Class 3 Minimum Records

*All Class 3 food premises need to maintain the following records as a condition of the food registration

*These records need to be retained for a period of one year from the date of recording

*The records are to remain on the premises to which they relate so that they are available for inspection by council officers

*A copy of the records needs to be provided to council upon request

Definition of a Class 3 Food Premises

A food premises at which one or more of the following food handling activities occurs:

a)the handling of unpackaged low risk food; or

b)the warehousing or distribution of pre-packaged foods; or

c)the sale of pre-packaged potentially hazardous food; or

d)the sale of shell eggs; or

e)offering members of the public a free sample of a potentially hazardous food for immediate consumption if –

i)that food is, or will be, available for sale at the premises in a packaged form; and

ii)the sample is offered for no more than four hours; or

f)the sale of ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food by a community group if –

i)all of the food is cooked on site with the intention of being served immediately;

ii)the majority of persons involved in the handling of the food are volunteers; and

iii)this activity takes place at the premises for a maximum of two consecutive days at any one time


If you are unsure whether your food business is classified as a Class 3 premises please contact Council's Health Services Unit and speak with an EnvironmentalHealth Officer. If your business is not a Class 3 premises there will be different requirements for record keeping.

I:\BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PLAN\Document Control\Standard Forms\Food\Class 3 Premises Minimum Records.doc

Supplies – Record 1

*This record only needs to be completed once, but should be updated if suppliers change

*This record needs to include the supplier details for suppliers of ALL food and drink and what product they supply

*In addition you must retain all receipts and invoices for deliveries

*This record does not need to be completed if the majority of food handlers are volunteers AND the food activity is only for a maximum of two consecutive days (i.e. community events)

Suppliers Details
Type of Food / Trading Name / Address / Contact No.

Cold & Hot Storage - Record 2 & 3

*To be completed once a week on all cold storage (fridges/display bars) and hot storage (bain maries/pie warmers) that contain potentially hazardous foods (food that needs to be kept hot or cold so that it does not spoil e.g. meats, dairy, seafood, fresh juices, cut fruit, cooked dishes including rice and pasta, food containing eggs, and prepared sandwiches)

*Cold food is to be held below 5 degrees celcius in storage

*Hot food is to be held above 60 degrees celcius in storage

*Note all frozen food needs to be frozen hard unless being defrosted

*If any potentially hazardous food is outside the required temperatures some corrective actions must be put in place and this needs to be recorded

*Even though this record only needs to be completed once a week temperatures should be monitored daily

Suppliers Details
Date / Description of Unit / Operating Temperature / Temperature of Food / Corrective Action

Temperatures of Deliveries - Record 4

*This must be recorded once a month for each supplier that supplies cold or hot potentially hazardous foods

*All cold potentially hazardous food must be delivered under 5 degrees celcius

*All hot potentially hazardous food must be delivered above 60 degrees celcius

*All frozen potentially hazardous food must be delivered frozen hard

*The temperature needs to be taken of a food product as it is delivered, prior to being placed in the fridge or pie warmer, etc

*If the delivery vehicle has electronic temperature monitoring this can be used to complete this record

*If a delivery of potentially hazardous foods arrive and they are not within the required temperature corrective action needs to be taken and recorded, you have the right to refuse deliveries that are not under temperature control

Suppliers Details
Date / Description of Unit / Operating Temperature / Temperature of Food / Corrective Action

I:\BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PLAN\Document Control\Standard Forms\Food\Class 3 Premises Minimum Records.doc