AUGUST 9, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President, Rosemary Nuhfer.

Attendance: Rosemary Nuhfer, Pat Crawford, Theresa Miller, Joan LaPorte, Pauline Hancock and Carol Young.

Mission statement was read aloud by Joan LaPorte.

President’s Report: Our golf outing was successful and included 76 golfers. We made approximately $5900. Sales on ATV tickets doing well. We are looking into insurance rates with Pet Point as our insurance rates are quite high.

Treasurer’s Report: Theresa reported our total income at $14,066.61 and expenses at $12,486.74, leaving a net income of $1,579.87. Joan reported that she checked into the Chamber of Commerce dues in Atlanta, and found that if we check the “Association/Non-Profit” box, our dues will be less. Theresa said she will be going on vacation and Julie Scheels will take care of treasury duties in her absence.

M embership Report: Memberships are currently at 162.

Director’s Report and Building Committee: Pauline noted that we presently have 16 dogs and 34 cats. We will be attending “Adoption Day” at Tractor Supply in Gaylord. We made $1553.50 in boarding fees so far this year. We are still working on the fence. Pauline noted that we are still very busy with spay and neuter. We did receive the DJ&T Grant for $10,000.

Publication: Robin sent her report and the volunteer manual is at the Tribune being printed and she will be able to pick it up next week. She will be ordering more envelopes with some color on them.

Grant Writing: Rolly reported that the Kenneth A. Scott Grant has only about $111 left in it. He said we should try to use it up in the near future so he can compile the grant reports and information and submit it to them. He is still working on the ASPCA grant application. He said Pauline was working on getting registered for the Adop-a-Pet grant . He is not sure it is worth putting a lot of work into it since the grants are only $1000. each. He is trying to focus on grants of $5000 or more. He will be looking into S/N grants from PetSmart. He is also looking at something we can use to help with cat S/N since ASPCA probably won’t be enough for the next year.

Fundraising: Carol reported that Emily Dudek’s garage sale made $560. The Christmas in October application is filled out as is the Elkfest application. Carla Gardner is paying for two spots for us at the bazaar. She is donating two dolls for prizes. Carol noted that it is time to start gathering prizes for the Hillman/Dinner auction.

New Business: We will be having an audit done for 2012.

Amy and Rosemary will take care of the “Stuff of the Truck” event coming up.

Joan said she needs people to sign up to work at the Fair.

We have decided we will no longer take refrigerators for the garage sale as we have no way to get rid of the ones that do not sell. We are very short of workers and still need more tables.

It was suggested that maybe we could put up dog dispenser bags in Briley Township Park and have our name on the dispenser.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Crawford, Secretary