Odyssey Vocab. Week 3

1.  flourish: (V) to grow or remain strong and healthy, especially because conditions are good.

a.  Because Joey was given so much help from his tutor, Joey was able to flourish and grow from a inexperienced student, to a knowledgeable scholar.

2.  formidable: (Adj) Difficult to deal with or overcome or causing fear, dread, or alarm

a.  Even though we do not like to admit it, Amador is often a formidable opponent in athletic events; teams practice hard for this challenging match up.

3.  forsake: (V) to withdraw support or protection from somebody

a.  My best friend has forsaken me at the worst time; I really need her support during this difficult time and she has just abandoned me.

4.  fortuitous: (adj.) happening by chance or good luck

a.  Winning the lottery is a fortuitous event; it takes more luck than anything I know of.

5.  gilded: (adj.) covered in a thin layer of gold; also associated with wealth and privilege

6.  gravity (n): the serious and important nature of something

a.  Due to the gravity of this decision, we must take is very seriously and think about it for a while before jumping to conclusions.

7.  grievous (adj.): very bad or severe

a.  It is bad enough to cheat on a test, but cheating on a final exam is a grievous offense.

8.  guile: (n) cunning, clever, behavior or a particular skill in deceiving people.

9.  harbor: (V) to provide somebody with shelter or sanctuary OR to continue to think privately about an emotion or thought for a long time.

a.  If a person is caught harboring a criminal, the person will be in as much trouble as the criminal he/she has protected.

b.  Even though I was totally mistreated by Jenny when I was little, I do not harbor any bad feelings toward her now.

10.  haughty: (adj.) arrogant, condescending, or snobby

a.  Those haughty girls walk around school acting as though they are better than everybody.

11.  heralded: (adj.) publicly announced and honored/appreciated

a.  The heralded Odysseus is known and loved by all Greek citizens.

12.  illustrious (adj.): extremely distinguished & deservedly famous

a.  The illustrious Beethoven is known for his unparalleled skills in composing music, especially at such a young age.