Events display specifications

Events are retrieved from CRM through BCS and displayed in SP using display controls

1. List columns:

External content type / LBL events
Description / Externnal list of Events data
Columns (from Events customisations – there might be more in CRM)
Column Name / Purpose / Type (text, choice, Date and Time, etc.) / Additional configuration (choice options, mandatory column, default values, etc.)
msa_eventname / Event name / text
msa_startdatetime / Event date / date
new_eventtime / Event time / Text/Time ?
new_eventtheme / Theme / Multiple choice
new_et_artandcrafts / Event type / Yes/No
new_et_clubsandsocieties / Yes/No
new_et_comedyandspokenword / Yes/No
new_et_communityandvoluntary / Yes/No
new_et_exerciseandsport / Yes/No
new_et_exhibitionsandopendays / Yes/No
new_et_festivalsandfundays / Yes/No
new_et_film / Yes/No
new_et_marketsandfairs / Yes/No
new_et_music / Yes/No
new_et_parkswalksandopenspaces / Yes/No
new_et_pubsanddiscos / Yes/No
new_et_talksclassesandcourses / Yes/No
new_et_theatreanddance / Yes/No
new_sitedisp / Site display / Multiple choice
new_shortdescription / Short description / Text
new_description / Long description / Text/rich text
new_venuename / Venue name / Text (controlled list)
new_venuelocationid / Venue UPRN
new_agerange_adultsonly / Audience / Yes/No
new_agerange_any / Yes/No
new_agerange_children / Yes/No
new_agerange_families / Yes/No
new_agerange_seniors / Yes/No
new_agerange_youngpeople / Yes/No
new_cost / Free/charged / Yes/No
new_fullprice / Price / Text/Money
new_concessionrate / Concessions / Text
new_venueurl / Venue website / URL
new_locality_all / Locality / Text / Yes/no
new_bc_firstname / Booking Contact first name / Text
new_bc_lastname / Booking Contact last name / Text
new_bc_email / Booking Contact email / Email
new_bc_bookingorganisation / Booking organisation / Text
new_bc_telephone / Booking telephone / Text
new_eventsource / Event source Council / Non-council / Yes/no
new_eventurl / Event website / URL
msa_publisheventdetailsonweb / Control field for publishing / Yes/no

2. Events search control/web part

Search control/web part to search for an event name and filter by some of the columns in the list: event type, event theme, location. Age range:

What? / Where? / When?
Art and craft
Theatre and dance
Comedy / spoken word
Pub and disco
Parks and open space
Exercise and sport
Markets and fairs
Festival / funday
Exhibition / open day
Club / society
Community / voluntary / Bellingham
Brockley / CroftonPark
Deptford / New Cross
Downham / Whitefoot
Forest Hill
Telegraph Hill /
  • All (default)
  • Today
  • Next 7 days
  • Next 30 days
  • Date range

  • All (default)
  • Families
  • Children
  • Young people
Adults on

Search results display:

***We would prefer to display the search results on a new page

Events [in Bellingham] / [in pubs and discos] / [today]

Display in chronological order

  1. events with today as a start date
  2. then events with a start date BEFORE today and an end date AFTER today
  3. then tomorrow’s events

20 listings per page.

*If listed by neighbourhood, date or age range, Categories. But if listed by category, Neighbourhood.

Clickable title
Short description / Categories*
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words. / Categories
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words. / Categories
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words. / Categories
Date (no year), Venue
  1. Events full view

Title of event
Wednesday 13 April 2011
[Dance], [clubs and societies], [other category]
Suitable for [families], [young people] / Neighbourhood: [Deptford / New Cross]
This is a much longer description of the event. The description in the column view does not appear here at all, although it may mention that Flyaway Katie is an inspiring flight of fancy about the power of imagination, but that’s something for the event producer to decide.
Where / [The Albany]
[5 Douglas Way
Deptford SE8 4RP]
[020 8692 7456]
View map
When / [7.30pm] – [10pm]
[Wednesday 13 April 2011]
Cost / [Free]
Concessions / Free text
Organiser / Contact: [Andrew Parsnip]
Tel: [07876 435623]
Email: [
Website / [
  1. Events listing field controls/queries

We need to be able to query the events and to display:

  • A list of the latest events
  • A list of latest events filtered by a Theme
  • A list of latest events filtered by location

The editors need to be able to set the theme, location, and choose the number of results returned.

Latest events on the Events homepage can be displayed as in the example below:

Coming up (7 most recent events)
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words or so. / Categories*
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words or so. / Categories
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words or so. / Categories
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten / Categories

Events filtered by a theme or a location can be displayed on a page as in the example below:

[Black History Month] events

Display in chronological order - 20 listings per page

  1. events with today as a start date
  2. then events with a start date BEFORE today and an end date AFTER today
  3. then tomorrow’s events

Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words. / Neighbourhood
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words. / Neighbourhood
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words. / Neighbourhood
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words. / Neighbourhood
Date (no year), Venue
  1. Events rollup by site display

When matching site location with site display the latest 3 events will be displayed on different landing pages:

Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words.
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words.
Date (no year), Venue
Clickable title
A sentence which describes the event in about ten words.
Date (no year), Venue

+ Search for more events