1.1  Jini parameters

All jini parameters are manually added by the user.


Aktivera Unicode XML

Värde exempel: utf-8


Förvalt värde = N
En utskriftskörning (exempelvis en faktureringskörning) behandlas som ett utskriftsjobb i skrivaren.


This parameter rules whether the XML functionality should be active or not. The parameter can be set on a specific user or all users (*).

Y = Functionality for printing XML files are active in the system

N = Functionality for printing XML files are NOT active in the system


This parameter rules where the XML file should be saved. The parameter can be set on a specific user or all users (*). In the parameter data you enter the search path to the correct folder. If no path is entered Jeeves will automatically save the file in C:\Jeeves_xmloutput

For StreamServe template package (see ch. 3) the correct search path should be in the Global project: StreamServe\Projects\Global\Export\Input

The search path can have a maximum length of 100 characters.


This parameter rules whether the XML file should contain all visible fields in the report. This parameter can only be set on all users.

Y = All visible fields in the template will be printed even if the field contains a value or not. This results in empty tags in the XML file.

N = Only the visible fields that contains a value will be printed in the XML file.

It is important to set this parameter to Y while designing templates in StreamServe. When the design is finished the parameter can be set to N


From version NK 2.3.2 a change was made to the XML file where a new tag, <New_Doc>, was added to separate documents from each other in one XML file. To support older version this jini parameter was created with the possibility to remove the <New_Doc> tag from the XML file.

Y = The <New_Doc> tag will be removed from the XML file.

N = The XML file will contain a <New_Doc> tag. Default.


This parameter rules whether the printing dialog shall be shown when printing an XML file. Printing dialog information, see chapter 2.4.

Y = The printing dialog will be shown when printing an XML file.

N = The printing dialog will be NOT be shown when printing an XML file