PARISH COUNCIL / Chairman: David Mason
Waybrook, Marsh Green, Devon EX5 2EX
Telephone: (01404) 822136
Clerk: Mrs Judy Morris
3 Meadow Lane, Cullompton EX15 1LL
Telephone: 01884 33869


PRESENT: Cllr David Mason (in the chair) and Cllrs: Jonathan Allen, Naomi Allen, Oscar Pearson,

Colin Please and Jeremy Wollen

Also in attendance: Cllr P Bowden (DCC)*and 6members of the public.

Mrs J Morris: Clerk

*in attendance for part only of the meeting

NOTE: Prior to the meeting Cavanna Homes presented their proposals for a new development of 19 homes adjacent to the Jack in the Green, Rockbeare. They anticipate that a planning application will be submitted early February 2014.

  1. APOLOGIES: Cllr D Miller (personal) and Cllr D Button (EDDC)
  1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: None at this point in the meeting
  1. MINUTES: The Minutes of the previous meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th December2013 were approved and signed as a correct record of that meeting.

4.1Police Report: PC Dave Smith had sent a written report stating that there had been no recorded crimes for the period between the last meeting and this meeting.

4.2County/District Councillor Reports:Cllr P Bowden’s report included:

  • All highway funding money presently earmarked for repairs and maintenance of anything other than ‘A’ roads will cease from 14th February . The only exceptions being safety defects.
  • Lengthsmen’s dates to be reissued as they have a backlog of work due to flooding.
  • Devon County Council needs £34m per annum to keep the roads in a maintained state.
  • Has allocated the YMCA from his discretionary grant budget for youth work. Consider working with Broadclyst on a TAP Fund youth project.
  • As not all the TAP Fund money was taken-up last year EDDC are considering using it to help equip the Cranbrook Younghayes Centre.
  • Unable to progress the request for a 30mph speed limit on Parsons Lane during construction work for new roundabout as the cost of £2,500 for a Traffic Order cannot be justified.
  • Discussion about poor workmanship when installing floodgates in residential properties, issues still to be resolved.
  • Interest shown in purchasing the Grange and surrounding land toprovide living and care units for the elderly.

Cllr Bowden left the meeting



14/0015/FUL / Mr D Taylor / Removal of grass bank at 4 Rookswood Lane / Support

5.2To consider and make comment on any planning applications received since the date of the agenda

13/1752/MFUL / East Devon Community Partners / Revised application for the demolition of selected farm outbuildings at Tillhouse Farm and structures plus the development of up to 590 dwellings, associated roads and access, landscaping, open spaces and infrastructure and engineering (including ground modelling) works / Resubmit original response


13/2517/LBC / Mrs E Slater / Conversion of existing garage and storage area to dwelling at Tudor Cottage, Rockbeare / Approved with conditions

5.4Local Development Plan: Public inquiry starts 11th February 2014

NOTE: Clerk reported an approach by a development company which specialises in the development of

affordable housing. It was agreed that they be invited to attend the next meeting of the Council.


6.1 To receive financial statement for December2013

RESOLVED: That the Financial Statement for December 2013 is approved.

6.2To approve payments for January

RESOLVED: That payments totalling £3252.35 for January 2014 are approved as follows:

400270 / Mrs J Morris (salary) / 352.07
400271 / Marsh Green Village Hall (Room hire) / 24.00
400272 / BT Payphones (sponsored kiosk) / 360.00
400273 / YMCA (Oct 2013-March 2014 youth project) / 2498.28
400274 / Mrs I Morris (expenses) / 18.00
TOTAL / 3252.35

NOTE: It was agreed to approve the payment to BT payphonesbut also to contact BT to find out the usage/viability of the telephone box.

6.3Precept: To consider and approve 2014.15 budget and precept. In order to offset the anticipated reduction in the number of dwellings within the parish, and subsequent loss of income, due to the proposed creation of a new Cranbrook parish and also cuts in Devon County Council spending which could result in the parish having to make a contribution towards the cost of the Lengthsman’s work, it was agreed that the council should maintain its current Band D charge.

RESOLVED: That the 2014/15 precept and grant, when combined, is calculated to provide that the average Band D Council Tax payer charge will be exactly the same as for 2013/14 i.e. £53.74. This is provisionally calculated as follows: precept £19937 plus grant of £1302 making a total income of £21239. Proposed Cllr Mason, seconded Cllr Please

6.4TAP Fund: The Parishes Together Group is looking at a number of projects. The next meeting of the Group is being held on 30th January in Otter St Mary. It was

RESOLVED: To approach Broadclyst Parish Council about working together on a project that will benefit young people in both parishes.

NOTE: Cllrs Mason and Please declared a personal interest in respect of the following item as Cllr Please is a member of the Marsh Green Village Hall committee and Cllr Mason is a trustee of Marsh Green Village Hall.

6.5Grant application: To consider grant request from Marsh Green Village Hall Committee: Concern expressed that the Village Hall Committee had not looked for any other sources of funding.

RESOLVED: That Marsh Green Village Hall Committee is contacted to let them know that the Council supports the project to upgrade the kitchen and is willing to contribute towards the cost but would expect the Committee to raise some of the funding themselves. Decision deferred for more information.

7.BOUNDARY REVIEW: Final date for comments is 13th March. Request a meeting with EDDC.

8. HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS: To accept items to report:Concerns noted about a large bank which is gradually getting closer to the highway.


9.1Health and Safety: To accept items for action: None

9.2Youth Club provision:Nothing to report

9.3Any other Environment/Community Facility matters: Clerk reported that the person who had felled the tree in the Parish Field has offered £20 towards replacing the tree. It was agreed to accept this offer.


(a)Devon Association of Parish Councils: Newsletter: Noted

(b)Devon Association of Parish Councils: Membership of Healthwatch Devon: Noted

(c) Devon County Council: Invitation to consultation meeting re the future of DCC Residential Care Homes: Cllr Mason reported that he had attended the meeting

(d)Devon Association of Parish Councils: Invitation to nominate the Chairman for inclusion in a ballot for tickets to a Royal Garden Party. It was agreed that the Chairman be nominated.


(i)Street lighting at Lowbrook: In response to a question the Clerk confirmed that she was pursuing the request for a street light at the end of the path between the houses.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm

SIGNED ______Date: ______