczew / 1994
45. / Concept of installation of the coal and gas-fired boilers / Concept / 2x12 MW
4 MPa / Paper Mill
Bardo / 1994
46. / Concept of conversion of condensation turbine into a counter-pressure turbine / Concept / 6,5 MW / Fibreboard Factory
Czarnków / 1994
47. / Central heat exchange station in the town Świecie / Concept / 120 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1994
49. / Concept of installation of the turbogenerator unit / Concept / 10 MW / OPEC
Grudziądz / 1994
50. / Modernization of the network pipelines in the heat plant / Design / 4x10 MW / OPEC
Grudziądz / 1994
51. / Process and power pipelines installations in a cardboard machine / Design / 300 t/h / Intercell
Ostrołęka / 1994
52. / Modernization of the MP-3 steam-condensate system / Concept / GZP
Głuchołazy / 1994
53. / Request for quotation for supply of a fluidized boiler – international tender / Offer / 300 t/h
11 MPa / Heat and Power Plant -II Łódź
/Megadex/ / 1994
54. / Modernization of the injection system and commissioning of the reduction and cooling station / Design
Commissioning / 16 t/h / GZP
Głuchołazy / 1994
55. / Compressor station for the cardboard machine / Design / 300 t/d / Intercell
Ostrołęka / 1995
56. / Water cooling installation for the printing machine / Design
Erection / 40 t/h / Press Printing House
Łódź / 1995
57. / Modernization of the plant compressed air network / Design / 200 Nm3/min. / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1995
58. / Bark pneumatic conveying - 570 m / Design / 40 t/h / IP-Celuloza
Kwidzyn / 1995
59. / Reconstruction of the C.H. network with pre-insulated pipes / Design / 30 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1995
60. / Study of the turbine body / Expert’s opinion / 13 MW / Soda-Mątwy
Inowrocław / 1995
61. / Air conditioning installation in a laboratory / Design / 1500 m3/h / Intercell
Ostrołęka / 1995
62. / Installation of the network pumps / Design / 400 m3/h / OPEC
Grudziądz / 1995
63. / Steam network dewatering / Design / 1500 m / OPEC
Grudziądz / 1995
64. / Heat centre in the “Miasteczko” housing settlement / Design / 2,6 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1995
66. / Vacuum system for the MP-1 paper machine / Design / 900 m3/min / Intercell
Ostrołęka / 1995
67. / Heat centres on the plant premises / Design / 4x 0,5 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1995
68. / Programme concept of the heat and power plant in the factory / Feasibility Study / 300 MW
/heat/ / Soda-Mątwy
Inowrocław / 1995
69. / Programme concept of the heat and power plant modernization in the factory / Feasibility Study / 500 MW
/heat/ / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1995
70. / Modernization of the steam-condensate system in a cardboard machine / Design / 2 t/h / Silesianpap
Tychy / 1995
71. / Erection and commissioning of the counter-pressure turbogenerator unit / General contracting / 2,5 MW / GZP
Głuchołazy / 1995
72. / Pneumatic conveying of the fine wood parts / Design / 7,5 t/h
length 315m / IP-Celuloza
Kwidzyn / 1995
73. / Bark pneumatic conveying - 600 m / Design / 72 t/h / IP-Celuloza
Kwidzyn / 1996
74. / Fumes exhaust installation from the hydropulper and C.H. / Design / 12.000 m3/h / IP-Celuloza
Kwidzyn / 1996
75. / Modernization of the tallol production plant / Design / 1 t/h of oil / Cell Krems
Ostrołęka / 1996
76. / Modernization of the tallol production plant / General contracting / 1 t/h of oil / Cell Krems
Ostrołęka / 1996
77. / CO2 fire fighting installation in the SPGK station / Design / Katowice Steel Mill / 1996
78. / Installation of detection of hazardous gas concentration / Design / Katowice Steel Mill / 1996
79. / Programme concept of the heat and power plant modernization / Feasibility Study / 30 MW / GZP
Głuchołazy / 1996
80. / Modernization of the OP-140 boiler feeding / Design / 175 t/h / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1996
81. / Steam heating network / Design / 5 t/h / Thermocup
Łódź / 1996
82. / Installation for the boiler drum destruction tests / Design / OP-120 / Heat and Power Plant –2 Łódź / 1996
83. / Pre-insulated heating network / Design / L=2,5 km
4,5 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1996
84. / Heat centres for C.H., P.H.W. + connections / Design / 11 centres
10 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1996
85. / Reconstruction of the outside stem network with measurement devices / Design / Dn 100÷350
Length 2,2 km / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1996
86. / Air protection survey statement for the boiler house / Survey statement / Capacity 1,6 t/h / Thermocup
Łódź / 1996
87. / Oil and gas-fired boiler house / Design / Capacity 1,6 t/h / Thermocup
Łódź / 1996
88. / Oil and gas-fired boiler house / General contracting / Capacity 1,6 t/h / Thermocup
Łódź / 1996
89. / Economic study of feeding the municipal C.H. network from the plant / Study / Chemical Plant
Inowrocław / 1996
90. / Economic study of boiler house modernization / Study / 30 MW / „Kujawy” Cement Plant Bielawa / 1996
91. / Programme concept of the modernization of the heat distribution system / Feasibility Study / 30 MW / „Kujawy” Cement Plant
Bielawa / 1996
92. / Economic study of location change of the heat exchanger station / Study / 5 MW / „Kujawy” Cement Plant
Bielawa / 1996
93. / Technical expert’s opinion of the AEG turbogenerator unit / Expert’s opinion / 1 MW / GZP
Głuchołazy / 1996
95. / Air protection survey statement for the boiler house / Survey statement / Capacity 6 t/h / Dairy plant
Ozorków / 1996
96. / Oil-fired boiler house / Design / Capacity 6 t/h / Dairy plant
Ozorków / 1996
98. / Steam and condensate installation for furfurol / Design / 15 t/h / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1996
99. / Steam and condensate installation for a cardboard machine / Design
Supervision / Machine capacity 9,5 t/h
Steam consumption 4,1 t/h / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1996
100. / Technical and cost study of the drying part of the toilet paper making machine / Study / Machine capacity
17 t/24h / Paper Mill
Mikołów / 1996
101. / Technical study of the SIEMENS turbogenerator unit / Expert’s opinion / 13 MW / Soda-Mątwy
Inowrocław / 1996
102. / Installation of the AEG turbogenerator unit / Design / 1 MW / GZP
Głuchołazy / 1997
103. / Central heating (C.H.) and Process Hot Water (P.H.W.) heating network / Design / Length 350 m / “Kujawy” Cement Plant
Bielawa / 1997
104. / Concept of modernization of the MP2 drying part / Concept / Machine capacity
80 t/24h / Paper Mill
Mikołów / 1997
105. / Air conditioning system for MP computer centre / Design / Room cubic capacity
458 m3 / INTERCELL
Ostrołęka / 1997
106. / Comprehensive pricing of the value of power generating facilities / Pricing / 170 MW / KZP Kostrzyn / 1997
107. / Pricing of the LANG turbogenerator unit value / Pricing / 6,2 MW
condensation / KZP Kostrzyn / 1997
108. / Boiler dedusting installation OR-16 - 2 pieces / Design / Mulitcyclones / GZP Głuchołazy / 1997
110. / Air conditioning system for the ZETO room / Design / Room cubic capacity
295 m3 / INTERCELL
Ostrołęka / 1997
111. / Study of the heat and power management in the plant / Study / 32 MW / ŚZP OTOR SILESIA Tychy / 1997
112. / Study of the heat and power management in the plant / Study / 6,5 MW / Paper Mill at Nowa Bystrzyca / 1997
113. / Concept of building a gas-fired boiler house / Concept / 13 MW / DZWP Dolpakart
Chojnów / 1997
114. / C.H. and compressed air network on the trestle bridge / Design / 2 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1997
118. / A 5 t/h reduction and cooling station / Design / 5 t/h / Paper Mill at
Dąbrowica / 1997
119. / Study of the paper machines effectiveness / Study / 20 t/ 24 h / Paper Mill at
Dąbrowica / 1997
120. / Selection of the turbogenerator unit plus cost and technical study of operation / Selection and study / 4 MW / ZPP HARDEX
Krosno Odrzańskie / 1997
121. / Transfer of C.H. and compressed air lines / Design / 2xDn100, L=250m
1xDn125, L=250m / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1997
