Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee meeting held 21/8/2013

University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the Clubs & Societies Committee

Meeting 14


1 PM, 21/08/2013

Location: Training Rooms, Union House

1.  Procedural Matters

1.1.  Election of Chair

1.2.  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3.  Attendance

1.4.  Apologies (Yitong Wang)

1.5.  Proxies

1.6.  Membership

1.7.  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes (7/8/13)

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1.  Income Tax

3.1.1.  Non-compliant Clubs

3.1.2.  Accountant Advice

3.1.3.  Information Sessions

3.2.  Resources

3.2.1.  Basement

3.3.  Policy Amendment

3.3.1.  Locker Allocation

3.4.  Online Projects

3.4.1.  Website

3.4.2.  Grants

3.5.  New Department Logo & Co-branding

3.6.  Trivia Night

3.7.  International Representative Proposal

3.8.  Alcohol Policy

4.  Reports

4.1.  Officers

4.2.  Committee

5.  Correspondence

5.1.  Engineering Music Society

5.2.  Arts Students Society

6.  Grants

6.1.  Standard & Semesterly

6.2.  Grants For Discussion

6.3.  Increasing the Cap

7.  New Clubs

7.1.  Paperwork Issues

7.1.1.  MBS Sports Club

7.2.  Ongoing

7.2.1.  Dance Students Association

7.2.2.  Commerce Students Society

7.2.3.  Accounting Students Association

7.2.4.  Burnley Brew Society

7.3.  Bank Accounts not yet Opened

8.  Meeting Schedule

9.  Other Business

10.  Next Meeting (time, date)

11.  Close

Meeting opened at: 3:10PM by Melinda Keys

Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Melinda Keys be elected Chair.

Moved: Stephen Smith Seconded: Melinda Keys


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners


1.3  Attendance

Committee: Vicky Tang, Tom Hayes, Patrick Clearwater and Sophie Sheahan

Office Bearers: Melinda Keys (Clubs and Societies) and Stephen Smith (Secretary)

Staff: Fiona Sanders, Ben White


Committee: Rachel Withers, Yitong Wang and Chris Heath

Office Bearers: Tom Walker

1.4  Apologies

Committee: Rachel Withers, Yitong Wang and Chris Heath

Office Bearers: Tom Walker

1.5  Proxies

Chris Heath to Patrick Clearwater

1.6  Membership

No change

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: That the agenda be adopted with the inclusion of 9.1 SA Constitutional Changes

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Correct the motion numbers in grants for discussion.

Motion 3: That the minutes of the Meeting 13: 07/08/2013 be confirmed with the amendment to the motion numbering.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1 Income Tax

Petition: To suspend the grants - for 12 months or until they submit and Income Tax Self-Assessment - of the clubs who have not submitted and Income Tax Self-Assessment.

Petitioners: Sophie Sheahan, Patrick Clearwater, Vicky Tang and Tom Hayes

Rachel Withers arrives at 3:20pm

Self-Assessments will be forwarded to the accountant for review.

Exempt clubs will be filed; non-exempt clubs will be filed and come to training.

Motion 4: To make Income Tax Training compulsory for non-Income Tax exempt clubs.

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Rachel Withers


Improperly completed forms,

ACTION: follow-up email to these clubs.

3.2 Resources

Lockers are being delivered on Thursday

Motion 5: To authorise $700 for 60 locks from the budget line Special Projects.

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Stephen Smith


ACTION: Office Bearers to spend 4 minutes searching the internet for coupon discounts.

3.3 Policy Amendment


3.4 Online Projects

3.4.1 Website

There will be a link on the front page of the website to the clubs page.

More tabs can be added under the ‘clubs’ tab.

Clubs should have the ability to manage their own page; also clubs will therefore need their own personal login for execs.

ACTION: To tell Dee that there should be a “report inappropriate content” button on the Wire-Frame & that Password updates needs to be annualised.

3.4.2 Grants

Complete by November this year.

The soft copy of the Wire-Frame should be circulated.

Tom Hayes left at 3:45PM and returned at 3:47PM.

Committee policy for web content will need to created.

3.5 New Department Logo & Co-Branding

The point of this co-branding is to unite all union services under one brand (including the old MUSUL departments).

There was no response to the Committee letter from the Communications Department.

The C&S Committee and OBs very much want to keep the penguin ‘brand’ and logo.

OBs request that the Committee write in arguments to keep the penguin brand.

ACTION: Melinda Keys to send co-branding document to Committee.

3.6 Trivia Night

Need to contact clubs with trivia night details this week.

