Easy Steps to Processing Your Associate’s Leave of Absence (LOA)

Having an associate out on a LOA can be painful…but the paperwork doesn’t have to be.

Also, treat associates gently; most people do not want to be on leave.

  1. When your associate first alerts you to a possible need to take a LOA, discuss the request. Let your associate know that you have compassion for her / hissituation and you would like to help him/her through the process of the LOA. LOA requests are required for time off from work in excess of 1 week for reasons other than pre-scheduled departmental PPL requests.
  2. Confirm that your associate was able to obtain the necessary paperwork from the HR SharePoint site or Lourdes’ website (which can be accessed off-campus). If the associate has not obtained the necessary paperwork, print the documents for the associate, according to the type of leave that is being requested.
  3. Review the information provided by the associate on the request to take a LOA form and sign the form. Remind the associate to fax the form to HR or do this for the associate.
  4. Enter the LOA action into Manager Self Serve (MSS). If you need additional training for MSS, please sign up for a webinar on the HR SharePoint, Educational and Career Info tab. These sessions are held each month.
  5. Remind your associate that he/she will need to have the treating health care provider complete the Certification of Health Care Provider form and submit it directly to HR via fax or mail. An LOA may not be approved until this form is received. This form SHOULD NOT go to the manager.
  6. Maintain contact with your associate during his/her LOA, especially as it gets closer to the anticipated return date.

Additional tips:

  • Review the Leave of Absence Process – Associate Guidewith the associate to ensure understanding of the process and documents needed to fulfill the request.

Please Note: If the associate who is need of a LOA is hospitalized or otherwise unable to obtain/complete the documents, please mail the necessary documents to the associate to be completed by the associate or his/her designee.

  • Remember there are many associates throughout LHS that do not have access to SharePoint or a computer and may need your help accessing the documents. As the leader of a department, you will be the point of contact for LOAs and other associate needs.
  • Respect the privacy of your associate. Leaders should not know the details of the associate’s health condition.
  • Remind the associate to make copies of all documents that are sent to LHS or do this for them.
  • Remember, there is a difference between being approved for a LOA (job protection) and temporary

disability / family leave income.

  • NJ Temporary Disability forms and Family Leave Insurance forms, while accessible on SharePoint and Lourdes’ website, should be submitted according to the instructions on the forms.