122. / Compressed air requirements and selection of compressors / Design / 750 Nm3/h / Medical Academy
Łódź / 1997
123. / Compressor station modernization / Design / 750 Nm3/h / Medical Academy
Łódź / 1997
124. / Oil heating system for rosin modification reactors / Design
General contracting / 250 kW / KREMS
Świecie (Austria) / 1997
125. / Licence-granting documentation of an oil-fired boiler in the electrical branch / Design / 250 kW / KREMS
Świecie (Austria) / 1997
126. / Modernization of the C.H. centre and network / Design / 1 MW / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1997
127. / Steam-condensate installation for a newly-built part of the cardboard machine / Design / Capacity of the machine: 9,5 t/h
Steam consumption: 4,1 t/h / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1997
128. / Building heat and power plant fired by the coke-oven gas / Concept / 35 t/h of steam / Makoszowy Coking Plant / 1998
129. / Feasibility study of installation of reduction and cooling station for paper machines / Study / 4 paper machines
Total capacity:
768 t / 24 h / INTERCELL
Ostrołęka / 1998
130. / A reduction and cooling station from company BTG / Design / 40 t/h / OPEC
Grudziądz / 1998
131. / Concept of modernization of the boiler house / Concept / 2 x 4MW / PASO
Pabianice / 1998
132. / High-efficiency MP1 shield / Design / 20 t/24h / GZP Głuchołazy / 1998
133. / Conversion of the C.H. network from steam to water / Design / L=1500m
8 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1998
134. / Heat centres for C.H., P.H.W. + service lines / Design / 5 centres
5 MW / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1998
135. / Reconstruction of the No. 5 reduction and cooling station / Design / 120 t/h / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1998
136. / Injection water installation / Design / 100 t/h / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1998
137. / Installation for boilers pressure tests / Design / 5 OP-140 boilers
+ 200t/h sodium boiler / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1998
138. / Cooling water installation in the heat and power plant / Design / Max. capacity
800 m3/h / ZCiP Celuloza
Świecie / 1998
139. / Concept of building a heat and power plant / Concept / 40 MW / Coking and Chemical Plant Zabrze / 1998
140. / Supply of the flue gas electrostatic precipitator / Tender documentation / For 2 boilers
OP-130 / Heat And Power Plant Elbląg / 1998
141. / Cooling water supply installation for a heat and power plant / Design / 800 t/h / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 1998
142. / Fuel oil recirculation / Design / 2xOP140 / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 1998
143. / Heat centre
Heat and Power Plant administration building / Design / 500 kW / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 1998
144. / Transport of the fine wood parts / Design / 440 kg/min. / IP-Celuloza
Kwidzyn / 1998
145. / Installing of the heat turbogenerator unit / Design / 12 MW / Heat And Power Plant Elbląg / 1998
146. / Flue gas afterburner installation – a gas burner / Design / 10 kW / INTERDIAMENT
Grodzisk Mazow. / 1998
147. / Air conditioning installation in the control room of the scrap paper building / Design / 5000 m3/h / INTERCELL
Ostrołęka / 1998
148. / Heating system modernization / Programme concept / 80 MW / “KUJAWY” Cement Plant / 1998
149. / Modernization of the OR16 boiler blast draught / Design
Supervision of execution / 20MW / GZP Głuchołazy / 1998
150. / Air installation for the OP130 boiler mills / Design / HEAT AND POWER PLANT 3 Łódź / 1998
151. / Heat centre operation manual / Manual / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 1998
152. / Main condensate installation / Design / Heat unit
Megadex / 1998
153. / Steam-condensate installation for printing machine / Design / 3 t/h / Cardboard factory
Rogóźno / 1998
155. / Reconstruction of the BTG reduction and cooling station / Design / 150 t/h
Świecie / 1999
156. / Study of loads on the supports of the paper-pulp pipelines / Expert’s opinion / DN800
L=80m / IP Kwidzyn
INTERPAP Łódź / 1999
