Chapter 5



1.  Thomas Hobbes

2.  Oliver Cromwell

3.  John Locke

4.  Richard Cromwell

5.  Elizabeth I

6.  James I of England

7.  Frederick William the Great Elector

8.  Philip IV

9.  William and Mary

10.  Charles I of England

11.  Charles II of England

12.  Francis Bacon

13.  William Laud

14.  John Pym

15.  Colonel Pride

16.  George Monck

17.  Titus Oates

18.  William II

19.  Rembrandt van Rijn

20.  James II of England

Identify the authors and philosophies behind the following texts:

1.  The Two Treatises of Government

2.  Leviathan

3.  Petition of Rights

4.  Clarendon Code

5.  The True Law of Free Monarchies

6.  Navigation Acts

7.  Test Acts

8.  Bill of Rights

9.  Act of Uniformity

10.  Habeas Corpus Act

11.  Thirty-Nine Articles

12.  Triennial Act

Identify Political Philosophies of the following people:

1.  Thomas Hobbes

2.  James I

3.  Charles I

4.  John Locke

5.  Louis XIV

6.  Charles II

7.  James II

8.  William and Mary

9.  Oliver Cromwell

Identify the following concepts or events:

1.  Mercantilism

2.  Short Parliament

3.  Long Parliament

4.  “divine right” monarchy

5.  Presbyterians

6.  Dutch East India Company

7.  Totalitarianism

8.  United Provinces

9.  Barebones Parliament

10.  Lord Protector

11.  Dutch East India Company

12.  Anglo-Dutch Wars

13.  Grand Remonstrance

14.  Levellers

15.  Diggers

Match the following event with the correct date:

1.  Glorious Revolution 1649

2.  Grand Remonstrance 1660

3.  Drogheda 1688

4.  Navigation Acts 1651

5.  Battle of Marston Moor 1644

6.  King James Version of the Bible 1641

7.  Pride’s Purge 1611

8.  Restoration of Charles II 1648




1.  Compare and contrast Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.

2.  Was the Glorious Revolution either glorious or a revolution?

3.  How did the philosophies imbedded in Calvinism help the Dutch develop one of the most economically successful states in Europe?

4.  What was the Petition of Rights why was it needed and how did it change the role of the monarchy?

5.  James I was the first Stuart monarch of England, initially why were the English excited about the new monarch and what did James do to either encourage or alienate the English?

6.  What had changed politically and socially in England between the reigns of Charles I and Charles II?

7.  What was in the Bill of Rights and how did it establish a constitutional monarchy in England?

8.  James II seemed to do many things that offended and worried the English people. Why did the English want to replace their legitimate monarch and how were they able to achieve such a transition?

9.  Discuss the causes of the Glorious Revolution, what happened during the Revolution and evaluate if it was either glorious or a revolution.

10.  How did the Navigation Acts and the Anglo-Dutch Wars establish England as perhaps the leading European economic power?

11.  What was constitutionalism and why did it evolve in England and the Netherlands?

12.  Did the Puritan Commonwealth really make a difference in England’s political, economic, and social development?

13.  How did the English parliamentary system evolve from 1603 to 1689?

14.  Discuss the religious policies of the Stuarts and why did those policies ultimately lead to conflict?

15.  Compare and contrast the Peace of Augsburg (1555) to the Treaty of Westphalia (1648).

16.  Make the argument that the policies of Oliver Cromwell changed politics in England.

17.  Was the rule of Oliver Cromwell that much different from the earlier absolute monarchs? Discuss how Cromwell’s political agenda changed life in England.

18.  What elements led to the development of Constitutionalism in England and what forces tried to prevent Constitutionalism and why?

19.  Describe the religious conflicts experienced in England during the reign of James I. How were the religious issues resolved?

20.  Discuss how Oliver Cromwell dealt with problems concerning Ireland during the Puritan Commonwealth. What was his rationale and how did his actions affect the Protestant and Catholics and also the relationship between the English and the Irish?