Budget is presented to the C&S Committee.

-  $300 will be collected in registrations

-  $300 from a Diversity Week grant.

Motion 6: To approve up to $5000 from Special Projects for the Trivia Night.

Moved: Chair


ACTION: Who can write rounds please?

3.7 International Representative Proposal

No action.

3.8 Alcohol Policy


Agenda Item 4: Correspondence

4.1 Officers

HR Recruitment = Ben!, Income Tax, Grants list, MUOSS Head of Clubs, Trivia Night, Applications for payment – Melinda will start processing on Friday.

Motion 7: To accept the OBs report.

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Stephen Smith


4.2 Committee

Tom Hayes attended Psychology AGM as RO and no quorum was reached.

Agenda Item 5: Correspondence

5.1  Engineering Music Society

Theft reported to C&S. EMS should report to:

-  school of Eng

-  Police

-  Uni security

-  Themis

5.2 Arts Students Society


Agenda Item 6: Grants

6.1 Standard & Semesterly

Motion 8: To approve all standard and Semesterly grants en bloc.

Moved: Chair


6.2 Grants for discussion

Motion 9: To conditionally approve grants 3, 10, 11, 12, 13 (for Japanese Club, Liberal Club, More Beer!, PlanetUni, PlanetUni), contingent on: providing a copy of the Grounds Booking Confirmation to the C&S Office prior to the event.

Moved: Chair


Motion 10: To conditionally approve grant 2 (for Earth Science Students Society), contingent on: providing the C&S Office with evidence of compliance with the Responsible Service of Alcohol rules (particularly, submission of Responsible Service of Alcohol forms and scans) prior to the event.

Moved: Chair


Motion 11: To conditionally approve grants 4, 9, 16 (for Optometry Students Society, Greek Association, Potter Heads), contingent on: (for the printing component of the grant) providing the C&S Office an accurate copy of the printing design which is compliant with the Regulations, prior to printing.

Moved: Chair


Motion 12: To conditionally approve grants 1, 8, 14, 15 (for Actuarial Students Society, French Club, Poker Club, Poker Club), contingent on: providing a copy of a valid Certificate of Currency of Public Liability Insurance, in compliance with the Regulations, with or before the Application for Payment.

Moved: Chair


Motion 13: To approve grants 5, 6,7 (for Exploring Cultures Through Food and the Food Interest Group) en bloc and approve off-campus exemptions.

Moved: Chair


Motion 14: To approve grant 17 (Potter Heads) bibs conditional on approved design and appropriate UMSU logo and approve the remainder of the assets.

Moved: Chair


Motion 15: To approve grant 18 (Youth Charity Society) Open Day grant.

Moved: Chair


Motion 16: To approve grant 19 (CAKE & Australian Red Cross Club joint event) as one event only.

Moved: Sophie Sheahan Seconded: Tom Hayes


6.3 Increasing the cap

Will be discussed at next meeting.

Agenda Item 7: New Clubs

7.1 Paperwork issues

7.1.1 MBS Sports club

Motion 17: To affiliate MBS Sports Club

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Tom Hayes


7.2 Ongoing

7.2.1 Dance Students Association

Have not held IGM – affiliation cannot proceed.

7.2.2 Commerce Students Society

Waiting on CSS to resubmit Constitution.

7.2.3 Accounting Students Association

Accounting including HASS has been submitted, for C&S review.

7.2.4 Burnley Brew Society

Have not held IGM – affiliation cannot proceed.

Tiered non-Parkville structure – for Patrick to think about/do.

7.3 Bank accounts not yet opened

Potterheads, Students of Anatomy & Physiology & Students for Palestine.

Petition: To suspend grants until bank account is opened or for 12 months on the basis of 6.1.a.

Petitioners: Tom Hayes, Vicky Tang, Rachel Withers.

Agenda Item 8: Meeting schedule

Week 5: New Club Meeting: Wed 28 August 3:00pm

Week 7: Wed 11 September 11:00am

Week 8: Wed 18 September 3:30pm

Week 10: Wed 9 October 11:00am

Week 12: Wed 23 October 3:30pm

Motion 18: To adopt meeting schedule as presented

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Stephen Smith


Agenda Item 9: Other Business

Motion 19: To approve the amendments to the Socialist Alternative aims.

Moved: Chair


Alcohol procedure was clarified with property & Campus Services – no stamp required.

New club applications will be e-mailed to Committee on Friday Afternoon.

Agenda Item 10: Next Meeting

Next meeting on: Wednesday next week 3PM

Agenda Item 11: Close

Meeting closed at: 4:51PM PM

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