157. / Installation for periodical boiling of tallol / Design
Execution / 1 m3/h / CELL KREMS
Ostrołęka / 1999
158. / Municipal steam and water pipelines / Design, supervision / Heat unit
35 MW / HEAT AND POWER PLANT Tychy / 1999
159. / Technical study of the drying part of the toilet paper making machine / Study / 65 t/24h / Paper Mill at Piechowice / 1999
160. / Steam cooling installation for the 2,5 MPa regenerative preheater / Design / 15 t/h / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 1999
161. / Modernization of the dedusting installation and boiler blast draught zone / Design
Execution / 2 x OR-32 / ZPP HARDEX
Krosno Odrzańskie / 1999
162. / Reconstruction of the BTG reduction and cooling station / Design / 100 t/h
Świecie / 1999
163. / Reconstruction of the steam supply to the C.H. heat exchangers station / Design / 50 MW / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 1999
164. / Paper glue production installation / Design
Execution / 3 t/24h / KREMS
Świecie / 1999
165. / Feasibility study of boiler house modernization and building of C.H. boiler houses / Study / Lafarge Kujawy
Cement Plant / 1999
166. / Installation of the counter-pressure turbogenerator unit / Implementation
Commissioning / 1 MW / GZP
Głuchołazy / 1999
167. / Water demineralization station DEMI1 / As-built design / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 1999
168. / Installation for firing up boilers with the Ekoterm oil / Design / 5 x 130 t/h / Heat and Power Plant -2
Łódź / 1999
169. / Installation of the heating turbogenerator unit / General contracting / 12 MW / Heat and Power Plant Elbląg / 1999
170. / Completion of the heat and power plant construction
Installation of the counter-pressure turbogenerator unit / Design
General contracting / 2 MW / Dębieńsko Coking Plant / 1999/
171. / Oil-fired steam boiler house / Design
General contracting / 2 x 10 t/h / ŻZP SOLALI
Żywiec / 1999/
172. / Stock-taking and adjusting the flow in the C.H. network / Design / 50 MW / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2000
173. / Expert’s opinion and design of reconstruction of the 0,6 and 1,3 MPa steam collecting pipes at a heat and power plant / Expert’s opinion
Design / 2 x DN800
1x DN500
Świecie / 2000
174. / C.H. heat centre for coaling system / Design / 300 kW / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2000
175. / Feasibility study of turbogenerator unit overhaul / Study / 4 MW / ZPP HARDEX
Krosno Odrzańskie / 2000
176. / Overhaul of installation and equipment at the tallol production plant / Design
Commissioning / Capacity of the installation: 2 t/h / KREMS
Świecie / 2000
177. / MP2 steam-condensate installation and air blow-in to drier felts / Design / Capacity of the machine: 50 t/24h / ZP CYPERUS
Jelenia Góra / 2000
178. / Modernization of a 9,6/0,6 MPa reduction and cooling station / Design / 150 t/h / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2000
179. / Study and calculation of the setpoints for automatic activation of reserve pumps / Study / Capacity of the pumps: 4 x 540 m3/h / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2000
180. / Installation for production of cation glue and AKD / Concept / 2 t/h / KREMS
Świecie / 2000
181. / Modernization of the tallol production plant:
- electrical substation
- control and measurement system
- control room, personnel rooms / Design
Execution / Capacity 2 t/h
200 kW
37 control and measurement circuits / KEMIRA
Świecie / 2001
182. / Installation for blowing the turbine feeding pipelines / Design / 32 MW / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2001
183. / Turbogenerator unit automation - EHR / Design
Commissioning / 4 MW / ZPP HARDEX
Krosno Odrzańskie / 2001
184. / Self-compensation system for the steam collecting pipe 0,5 MPa / Expert’s opinion
Design / 1xDN1000
400/250 OC L=160m / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2001
185. / Change of location of the USB equipment controlling the safety valves on the coal-fired boilers / Design / 4 x OP140 / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2001
