Unit 1 – Notes #2 DNA Structure

Cellular Chemicals :

All life forms are composed of at least one cell, anything smaller than a cell unit does not have life.

A cell has all the equipment (organelles) needed to sustain life, provided that it is supplied with the correct chemicals.

- What is so unusual, is that living things are

made up of non-living chemicals.

These chemicals can react with oxygen to release energy for the cell while other chemicals can be used as building materials for growth and repair.

- Many of these chemicals fit into three major nutrient groups:

1. Carbohydrates Ex. Sugars and starch

2. Lipids Ex. Oil and butter

3. Proteins Ex. Meat and cheese

Proteins :

Unlike the first two groups, proteins are primarily used for building the structural components of a cell rather than providing energy for a cell.

After protein molecules are ingested by an animal they are broken down into their tiny building blocks (20 different amino acids), these AA’s are then transported to the organisms cells.

The cell uses these amino acids to build new proteins for cells to grow and repair themselves as well as to make new cells through cell division (mitosis).

The blue-prints and processes for building these proteins are quite intricate, and the control of protein synthesis is governed by the nucleus of the cell.

If you think of a cell as being like a town, the nucleus would be like “City Hall”.

Cells make a wide variety of proteins, by stringing these different AA’s into almost endless ways. Much like we can make a variety of words from just 26 letters of the alphabet.

-  Each type of protein plays an important role in cellular activity and each protein must be built correctly to function properly.

-  The blue-prints (genes) for these various proteins are found in the nucleus of the cell. These varying genes are found strung together on extremely long strands of DNA.

DNA : Deoxyribonucleic Acid

- Almost all body cells contain the full amount of DNA in their nucleus, so that they have the adequate amount of DNA to make other cells.


1. Red Blood Cells do not have a nucleus when mature.

2. Sex Cells (Sperm and Egg) only have ½ the amount of DNA of a normal cell.

- The DNA molecule is the only molecule known that is capable of duplicating (replicating) itself.

- Most of the time, the DNA is found in the form of a long String called Chromatin.

- During cell division (mitosis), Chromatin bunches up to form Chromosomes.

-  Humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell, but only 23 chromosomes in the sex cells.

- A section of a chromosome, which codes for a certain protein, is called a gene.

DNA Structure :

-  All DNA, regardless of the type of organism, iscomposed of units called nucleotides, each nucleotide consists of the following 3 types of molecules:

A) a 5 carbon sugar called deoxyribose.

B) a phosphate group.

C) and one of four types of nitrogenous bases.

- These 3 molecules link together result in a nucleotide.

- There are 2 different categories of bases that stick off of the sugar part of the nucleotide:

1) Purines: (Adenine and Guanine)


-have 2 fused rings

2) Pyrimidines(Thymine and Cytosine)

- shorter

- have only one ring

- When the bases bond together to form the “rungs of the DNA ladder they do so in a set pattern. The alternating sugar and phosphates make up the rails (backbone). The bases make up the rungs.

-  One Purine (an A or G) base always joins with one Pyrimidine (a C or T) base. This bonding of bases is called Complementary Base Pairing.

- Complementary Base Pairing is even more specific, because Adenine always bonds to Thymine, and Guanine always bonds to Cytosine.


-If 2 purines bonded together they would be too long and they would overlap, and if 2 pyrimidines bonded together they would be too short.

- Weak Hydrogen bonds hold the 2 complementary bases together at the center of the DNA molecule.

- The complimentary strands link together to form a ladder, the ladder then twists to form what looks like a winding spiral staircase this is called a double helix.