October 12, 2016 (X) Action Required

Due Date: ((November 7, 2016))

( ) Informational


TO: Educational Service District Superintendents

School District Superintendents

Elementary and Secondary School Principals

Federal Program Directors

Title I, Part A Directors

FROM: Randy I. Dorn, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

RE: 2016–17 Title I, Part A Academic Achievement Award Program

CONTACT: Larry Fazzari, Program Supervisor, Title I/LAP and CPR


Agency TTY: 360-664-3631

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is accepting applications for the 2016–17 Washington State Title I, Part A Academic Achievement Award. ((This addendum provides an extended due date and clarification regarding qualifying schools. Please see page 2, Selection Considerations, final bullet.))

Up to nine Title I, Part A schools will be recipients of this award. Each submission must identify the content area, English language arts (ELA) and/or mathematics. Awards of $10 thousand will be presented to up to nine recipients.

The award will honor those schools and improvement teams that have significantly raised student achievement in ELA and/or mathematics through effective methods and strategies that have strengthened student growth in their Title I, Part A program.

Application Focus

Description of the Title I, Part A program model is based on a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school, which takes into account information on the academic achievement of children in relation to the challenging state academic standards, particularly the needs of those students who are failing, or at risk of failing, to meet the challenging state academic standards.


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Particular focus should be given to the subgroups of students in serving special populations: economically disadvantaged, students from major racial and ethnic groups, children with disabilities, English learners, etc.

School Eligibility

Eligibility for the award will be based on the Smarter Balanced Assessment data for school years ending in 2015 and 2016, based upon student growth percentiles (SGP) and state average scores.

Applying schools must be Title I, Part A served (i.e., have a poverty rate of 35 percent or higher, or a poverty rate above the district poverty average for the 2016–17 school year). Schools that have previously received the Title I, Part A Academic Achievement Award must wait two years before applying again.

The purpose of the program is to honor the work of successful Title I, Part A school teams, while providing model strategies to assist other schools.

Selection Considerations

The following criteria will be considered when evaluating applications:

·  Priority will be given to schools with a 35 percent or higher poverty rate and with a diverse student population.

·  Exceptional student performance for two consecutive years.

·  Closing the opportunity gap between student groups.

·  Learning and teaching based on the approved state standards.

·  Use of research-based instructional strategies.

·  Opportunities provided for all students to achieve.

·  Coordination of Title I, Part A program with other programs.

·  Implementation of sustained research-based professional development.

·  Established partnerships with parents, families, and the community.

·  Any school or district which did not meet the 95 percent participation rate will not be eligible. ((Any school which did not meet the 95 percent participation rate on the 2015–16 Smarter Balanced Assessment will not be eligible. The 95 percent participation rate for award is based on building only, not the 95 percent participation rate for the district.))

Application Contents

Attachment A contains the 2016–17 Title I, Part A Academic Achievement Award Program Application, which must be completed for each school being nominated.

In addition, as part of the selection process, those schools nominated for this award are subject to a site visit by the Title I, Part A Academic Achievement Award Selection Committee.


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Application Deadline

Applications are due no later than October 28 ((November 7)). Selection of award recipients by a committee at OSPI will take place by November 7 ((November 14)).


Completed applications must be received by OSPI no later than October 28 ((November 7)). Faxes and emails are not permitted. Send applications to:

Larry Fazzari, Program Supervisor

Title I, Part A/LAP and Consolidated Program Review

PO Box 47200

Olympia, WA 98504-7200

If you have any questions regarding this memorandum, please contact Larry Fazzari at 360-725-6189, or email . The agency TTY number is 360-664-3631.

This memorandum is also available on OSPI’s website at:



Gil Mendoza, Ed.D.

Deputy Superintendent


Gayle Pauley

Assistant Superintendent

Paula Moore, Director

Title I/LAP and CPR


Attachment A: 2016–17 Title I, Part A Academic Achievement Award Program Application

OSPI provides equal access to all programs and services without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. Questions and complaints of alleged discrimination should be directed to the Equity and Civil Rights Director at 360-725-6162/TTY 360-664-3631; or P.O. Box 47200 Olympia, WA 98504-7200; or .