186. / Change of pipeline location on the H-23 trestle bridge between the DEMI station and the chemicals warehouse / Design / Pipelines
DN 40-100
L= 250m / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2001
187. / Dewatering installation of the coal-fired boilers cyclones / Design / 4 x OP140 / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2001
188. / Dismantling of two turbogenerator units at
SÜD-CHEMIE AG – Germany / Execution / 2x1,5 MW / SÜD-CHEMIE AG Germany / 2001
189. / Study of the control and measurement system of the four BKZ boilers / Study / 4X90 t/h / International Paper
Svetogorsk –Russia / 2001
190. / Modernization of the steam-condensate and ventilation installation for the MP3 machine / Design / Capacity of the machine:
75 t/24h / Paper Mill at
Piechowice / 2001
191. / Supervision of the execution of the self-compensation system for the 0,5 MPa steam collecting pipe / Supervision / 1xDN 1000
L=160 m / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2001
192. / Supervision of the reconstruction of the 0,6 and 1,3 MPa steam collecting pipes / Supervision / 2xDN 800
1xDN 500
Świecie / 2001
193. / Erection of the 5,6/0,6 MPa reduction and cooling station / Design / 120 t/h / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2001
194. / Modernization of the heating network / Design / 132 MW / OPEC
Grudziądz / 2001
195. / Erection of the heating condensate pumps at a heat and power plant / Design / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2001
196. / Fuel oil preheating installation for a 10 t/h steam boiler / Design / 10 t/h / ŻZP SOLALI
Żywiec / 2001
197. / Modernization of the central C.H. heat exchangers station at a heat and power plant
-process part
-electrical part
-control and measurement part / Design / 50 MW / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2001
198. / Maintenance platform along the sodium boiler electrofilter / Design / 12150x6350
H=8,60m / International
Kwidzyn / 2001
199. / Erection of the 2x50 m3 glue tanks / Design
Implementation / 2x50 m3 / KEMIRA
Świecie / 2001
200. / Technical documentation and stock-taking of the facilities at a heat and power plant, including external pipelines (branches: construction, process, electrical, control and measurements) / Design / Boilers: 5xOP140
Turbogenerator units: 4 pcs
Świecie / 2001
201. / Erection of the start-up stations and exhaust valve from the 0,5 MPa steam collecting pipe / Design
Supervision / stations: 2x90 t/h valve: 30 t/h / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2002
202. / Steam lines for regenerative preheaters at the TZ-4 and TZ-2 turbines / Design / 48 MW and 32 MW / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2002
203. / Interstage steam desuperheater of the bark-fired KSK boiler / Design Licence-granting documentation / 100t/h / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2002
204. / Flushing and cooling water installation in the zone of KW1, KW4 and KW5 boilers / Design / - / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2002
205. / DEMI1 and DEMI2 water pipelines / Design / 160 m3/h / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2002
206. / Stiffening of the base plate for the PZ-2 water supply pump / Design / 350 m3/h / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2002
207. / Transfer of the 0,6 MPa steam lines to MP-2, supply from the Dn800 lower collecting pipe / Design / 40 t/h / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2002
208. / Fixing of the steam collecting pipes: 0,6 MPa 2xDn800
and 1,3 MPa Dn500 / Design / - / FRANTSCHACH
Świecie / 2002
210. / Erection of the steam desuperheater at the outlet from the TZ-2 turbogenerator unit / Design / 48 MW / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
211. / Process water and steam pipelines in the production building / As-built documentation / - / MAT
Meat Processing Plant
Czerniewice / 2002
213. / External pipelines of the water boiler - “B” unit / Design
As-built documentation / 25 MW / KW Lausward
Germany / 2002
