Handicap International is seeking a Disability Rights and Monitor Coordinator

Place: Lyon or London (or one of the HI offices in Europe with regular trips to Lyon/ London)

Type of contract: Fixed Term contract with possible extension

Starting date: December 4th, 2017

Closing date for applications: November 5th, 2017


The Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include a pledge to leave no one, including no person with disabilities behind. Data and evidence about the situation of persons with disabilities remain insufficient and statistics and projects rarely disaggregate by disability in both national and global development efforts. To respond to this situation, Handicap International is developing a collaborative Observatory Project with the objective to “strengthen the evidence base towards the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities, as a collaborative contributionto track progress in the rights of persons with disabilities in the context of the SDGs”. This initiative is currently lead by HI in partnership with the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and has several components, which are based on internal and external processes.


As Disability Rights and Monitoring Coordinator, working closely with the Observatory Project Manager, you will ensure the implementation of specific project components with external partners, including a collaborative knowledge platform on disability inclusive development and humanitarian action, and piloting participatory methods on SDG monitoring at country level.

Under the responsibility of the Head of the Support to Civil Society Technical Unit of HI and the Observatory Project Manager, your mission will be to:

  • Ensure the good functioning of the Source knowledge platform and lead on its evolutions in coordination with partners (Sightsavers and the International Disability Alliance). This includes supervising the monitoring and upload of relevant resources, ensuring strategic communication and dissemination, strategizing website evolutions in accordance with project objectives, accessibility standards and user feedbacks.
  • Support the development of a Barometer, including the management of the implementation of the HI / Leonard Cheshire Disability (LCD) pilot project on building capacities of civil society for national SDG monitoring. This includes: coordination meetings, supervision of country research, provision of technical and methodological advice, management of technical consultancy support, organisation of workshops and seminar, editing of research report.
  • Provide strategic inputs to the development of the Observatory Project. This will require regular work and communication internally relating to advocacy on the rights of persons with disabilities, the Making it Work initiative, data disaggregation and generation, contribution to unit meetings, among others.

To help you achieve your goals, you will have direct links with geographical desks, a number of country programs, the Knowledge Management and Innovation unit, the Impact, Monitoring and Evaluation unit, the Advocacy and Institutional Relations unit and other Technical Units.


  • You have a degree ina discipline relevant to the position, such as: International Development, Disability Studies, Political Science, and Human Rights Law…
  • You demonstrate at least 6 years of experience in disability and development, including a project management experience, a human rights monitoring experience and an experience in knowledge management in development/ in research
  • You have a good understanding and knowledge on the CRPD and key development and humanitarian frameworks
  • You can show excellent communication and writing skills in English and good communication skills in French.
  • You enjoy working with multiple teams and facilitating cross-sector work
  • You are recognized for your diplomacy and ability to understand and handle multiple perspectives and diversity
  • You are committed to participatory, inclusive approaches and empowerment of persons with disabilities.
  • You are willing to travel


  • Type of contract: Salaried contract starting from 04th of December 2017 for 12 months, with possibility of extension.
  • The position is ideally based in Lyon or London, to be negotiated


Please Apply Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:

Persons with disabilities or with lived experience of disability are strongly encouraged to apply.

  • Further information about the association: