News from the “Hive” for
December 18th-22nd
*This is an outline for the week. These plans are subject to change*
Mon. , Dec. 18th
Day 9: Gym / Reading: Compare & Contrast Polar Bear/Penguin
Writing: Winter Project
Health:Review on Nutrition (notes on Seesaw)
Math:Unit 5 Money and Rounding
Word Study: Syllable Juncture / Read 20 minutes/BEE Sheet
Math: Practice addition and subtraction,
Homework done in class
Homework Quilt
Tues., Dec. 19th
Day 10: Art / Reading: Compare & Contrast Polar Bear/Penguin
Writing: Winter Project
Health: Test on Nutrition
Math:Unit 5 Money and Rounding
Word Study: Syllable Juncture / Read20 minutes/BEE Sheet
Math:Practice addition and subtraction,
Homework done in class
Homework Quilt
Wed., Dec. 20th
Day 1: Media / Reading: Compare & Contrast Polar Bear/Penguin
Writing: Winter Project
Health: Winter Project
Word Study: Syllable Juncture / Read 20 minutes/BEE Sheet
Math:Practice addition and subtraction,
Homework done in class
Homework Quilt
Thurs,Dec. 22nd
Day 2: Gym / Reading: Compare & Contrast Polar Bear/Penguin
Writing: Winter Project
Health: Winter Project
Math:Unit 5 Test
Word Study: Syllable Juncture / Read 20 minutes/BEE Sheet
Math: Practice addition and subtraction,
Homework done in class
Homework Quilt
Civics Project: December 15th
Fri., Dec. 23rd
Day 3:Music / Winter Party
-Entire 3rd grade stations in the morning (snack, “ice skating” races, project, cup stacking competition)
-Gingerbread Houses Making
-Mystery Picture
-Home Alone movie/Eat Gingerbread Houses / Read 20 minutes each day over the weekend! /BEE Sheet
Math: Practice addition and subtraction,
Homework done in class
Homework Quilt
**RAZ Kids and Xtramathare great ways to help students with fluency and understanding of new strategies in reading and math.
If you have any questions, please contact me at .
Mrs. Otting / Upcoming Events
-December 11th: Gingerbread House Night A-M 6-6:45pm, N-Z 7-7:45pm
-December 15th: Civics project DUE!
- December 22nd: Winter Party
- December 25-January 1st: NO SCHOOL-Winter break
-January 15th: NO SCHOOL- Staff Development
-January 17th: Field trip- Orchestra Hall