214. / Reconstruction of the mazout preparation station for firing up boilers / Design
Designer’s supervision / 2x3 t/h / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
215. / Reconstruction of the oil stations No. 1 and 2 of the water supply pumps / Design
Designer’s supervision / 2x100 l/min / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
216. / Replacement of the safety valves at the de-aerator / Design
Designer’s supervision / - / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
217. / Erection of the 5,6/0,6 MPa reduction and cooling station / Design
Designer’s supervision / 190 t/h / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
218. / Installation of the fluid coupling at the No. 3 steam circulating pump / Design / - / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
219. / External 7,3 3,8 and 0,23 MPa steam pipelines for the Siemens T3625 turbine / Design
Designer’s supervision / 13 MW / SODA MĄTWY
Inowrocław / 2002
220. / Feasibility study of an experimental geothermal station at the Technical University of Łódź / Study / Technical University of Łódź / 2002
221. / External steam pipelines for the AE&E fluidized bed boiler (steam: 9,6 MPa, 5100C) / Design / 234 t/h / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
222. / Water supply installation for the sodium boiler superheater / Licence-granting documentation / Boiler capacity
250t/h / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2002
223. / Reconstruction of the 0,6 and 1,3 MPa steam lines dewatering in the machine room / Design / 100 MW / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
224. / Modernization of installation for condensate removal from the heat exchangers / Design / 4x7,36 MW / OPEC
Grudziądz / 2002
225. / Pipelines for hot drains and reclaimed cooling water / Design / - / Saturn Management Świecie / 2002
226. / Condensate pressure vessel V=1,85 m3 / Licence-granting documentation / - / OPEC
Grudziądz / 2002
227. / Process team installation 2,5 MPa
(2 RS stations + lines on the trestle bridge) / Design
Designer’s supervision / 2x30 t/h / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2003
228. / Steam cooling installation for 0,6 MPa drain of the TZ-4 32 MW turbine / Design / 200t/h / Saturn Management Świecie / 2003
229. / Water supply pipeline – bark-fired KSK boiler / Design / 100t/h / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2003
230. / Installation of the reclaimed cooling water pump / Design
Designer’s supervision / 600 m3/h
H=50m H2O / Saturn Management Świecie / 2003
232. / Installation for production of an defoaming agent / Design
Implementation / KEMIRA
Świecie / 2003
233. / Sealing of the penetrations for the sodium boiler bulkhead pipes / Design / 250t/h / International Paper
Kwidzyn / 2003
234. / Paper glue tank / Design
Implementation / 100m3 / KEMIRA
Świecie / 2003
235. / Noise silencers for the TZ1 and TZ4 turbogenerator unit / Design
Designer’s supervision / 30 and 40t/h / Saturn Management Świecie / 2003
236. / Replacement of the ceiling main girder of the OP-230 boiler / Design / 230t/h / Nitrogen Chemical Plant
Tarnów / 2003
237. / Modernization of the turbine hall ventilation / Design / Cubic capacity
86.250 m3 / Saturn Management Świecie / 2003
238. / Modernization of the H.P.W. centre in the mechanical workshop / Design / 10 kW / Saturn Management Świecie / 2003
239. / Tallol production installation / Design
Commissioning / 2,5 t/h / Kotłaskij CBK Koriażma
Russia / 2003
240. / Reconstruction of the water supply line to the sodium boiler / Design
Designer’s supervision / 200t/h / Saturn Management Świecie / 2003
241. / Ventilation of the electrical switching station / Design
Implementation / 1000m3/h / KEMIRA
Świecie / 2003
243. / Air installation for the blow boxes in the MP1 paper machine / Design / 33.000 m3/h / Malta-dekor
RUDAWA / 2003
244. / Study of the heat part of the MP1 paper machine / Study / - / Malta-dekor
RUDAWA / 2003
245. / PERINI3 process line
Technological installations / Design / - / Kimberly Clark
Klucze / 2003

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